Will was standing in front of my class. He was drawing too much attention. The girls were all swooning over him.
I didn't talk with him so I just took my packed lunch out and have the box to Ray, he loves my mother's food.
"Ahhh I swear to God I love your mom's food so much!" I laughed. "Then have all of them, I'm not hungry." It felt like my inside was twisting.
I sat in the front seat of Ray's seat. I was going to say something but I was interrupted by Will. He came in our class what the actual fuck.
"I was waiting for you in front of your class. You didn't notice me maybe so I came in." He smiled, so innocently. "Ah yes I'm here to ask you to have lunch with me?"
Wait, wait what? He came here, in my classroom and asked me to have lunch with me? Yeah as if I'll have lunch with him with all the eyes on him? Hell nooo.
I smiled, "Ah thank you for the offer but I'm not feeling hungry today-" I didn't even get to finish my line he interrupted. "We can have coffee?"
Ahh no, not coffee, it's my weakness. "Ahh I'm sorry but I'm not feeling well." I tried not to fall for anything, anything. "Then let's go for a walk?"
At this point I give up. Like, come on leave me alone. But I accepted this time. "You know what let's have a coffee."
I got up and Ray was looking at me while munching down the sandwiches. He didn't even bother helping me. Ahhh that asshole.
I walked out with him. "So you like coffee?" He asked me. Do I like coffee? Come on I love coffee! I get so excited about coffee that it was visible in my tone. "Yeah, very much."
He noticed it. "What's your favourite type of coffee? I mean how do you like your coffee? Dark? Or cappuccino or latte?"
I always had cappuccino, I loved it I don't know why. I just like sweeter, milkier things? I don't know if I'm weird or not. "Cappuccino. I like cappuccino the best."
He smiled. "I like americano the most, cold Americano." We walked to the café outside of our school. I don't know why we have a café in front of our school but we just do and I love it.
I entered the café and forgot that I was with him. I came and sat on my usual seat. He followed me along and sat down on the chair next to me.
Ahh then I realized I was with him, not by my usual self. "Should I order for us?" He asked me while looking around. "Ahh no let me go with you."
We both walked to the counter to order. It was Julia's shift. She was there. She smiled at me and asked, "Cappuccino?" I smiled and nodded. He ordered and came back.
"So she knows you? The barista?" I nodded. "Yes, I always have my coffee from here." "Do you want any sweets?" He asked me. "Noo, I don't want to have anything now. I'll just have coffee."
We just sat there, awkwardly after sometime Julia shouted my name. We both went to take our coffees and sat there. "So umm, you said you like thriller books?"
I was surprised by his sudden question about books but well we didn't have anything to talk. "Yes yes, I love books. But I read only two. Do you love books too?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I've read a lots of books. Thriller, fantasy and also romance. I love reading books." I never expected him to like books. Well then sometimes people have some unexpected sides to them too.
"What's your favourite book?" I asked him. He looked at me and said, "Looking for Alaska."
He looked down and kept on looking at his coffee. I knew "Looking for Alaska" is a very sad book but I don't know why he's this much sad.
He didn't ask me about it because I have only read two books, two mystery thriller books. But he was sad, his facial expression was sad. Did something happen to him?
I have so many questions about it but I didn't ask him. I just kept on drinking my coffee. After my coffee was finished I got up to go.
He grabbed my arm, I turned back in shock. "Huh?" This came out of my mouth unknowingly. He looked at my hand and pulled his hand away.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I just, I'm sorry." He was afraid, sad. I know I don't read emotions quite well but I could understand his.
"Yeah it's okay. I'm going back to class now. The break will be over soon. Thanks for the coffee." I felt like I should stay with him. But I didn't.
I don't know why but I was scared, scared of something. I came back to the class as quickly as I could. Ray saw me huffing and panting because I ran all the way here.
"Hey what's wrong? Why are you panting?" I looked at him. "I'm scared, scared of human touch, really scared." He looked at me, with concern.
"You should sit down. Drink some water." I sat down and pulled my water bottle. "So tell me what happened." He faced me. There's still time left before the class starts.
"So, we were talking about books and when he talked about this certain book he became really sad and frightened." He nodded. "Then what happened?"
I took a breather. "So he didn't tell me anything and I didn't ask. I got up and told him it's time for class. And when I was leaving he grabbed my hand."
I took another sip of water. Ray kept on tapping his feet. "So he grabbed your arm because he was scared?" I nodded.
"Should I ask him?" Ray asked me. I stopped drinking water. No, hell no. "Why would you? It's okay. I'll ask him sometime."
He was concerned for me. I was glad. But, after everything happened. I couldn't forget. I don't know if I can.
The class started as usual. It was all okay until the school finished. I went to the girls room to clean up. Someone followed me.
It was Talia, Mia and Lara. Huh. Why am I even surprised? I didn't give them the attention they wanted. I kept on doing what I was doing.
Talia came close to me and grabbed my shoulder and pushed me. I stumbled but didn't fall down. What the fuck?
I shouted, "What the fuck is wrong with you guys?" They looked at me like I asked something wrong. "What the fuck is wrong with us or with you?" Talia said.
I didn't want to get involved with them anymore. I started walk past them. But Talia grabbed my hand. "Why are you so fucking miserable? First Miles now Will?"
I looked away from them. I don't want this fight. I loosen my hand and walked out. I knew they'd come behind me but I stormed out and thought of running.
They called for me from behind "SAMANTHA!" And my eyes were fixated in one person in front of our class. Will was there, standing.