book II: war chapter 10: pacify her

Summery of chapter 9 (main events)

-Jinora and Katsumi died

-Avatar Yin glassbended

-The mother of faces was turned to an evil spirit

Avatar: a true master continues with chapter 10: Pacify her

Scene 1

Location: the southern tribe

Avatar Yin was still in the avatar state, the level of anger built inside was too much to stay contained inside. He started getting flashbacks, seeing himself get angry and enter the avatar state. He saw a skeleton of a monk in front of him. He wasn't in his body. The flashback ended and he got out of the avatar state, and got down. The destruction he was going to cause wasn't worth it.

Just as he got down, he saw a giant figure from afar, it was coming out of the spirit portal, it was her

"where is he?" She screamed violently, sending fear and shivers down Yin's spine, he's never seen such a huge spirit

"She's looking for you" a voice said, it was Raava

"But- why? Who is she?" Yin replied, feeling confused and scared at the same time.

Raava: That spirit is called the mother of faces, she is Koh's mother

Yin: how can I defeat it

Raava: your best shot is to use the power of the fire ring to help you. But the chances of it working are as much as the chances of it not doing anything but making you more exhausted

Yin: can you help me?

Raava: I'm always helping you, avatar. I'm literally you. Now, stop wasting time. Pacify her

*Yin started walking toward the mother of faces, but she wasn't alone, those spiritbenders were with her. Yin bowed when he was right next to her, he kept calm. She tried to hit him with her hand but he airbended up.

He said: "what do you want?"

"Revenge" she replied, and suddenly the faces that surround her started moving toward the avatar, and the spiritbenders started attacking him too. Je dodged most of them, then started firing back, he turned the ground below them to lava, something he almost forgot he can do, then his eyes lit up, it was now or never, the time to perform the airbender move he learned. There being 6 of them didn't stop him, he airbended, 6 different trails of air, that launched them up and made them lose balance, then he launched them again, the second and more violent time, knocking them out. He created, shortly after, a big air tornado and moved it to catch them all, he kept them spinning in there to make sure they were fainted, then he put them down. The second he finished, the mother of faces was able to land a hit on him, pushing him and causing his head to hit a cliff, making him join the spiritbenders in the chain of fainting. She then picked him up and started squeezing him, his body started slowly turning purple. That's it, he was now lying lifeless on the floor, all fermented with evil powers that kept destroying his spirit.

Not too long after, Hiroku came back, and saw everything that was happening, he attacked the mother of faces and bloodbended Yin into the water, then he started healing him to see what was wrong with him, and left Nova to deal with the spirit, he sensed a lot of disturbance and imbalance in him, characteristics that shouldn't be in the avatar, he kept healing him, hoping it will work. Meanwhile Yin was battling himself...

He was in the spirit world, in a very dark place that had puddles of water, and skeletons, some hands started coming out of the water, he wasn't able to use his bending, he started running but the hands caught up

"Wha-what is this?" He said chocking

"It's the reflective swamp, a place buried deep inside the spirit world" Raava explained

"What? How do I get out" -Yin

"The reflective swamp is a very secretive place in here, when someone with great emotional disturbance is traveling through any swamp of the spirit world, he might see the black fireflies, lighting up with black. They look so majestic that the person will follow them in here, this place attacks those people until they purify their souls, if they don't, they die" -Raava

"So what am I supposed to do now?" -Yin

"Just let the vines wrap around you, they will show you what's causing you disturbance, if they feel like you learned from your past, they'll leave you alone, if they don't, they will squeeze chocke you to death. You're an avatar, Yin, duality shouldn't be a description of your feelings" -Raava

Yin knew Raava was right. After all, was she ever wrong before? He took a deep breath and left his mercy under those vines' control. Those vines dug deep inside his head, healing withering memories, and bringing forgotten ones up to the surface.


It a a house, not a big one, but not a small one wither, just a cozy normal place. Mrs. Ki was boiling some water, and 5 year old Yin was next to her. Suddenly she heard a loud bang from the outside, it was a merchant who's cart got hit into the wall. She got scared and the pot of boiling water dropped onto her, at least that's what was supposed to happen, but little Yin screamed "mommy" and put his hand in front of him in a desperate attempt to reach her. He didn't, but magically, the water froze in place, giving Mrs. Ki time to move, she then looked at her son in disbelief.

Fast forward a week later, after serving him food, she excused herself out of the kitchen. Yin ate his food then went to check on her she was crying, and before he could think of any reasons for her strange behavior, he fainted. She has known her son is the avatar, and in times where everyone was so divided, she was too afraid to give him to the white lotus, so she drugged him, and contacted Ushi, to come take him. She has been a single mother, and it was so hard for her to give her son up, but she knew she had to give him to someone, she either waits until he grows and discovers on his own, or give him now.

Ushi served in E.K.S.S (earth kingdom secret service) before, he was the only person who wasn't a bender, and yet he succeeded in every task he participated in, he was armed with what's more powerful than any bending, balanced emotions, and a lot of dedication, hard work and patience. He then retired because he was tired, and went to live a reclusive life in one of the mountains close to Zaofu.

One day Mrs. Ki was visiting Zaofu, and when she was heading bag, someone robbed her bag full of money and souvenirs, Ushi heard the screams and quickly chased after the guy, and she recognized him, because he was a pride to the earth kingdom so his face was in magazines and journals a lot. Since then, she never forgot what he did to her.

Yin woke up, in a tent, and he was confused finding an old man next to him, he didn't cry, because he could feel the man's heart was pure. But still, where was he?

Over the years, Yin was trained by Ushi, mostly focusing on spiritual and earthbending trainings.

"You're going to be tested, by everyone and everything you encounter, and you're going to fail a lot of those tests. After every life tests, you need to ask yourself 2 questions;

What was this test about? And

How am I going to improve afterwards?

Age, is nothing if you're not evolved, as a person, as a spirit, and most importantly, as an avatar"

He taught him countless lessons, until one day, after the dichotomy between Raava and Korra was fixed thanks to the guardians, avatar korra told Yin to go see Jinora, so he had to go. Ushi knew it's time for Yin to go into the real world, so he left him to go

"Yin: you

Jinora: me?

Yin: yes, you. I need to talk to you."

-book I chapter 1

The flashback ended, then he started remembering everything he encountered, and how he never changed, he never improved, he never evolved, the exact thing Ushi told him not to do. He realised his mistakes, and that's what the vines want people to do, to realise their mistakes, so they let him go, and with that, he entered the avatar state, and rose up from the ocean, heading toward the mother of faces, he put her in a water sphere, then he started pacifying her, and he succeeded, then he fell down.

The nightmare was over, all what's left to do is open the northern spirit portal again. And that's what Yin did a few hours later, with everyone being behind him, waiting for that moment. After he opened it, he stepped away a bit, and suddenly entered the avatar state, and a circle of fire formed around him then exploded, pushing everyone further away, and he was lifted up, and from the sky came the earth necklace

It situated itself on his neck, and merged with him, then he fell down again.

*back at the depths of the tree of time*

Gaia: the earth necklace merged with the avatar, he's doing it.