'0.8' Training

I woke up early the next morning afraid to miss any important details about the group. I yawn as step out of Hiccup's hut with Toothless following behind me. I was busy fixing my hair when I heard this:

"GOOD MORNING DRAGON'S EGDE! IT'S TUFF AND RUFF AND CHICKEN IN THE MORNING! Alright folks now it's time for your weather forecast. Today, it will be freezing cold. Tomorrow will be, well, freezing cold! "

I blink a bit just to make sure I saw it correctly, a huge ....thing standing on the edge off a cliff. 'It looks like that thing can hear a thing from a mile away! And the other way around.' I note in my head.

Snotlout grumpily walked out of his hut yelling what I can assume to be insults. I felt a gush of wind behind me and spun around quickly. The girl and her Nadder flew off into the sky and she circled the island.

I stood there like an idiot and watch her move from sea stack to sea stack. I made another note in my head. ' Patrols a 100 meter radius. That's should come in-handy.' I look down to the ground and blink my eyes just to get the sun's ray out of my vision.

" Did you sleep well? " Hiccup asked coming into vision. " Yeah." I yawn. " Good, 'cause we have questions that maybe you can help us with." He smiled. " R-Really ?" I ask.

" Yeah, you look like you know a few things about dragons." He said while scratching Toothless's head. I wanted to laugh in his face about his obliviousness, but I quickly corrected myself. "Yeah, I do." I replied.

" Great! Heather will make breakfast, so you can train with Astrid 'till it's ready." He said. " Train?" I question him with a look. " Of course, you are staying here for a while aren't you?" He frowned.

" Sure." I smile as he gave one back. Just as the words left my mouth, the girl with the Nadder landed besides us, with her hand outstretched. Was she listening to our conversation the whole time ?I frown.

I walk hesitantly towards the dragon and took her hand. She hauled me on the dragon with considerable strength. The feeling was almost like riding on a yack, except the fact that this one was almost three times the size.

Without permission, she and her dragon jumped in the air and dove to the ground. I let out a terrified scream as I grab her middle, trying to keep my balance. The dragon was inches away from hitting the trees, when she opened her wings and glided over them instead.

I gave a relieved sigh and stared down at the lush forest beneath us. " Soo, Hiccup said I had to train you." She said a matter of factly. " Yeah pretty much, but I don't think I need it though." I replied in the same tone as hers.

" Oh really?" She challenged. " Really." I retorted smugly. " Okay then, let's practice." She stated as an open field filled with targets, barrels of weapons and a few broken dummies came into view.

The dragon swiftly landed and Astrid didn't hesitate to jump off the Nadder. I, on the other hand, was shorter and had to ask her for help. She did help me in the end, well, after laughing at me for a few minutes.

"Let's see if you can do archery." She mused throwing me a bow. To be honest I always wanted to do archery, but everybody always said I was small to even draw the arrow.

" Uhhh... I've never done archery... actually.." I admitted, catching the bow easily. She looked like she was going to giggle. " You've never done archery before?" She joked. I nodded my head.

" I for one, always thought the Western isles were the masters of archery." She said cocking an eyebrow. " Tell that to my father." I mutter, trying to convince her.

She didn't say anything, just smirked as she drew out her axe and threw it at the target without losing eye contact. I gape in amazement. " Come on, I'll show you how to do it." She insisted kindly.

I nodded, eager to learn. After a couple of minutes explaining, I drew my first arrow excitedly. " Okay, good, al you have to do is aim and release the arrow." I nod, aiming. Fighting with daggers comes in handy, for throwing daggers and doing archery was not so different.

I release the arrow and felt a small wind whizz by. The arrow soared through the air and onto the target. The arrow just barely missed the target it self. I put my lips in a straight line, ashamed." Don't worry, not everyone gets it the first time." She smiled reassuringly.

I nod calmly and drew another arrow. Aiming then releasing the arrow, I watch it hit next to the previous arrow. Still disappointed, I drew another one and another and another." Let's try something else." She suggested after some time had past.

As stubborn as I was, I agreed, for I'd only embarrass myself further. " Are you up for a fight?" She asked curiously. I smile and pull out two daggers up of my pockets in one swift movement. " I've been longing for one." I admitted. It was true, I was growing bored at Dragonhunter Island.

She walked to the target which held her axe, and forced it out with a pull. She steadied herself with her axe in front of her face. I, on the other hand, held my daggers beside me. Her battle cry echoed through the clearing as she lunged forward.

I duck sideways at the last possible second, and kicked her in the stomach, sending her tumbling. Now I steadied myself and watched her correct her posture. She lunged again, but was prepared for my dodge, so she swayed her feet under mine making me fall on my back with a grunt.

Obviously not wasting a second, she held her axe to my neck threateningly. I quickly aimed my feet for her middle and used my hands to lunge myself on her, making her the one on her back. Instead of holding my dagger to her throat, I simply observed her from above.

" Give up?" I teased. " For now, breakfast is probably ready." She said as she rolled her eyes in mock defeat. I climbed off her and held out a hand, which she took. The dragon stepped forward half crouching, waiting for Astrid to get on.

I will never understand dragon's loyalty towards Vikings. Astrid jumped on her and now held out a hand. She helped me up as I try to hold the saddle for support. The dragon leaped in the air towards the main house.

"So, how fast can..."I quickly try to remember the Nadders name."Stormfly." She helped. "Stormfly go ?" " Do you want to show her girl?" She asked Stormfly. The Nadder squawked in agreement and instantly went faster. The wind howled in my face as I just simply try to see. I closed my eyes and felt my body leave the saddle.

One thought rang into my mind. Holy Yack-dung . That was, until the still not comforting leather of the saddle returned under me. I try to open my eyes. Keyword: Tried. My eyes watered from the wind and my face pulled back from the force. " Okaaayyy yoouuu made yoourr point." I screech.

She came to a sudden halt which knocked me into her. " If I ever want to do that again...you'll know I lost my grasp on reality." I breathe. She replied with a loud laugh. Not long after Stormfly landed on the wooden platform.

Astrid jumped off again and held her hand out. This time, I refused. I clasp the saddle on the other side and swung my feet to the opposite side. I hung there, unable to move. Stormfly kindly crouched so that I could get off.

I took a dramatic gasp of breath as Astrid giggled. I mutter a few words under my breath as I wobbly walked over to the smell of food. As soon as I walked in, the guy with black hair greeted me rather flirty. " Hey." I say simply and walk over to an almost familiar person. He was tall with red hair and weird clothes.

I took my suspicion as a gift when analysing people. " Brother, you said you had a guest? I'd like to meet them." He said enthusiastically. The moment those words left his mouth, I knew exactly who he was. Dagur the Deranged. Panic rose up in my chest like poison would in your veins.

He turned around and faced me, surprised. " Are you the guest?" He asked. I nodded nervously. " Welcome!" He yelled and went in for a hug. I could tell he changed a lot. For one, his attitude and second, his looks. Well, that explains why he isn't with the hunters anymore. I made a note in my head to write Terror-mail.

He pulled back and looked me dead in the eye. He scrunched his eyebrows together. My heart rummaged in my chest. I smile weakly and saw the rest of the group enter. " You know you remind me of someone." He pointed to me. My knees felt weak with nerves.

" R-Really?" I asked. I wanted to punch myself for sounding so unconvincing. "Yeah." He answered. His eyebrows went up in realisation. " You look a lot like Imora, Viggo's sister."

Oh dear...