Ch. 03

A new semester started "I'd like to congratulate all the students who've entered the elite class. All of you are students who are able to connect 7 stars. All of you are bound to have your own strengths and weaknesses in magic release. However, being here proves your one of those who are more capable than others. Your student number is arranged according to your results previously" Xue Musheng said followed my a short welcome from Tang Yue. The equipment was handed out and the top 3 students are allowed to use it for a month but due to Mo Fan's outburst, he was only granted 10 days.

"Say, Shengsi. You're the one who made the water barrier that time right?" Mo Fan whispered to Shengsi who meditating beside him "Yeah, what of it?"

"I forgot to say my thanks"

"We make a pretty good team, Xiaohou included. That's all I gotta say"



A few days passed and the three were in the practice area where targets were present. Mo Fan shot at one of them and Xiaohou cheered "Mo Fan's awesome! What a hero!" Shengsi snorts "Stop exaggerating things or else he'll get a big head" they were practicing for a while until Shengsi abruptly stopped and gathered her things "Woah, who's chasing ya" Mo Fan laughs "I have somewhere to be, I'll see you guys around" she quickly ran out the door.

"She seems to be real busy these days" Xiaohou pouts

"She told me that she's helping a friend"

"Come to think of it we..don't know much about her but maybe you know more than I do Mo Fan"

"Just a few things here and there"

"Ooh like what?!"

"She doesn't live far from school, I've met her friends Siyun-jiejie and Siming-gege, she love relaxing and so on"

"Waaah I would believe it if you said you're going out with her"

"Hehehe who knows, maybe we are"

"Hmp! But thinking how Zhao-jie is, she wouldn't choose you"


Half a year passed by and it was time for the elite class to experience training in the wild "We'll be heading over to the Snow Mountain Military Post. Mr. Xue and I would first like to wish you all the best and hopefully pass with flying colors" Tang Yue smiles at her students then Xue Musheng spoke up "The area beyond the post are scattered with monsters. Those who can not hold against one can not leave the safe zone"

"Please listen and be careful"

"Yes, Ma'am!"

"U-uhm hi" He Yu shyly greets the nonchalant girl sitting beside her "Hello" she sweatdrops at the dry respond "Your Zhao Shengsi, right? No. 5 in class?"


"Wow! So you really were the girl who did a water magic release last year"

"Mhm..your name?"

"Ah! How rude of me, I'm He Yu"

"Oh the girl who Xiaohou always talks about and pester"

"H-huh? No no, Xiaohou doesn't actually pester me. He talks about me?"

"Yeah, Mo Fan and I sometimes need to shut him up"


"Don't be. So you already know how to release magic, right?"

"Yep! I did it a few times at the practice area and at home"

"That's good, if we're faced in danger water mages are usually the ones who was protect the offensive mage"

"Y-yeah that's true since the basics are mostly defense"

"But that doesn't mean we can't also attack, we just need to practice more"


Eventually they arrived at their destination. The students piled out of the bus and started looking around.

"Damn! This view is spectacular!" Xiaohou exclaims "It looks healthy and brimming with life" Shengsi nods to herself "I wouldn't be able to tell that there are monsters" Mo Fan agrees, "What? Are you scared?" Mu Bai suddenly pops up "Ugh please, you'll probably be the first to run along with that lackey of yours" Shengsi scoffs "What did you say!?"

Everyone was gathered in front of a buff looking "Good day everyone! I will be your practical inspector for this exercise. My name is Zhan Kong! I understand that this training will greatly affect your scores in Magic high school, so I'll give you a great deal. I've recently received a hunting task in Herbage Valley" students started complaining about their safety and whatnot even Tang Yue and Xue Musheng were questioning him.

"Despite of being students, you all are already condisered as a mage. Are you telling me that your entire class us unable to do a task that a small hunter squad can accomplish?" Zhan Kong stared at them "If even one of you successfully complete the task, all of you shall get an A" Zhou Min raised her hand "But what happens if none of us can?" He looks at them sternly "Then all of you will fail, of course" the students protested against the idea "SHUT UP!...Those who think they don't have what it takes can retreat like cowards, I have no time to train trash. BUT for the one who can complete the task shall be rewarded with a magic armor equipment" this somewhat caught the interest of students.

"Aiming for the armor?" Shengsi asks Mo Fan "You know me so well" he chuckle "I'll back you up" he smiles at her "Like always"


The group was divided into two, Mo Fan and Mu Bai were team leaders. They've already set out before sunrise yet they're still a few hours away from the destination "Everyone let's push a little harder! We'll get there soon after we overcome this mountain!" Mo Fan tried to motivate his team.

"How are going to deal with this?" Xu Zhaoting murmurs "What's the matter?" Zhou Min walks up to them but was immediately pulled back by Shengsi "It's a cliff" Mo Fan informs everyone.

"He Yu did you bring some rope?" Shengsi asked "Yep, here" He Yu handed the item to her "Xiaohou can use wind magic to carry himself across and bridge the gap with rope" Mo Fan stated.


