book IV: peace, chapter 1: Pha

laughter and joy filled the air as 5 water and 5 fire spirits played against each other in a game of Pai Sho, the spirits lived far, very very far from the tree of time, in a way the effects of it dying never reached them, but the effects of its restoration did, they were all pushed to the water of the swamp they were in, falling into a lake of pink lotuses, and pink lotuses help fire spirits become more powerful (mentioned in book I chapter 10) which caused the merging not to be annihilating to the spirits, and it left them alive, 10 spirits merged into 1, and that one connected with Pha's spirit, but Pha never found out until a year later because the spirit fainted for that time after merging.

Pha always held resentment towards the earth kingdom's royalty, she despised the fact that they always looked at themselves all high and mighty, or at least that's how she thought they looked at themselves, but the main reason for all of her hatred is that her parents were wrongfully accused and killed by the earth army. she promised she was going to avenge her parents, so her discovering her unique ability was an advantage in all ways because one, one year later the city of Kazumi was already built, and bibending was explained, so she had the ability to train and grow her powers all by herself, in secret.

Pha never got a human trainer, she used the methods her old ancestors used, she understood the moon very well, and how it pulls and repulses the water, she observed, then copied. after mastering the basics, she went looking for waterbending scrolls, and she found a lot of them, she mastered every single move in the scrolls, but not only that, she mastered more, like using only her mind to control water, without any need for hand gestures. After 3 years of waterbending training, she shifted her focus on firebending, which was easy enough, her aggressive personality helped her, whenever she thinks of that morbid night, the fire inside her ignites more.

because of how she held the powers of 5 waterbenders and 5 firebenders, she was also able to bend the other colours of water and fire, except for blood and golden water, and black and white fire. When doing the dragon dance, all by herself, all fire colours came out of her. She thought deeply, meditated, read old books, to see where she can put it into use

"rare bendings and spiritual connections" is a 2000 page book she found in the Spirit Library of the big owl spirit Wan Shi Tong, it was written by someone named "Suin-Sa", and this person was extremely knowledgeable, they explained all of the bendings that existed during their time, and the abilities of expansion, countless years ago, Suin-Sa mentioned glassbending. But what caught Pha's attention the most was a chapter titled "the elementary opposition and dichotomy causing the creation of overpowered abilities" in the chapter, the writer gave combinations of bending and spirituality that make the people who choose to do them almost indestructible, one of these combinations was heavy fire and heavy water. heavy water is water that has been compressed and tampered with a lot to the point it gains weight to it and becomes a deep blue shade, heavy fire is fire that has been compressed and manipulated to the point it gets weight and a deep red colour, the book reads as such

"it has and will probably never occur where one waterbender would have the ability to bend heavy water by themself, or for a firebender to be able to bend heavy fire all by themself, bending one of these requires at least 5 benders and a deep spiritual understanding of the bending art its associated with, merging heavy water and fire around someone's skin will make the people who bended them able to control the person, their mind, their body, what comes out of their mouth, everything, even their bending, which means if 10 water and firebenders were able to circle heavy water and fire around an earthbender they'd be able to earthbend from the bender's body, and the only way to reverse it and let the controlled person break free is to remove the heavy water and fire from inside their skin, which is just as hard, if not harder than getting them in"

Pha smirked, Suin-Sa talked about a lot of phenomena that occurred in the future, but they were never able to predict bibending. Long story short, Pha was able to bend heavy water and heavy fire by following what the book said, because the book explained how the training process is for every unique bending it mentioned in its chapter.

