book IV: peace, chapter 6: exposing avatars

important note: all past stories from this or any chapter of this book are from trusted verified sources, avatar: a true master adds to the avatar universe, it doesn't change or make any past up

-Although we try to plant the idea that expansion and knowledge come materially and spiritually at the same time in the name of equity, not all of them realise it, some are selfish, others are off kilter, some hear one side more than the other, just like the foolish of humans, which is basically all humans.

The avatar is possibly the only entity that is able to handle such large amounts of spiritual and material at the same time, it isn't the strongest spirit, or strongest human, but it does have the strongest balancing capabilities, whether those capabilities are well developed or not is up to them, when the balance is affected, the strongest of each side will take advantage of that, what do I mean by that you may ask? When an avatar is too strong in terms of bending and they favor it over spiritual training, anyone with stronger spiritual powers will be able to mess with and trick them, flip it around the other way, it consistently and truthfully implies, me and Vaatu were always pictured as enemies, but we actually do agree on most morals concerning the dichotomy of nature and its effects, preventions and amplifications, so we, along with the guardians, during avatar Suin-Sa's time, decided to expose the secrets of life to the avatar that will finally bring true equity to this world, bring back a whole new generation of spiritual power, that will balance the material one, the avatar that's effects will last eternally after his body's death, and that avatar, is you, Yin. And in the name of knowledge and possible perfection, we will narrate to you why we do not like some of your past lives, starting with a human favorite, Avatar Yangchen

The reason Yangchen was liked by most if not all humans, was their selfishness. Yangchen only cared for and helped humans, you would think an airbender would've been wiser, but no. Her carelessness for spirits left a really heavy impact on her next life, Kuruk. Everyone pictures him as an immature avatar who died at 33, in fact, when Yangchen abandoned the spirit world and spirits, during his time, the imbalance started manifesting in sprits turning evil daily and leaking into the material world to cause harm and decay, when they would show up, Kuruk would fight them, and every time

he killed one, he in fact worn himself out, and shortened from his life, and since he fought a lot of them, he ended up dying young, fixing the selfish unwise acts of his previous life at his own expense.

Speaking of avatar Kyoshi, she grew up in a rough place, where betrayal, renegade, backstabbing, crime, murder, robberies and much more was constantly happening, she was abandoned by her parents as a child, and the one person that picked her up homeless and cared for her died due to criminals, which broke her spirit, and if we don't heal a fixed crack, it becomes wider, avatar Kyoshi had no true guidance or morals to rely on, which is why she made her own, and when you make your own morals, some of them are bound to be flawed, an eye for an eye makes the world blind, something she never realised. As much as I don't want to blame her, if she were determined to change, she would've

Now we reached one of the worst avatars in history, avatar Szeto

After finishing his training, instead of taking care of everyone and guarding the world's balance as he should've, Szeto only cared for his nation, the fire nation, he helped it develop and grow and strengthen at the expense of other nations becoming too lost without an avatar to catch up, and because of that leap the fire nation gained, one cycle later, it became so much stronger it decided to take over the world, yes, avatar Szeto cause the 100 year war.

Spirits hated humans for the longest time, because of the pain and dichotomy they caused, the harmony they disturbed, the lived they took out mercilessly, the selfishness they characterized themselves with, the spirits they broke...

As Raava kept expressing what she's been oppressing inside of her for years, pha started losing control over Yin's body, it first manifested in Yin slowly stopping the tornados he was causing, and pha visibly struggling to control him, then he started getting out of the avatar state, while his spirit was being realised from the place he was trapped in, when both finally merged again, he started falling down, before pha could do anything Hiroku successfully bloodbended her and correspondingly created a water bubble that stopped Yin from falling down to the ground, he put pha to sleep, which was surprisingly hard, everyone rushed to Yin, then Hiroku started healing Yin with 3 bendings at the same time so he could wake him up immediately, Chi connection, bloodbending, and healing. Yin shortly woke up after, the second he opened his eyes Hiroku, the cold blooded emotionless creature, hugged him like he meant it, a short while after he slapped him across his face

"You got me scared for you

-you were the reason behind most of my pain, and I'm the reason behind all of yours, yet here we are, still caring for each oth...

Before Yin could finish his sentence, his eyes glowed, and a circle of air suddenly came around him and repelled everyone away, Naomi knew what was about to happen, and her prediction was on point: Yin floated up to the air and the air earring slowly came down, glowing brightly,

before it reached him the fire ring and water bracelet came off of Akira and Shiko respectively, and attached to Yin, then the air earring settled itself in his left ear, and just like all of its sisters, got sucked inside of him. After Yin got down, now standing on his feet, everyone rushed to him

"Are you okay?" Akira asked

"Oh yeah, this happened 3 times before, I'm used to it, now we need to take care of her" replied Yin pointing at pha

"Can I, bloodbend her to eternal sleep?" Hiroku asked, serious but sarcastic at the sale time"

"No, never! I have a better idea, I feel her spirit, I got through her heart, I know her soul, this is what we ought to do...."

When Pha woke up and slowly got up on her feet, she looked around her, at the destruction she caused, the fear she implanted in people, everything she did, and the hard shell she has been using as a shield to her true soft caring self finally cracked, shattered and fell, she teared up a little bit, then she felt a hand on her shoulder, it was Yin, he smiled and said

"I think you owe a lot of people apologies, don't you?" Her silent tears turned into streams of audible remorse for all the lives she ended, she just said "two hundred and thirty seven" and kept repeating it,

"What's that number?" Yin asked utterly confused

"The number of people I killed, and now it's going to become two hundred and thirty eight" she then pushed Yin with a strong stream of water far from her, the others got ready to attack her, but then she lit a big perimeter around her with blue fire, she knew nobody could bend it to stop her from what she was about to do, she got on her knees in the middle of the fire, and waited as it made its way to her clothes, and starting skinning her alive, all the time she was grinning with wide open eyes like a maniac, with her head tilted to the side, and a few second in, she let out a scary loud scream..... when that scream ended, so did her life. Everyone was too stunned to move, or do anything for that matter, except blankly staring at what was going on. Hiroku swiftly pulled himself back together and regained his internal consciousness, he took out the fire with his waterbending, then everyone slowly started moving back again, except for Yin, Hiroku headed toward him and said "we're staying here all day?"

"Where..... where is her body?" Yin asked still frozen

"Blue fire isn't just a blue version of red fire, it's 1- electrified a little bit, and 2-way, and I mean way hotter, her body is probably ashes floating in the air right now. Come on Yin, we can't bring the dead back alive, we need to find the king and queen, clean the damage, and check on injured people"

When Yin refused to budge, Hiroku signaled for the others to leave and they will join them. A few seconds later, Yin started crying. Hiroku grabbed the avatar's head and planted it into his chest then he whispered "this is the end, I guess"

Yin then replied "trust me, you have no idea how much of a beginning this is" Yin replied with almost inaudible muffles

"What do you mean?" Hiroku wondered

"As a request from the higher spirits of pure and evil (Raava and Vaatu) there's someone I need to meet, whom I haven't seen for 17 years"

"Who is he?"

"Sensei Ushi"

To be continued...