Zhan Kong and the others were watching over the students from afar.

"Sir are you seriously making these kids attempt to bounty hunt? The Herbage valley is filled with One-eyed wolves"

"Who do you think I am? I've already took care of those but arriving at the valley would be too easy for them that's why I asked Bai Yang to summon a monster there"


They've overcome the cliff and Zhou Min easily cleared the vines that were blocking the path. In the end Mu Bai and Mo Fan's team arrived at the location and agreed to work together.

"That's the cave inspector Zhan Kong wants us to inspect" Zhou Min pointed down the crate "According to them, that used to be the nest of one-eyed wolves but they've recieve a recent report of possibility that there are leftovers. That's why we need to investigate" Xiaoting added.

"Are there really leftovers? What if we get eaten" exclaims a frightened He Yu.

"We're mages, it's our duty to slay monsters" Shengsi walks up to them witha rope in hand and tossed it over the edge "Mei already secured the rope on a tree, let's head down"

They all went and walked down the terrain that lead to the cave "Zhou Min, Shengsi, aren't you guys afraid? What if it jumps at us and eat us"

"Don't worry to much" Shengsi ruffled He Yu's hair.

"Mu Bai will them if there's any one-eyed wolves. Come one people let's follow Mu Bai" Kunsan declares.

"He's right, we're mages"

"Let's go, someone's taking the lead"

"Wind elements up front and make us a path to the cave! Light elements, give us light!"

Students with the said elements did as they're told 'What kind of command was that? So crappy' Shengsi huffs, making Mo Fan and Xiaohou chuckle, they knew what that huff meant.

The students proceeded to the cave but Mo Fan's attention was at the river pool and Xiaohou went to the two "The water level is unnaturally low and it rained a few days ago so it should be flooded" Shengsi nods "The waterline is still here, meaning there was just recent activities here" she adds.

"There's probably something in the cave that just drank from it"

"By the amount it drank, it sure ain't small"

"I've got to warn the others!" Xiaohou ran in to inform the other students.

"Hah?! Missing water? So what? You must've been just too scared" Kunsan insulted "Well you three cowards can stand and wait outside if you're so scared. Just leech off the grades when we complete the task" they laughed at them and proceeded to walk.

Suddenly they heard growling and a giant wolf emerged from the shadows, immediately the students panicked and started running away screaming for their lives. Mu Bai failed to complete his star path and also ran off.

"I can do this I'm sure of it" Zhou Min exclaims but was instantly carried by Mo Fan "Let me go!" She yelled at him "You'll be dead before you can align your stars"

"Aaah!!" He Yu screamed as the monster was charging at her Mo Fan and Zhou Min's eyes widened unable to tend to the girl's need but luckily Shengsi threw He Yu over her shoulder who carried her as if she weighs nothing 'That's not a one-eyed wolf, but it's not friendly either' Shengsi grits her teeth "Hurry and evacuate everyone!" She yells.

Mo Fan and Shengsi brought down the girls they were carrying and took in the view of the cowering and frightened students.

Zhou Min ran back in and geared up, shooting fire at the beast but Mu Bai and Zhou Mim's attempts were futile. The wolf jumped over Mu Bai and was after Zhou Min but Zhaoting swoops in and struck it with lightning.

"Everyone let's attack it! Zhaoting's lighting paralyzed it!" Kunsan yelled but the students were cowering.

Shengsi walks up to them "Everyone! Stick together and head to where we got down from!" Everyone complied "What are you doing this is our chance!" Kunsan complained "His lightning isn't stong enough to paralyze it. I'm entrusting you to calm the students and bring them to safety, they're too scared to focus on aligning their stars. The others and I will hold off the wolf" Kunsan didn't know what to do since he was also scared "Calm down okay? We won't let anything happen to you guys. Try to gather earth mages and make a podiums so we can have a way out" Kunsan nods and ran off to the other students.

The wolf knocked Zhou Min, Mu Bai and Zhaoting unconscious. Zhou Min was quick to recover but failed at releasing her magic "Mo Fan!" Shengsi calls out as both him and her geared up. He shot fire at the wolf that gave the chance for Shengsi to carry Zhaoting and drag Zhou Min to safety.

The wolf engulfed in flames ran out and went into the river pool "What are you guys still doing here? Kunsan! I told you to get everyone to a safe distance!" Shengsi yelled "S-Sorry!"


"T-that was.."

"Level 2 ignite..this student actually achieved level 2 ignite" Zhan Kong mused "Ignite: Incinirate's burn is kich faster and stronger that flame ball's. It can even burn bones inti ashes. Looks like the spirit wolf's gotten some heavy injuries there" Tang Yue informed "Not bad at all. Finally, someone useful." He stares at a short haired girl 'She looks familiar.. the way she gives order is also not that bad' he thought to himself "Bai Yang, looks like it's time to stop your spirit wolf"

"M-my spirit's n-not listening to my commands!"

"What did you say?!"

"I'm not sure why... it's completely ignoring my orders!... T-the students"

"We have to save them!"