"it's not just about the king and queen, it's a whole corrupt system that judges too soon and foolishly acts upon that wrong judgment, I don't want to only take Xen and Jen down, I want to take down their ideologies too. not only that, as long as I'm alive I don't want to hear that there's someone with the title king or queen, the final decision shouldn't go back to you just because you're someone's son, if you want to rule a place, you need to earn their trust and love, not inherit it. everyone is just bowing down to the, scared to rebel and say or do the right thing, they got everyone living scared to voice their minds, and we're supposed to stay here kiss their hands and thank them for letting us live" the rage built up more and more with every word Pha was saying to Fuyuki and Doku

Pha started screaming hysterically, and Fuyuki made her faint, to calm her down

back at Akira's house, Yin stormed in

"I have an idea"

"I would think the 31 year old avatar would go about suggesting ideas to someone he hasn't seen in months in different ways. but since you're here and you seem excited about it anyways, what is it?"

"I really admire your firebending abilities, and I think you'd be able to combustionbend, so we're going to go train on combustionbending in the Myen waste lands of the spirit world, come on let's go, Yang is waiting " and with that he dragged Akira out of his house, onto the badgermole's back, and they were going to spend the next couple of weeks trying to combustionbend, something Yin has been wanting to master for a very long time.

the Myen waste lands were a blessing and a curse at the same time in the spirit world, while roaming around the spirit world, Yin found about it and everything concerning it, these lands are self healing, no matter how much you try to damage them, they'll spring right back up. dig a hole, it will vanish in seconds, move some soil, it will go right back to where it was. the lands have no alive citizens, so no plants or spirits, but the place is designed specifically to let anything take out its rage without hurting anything or anyone, but still feel like they did something, and that's why Yin chose it, in case they learn how to combustionbend, that will be the safest place to practice it in. But, they aren't called waste lands for no reason, when you reach their border, all you can see is massive endless bumps of land, get too far, and the direction you came from won't let you back out again, the ground shifts, moves, rotates, does it all, so if you go there, you need to be careful not to get lost, or to know how to leave, or else, you'd die of hunger, or get lost for eternity

"you know, I feel like being an avatar is the worst thing that human can find out, all of the stress to keep the legacy your past life had, or even better it, all the years and hard work you put into training spiritually and physically, the only thing keeping my sanity is meditating, and this little guy her, Yang. Imagine how hard it is running the whole city of Garasu no machi, dealing with a new generation of benders, having all your past lives come back to existence, and the element jewelry which I don't even know why they exist, no matter how much I ask Raava about it she always tells me I'll be knowing very soon, I've been hearing that for 15 years now, the second I try to do something new and refreshing I hear about something breaking down, since I got away from master ushi's guard, I never got any time to rest, ever" Yin started tearing up, the overwhelming feelings he'd been internalizing for years started to come out "and I don't like living this way anymore. Usually avatars relax at the final years of their lives, but the final years of my life are these ones, I'm not going to live long, I feel it, I know it, I'm neve getting the opportunity to just, be, live, like the rest, so it's nice to do something I want to do for once, but am I doing it because I love it or because I developed a loving for it because I know it's going to help me in the future? that I can't answer"

akira wanted to liven things up, he wasn't going to leave the negative vibe lurking around, so he said

"it might be overwhelming, but just think of how awesome you are dude, inventing 2 new forms of bending, saving the fire nation, water tribes and spirit world, witnessing the repopulation the the air temples, fixing what the spiritual damage caused by the previous avatar, do you have any clue of how much you'd be loved and remembered by literally everyone? you have a tall statue of yourself inside the castle of the fire nation, and you're not even from the fire nation, not even the firelord has a statue, YOU do

-wait, I do?

-yes, you've never seen it?"

Yin shook his head, he has a statue? he neve knew about it

-the avatar that has been remembered the most until now is Avatar Yangchen, what did she do? say some wise words and save an island? think about how well you'd be remembered? 10s of future lives of yours would come to you for advice, you've seen the most, you might die this year or next one, but you're immortal in our hearts, and you will always be remembered as one of the most positively influential avatars to ever exist, and that in itself is a good payback for what you did, I would never be sad if I were you, I'd be proud of myself"

Yin looked up at akira and smiled, then he noticed what's behind him

"well, perfect timing, we're here. Welcome, to the Myen waste lands"