Ch. 06

"Waaaah I can't believe we're already third years and my pathetic wind magic haven't even reached second level" Xiaohou whined "Oh yeah, lately I haven't seen you both around for some time now. Have you guys been training in secret? Where at?" the sleeping Shengsi shifted under Mo Fan's arm.

"We haven't been" he replied and glanced at girl beside him 'She looks exhausted. I've manage to improve my lightning magic with CHT but this girl...' He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear 'she only shows up whenever she pleases, to either check up on me or train me.. I don't even know what's happening at her side'

"Eh?..Fan-ge, don't tell me you guys are dating?"

"What?!" Mo Fan blushed but contained himself as to not wake up Shengsi "We're not dating, get that nonsense out of your head"

"Admit it~ You guys are closer than ever, look she's even comfortably sleeping on you" He giggled "And you're arm snuggly wrapped around her"

"She's just really tired and I'm helping her get more sleep. Besides she also sleeps on you" he denied "We're just really close friends" his tone sounded like his convincing himself more than Xiaohou.

"Hm..?" Xiaohou leaned near him "Then tell me what you think about Zhou Min" he whispered and the two of them caught her looking at Mo Fan before turning away "I've noticed she's been recently gazing at you a lot" Shengsi finally woke up "Aren't you overthinking things?" she yawns.


"So I found this restaurant..."

"Mo Fan" the trio turned around to see a flustered looking Zhou Min "Can you come here for a bit?... I have something to tell you"

"See? I knew I was right. Let's hang out tomorrow, come on Shengsi" Xiaohou was about to drag her away "What do you need with Mo Fan?"

'Is she jealous?' The two boys thought to themselves 'Has Shengsi fallen for me after we've spent time for so long' Mo Fan didn't know what to feel.

"Zhao-jie, don't tell me..."

"We're both training and our schedule isn't consistent"

'Ahhh...' the two boys had a sullen expression.

"Oh Shengsi, you-"

Ring~ Ri-

"Hello?...What?! I'll be there as soon as I can" Shengsi looks at them "I have to go" she runs away in a hurry.


Turns out that Zhou Min just wanted Mo Fan's help investigating the area where her grandmother lives in.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I made your girlfriend jealous"

"Gi-Girlfriend?! I don't have one"

"Eh? Aren't you and Shengsi in a relationship?"

"We're just really close friends! And she helping me train for the duel" Mo Fan denied 'Riiight, but why is he asking for a lower ranked's help' Zhou Min rolled her eyes.

The ground quakes surprising the two, Mo Fan pulled out a small pouch "Isn't that what hunters use to track monsters?" Zhou Min asked as Mo Fan dumped out the powder "Yeah and it seems like there is a mosnter here" He stared at the giant footprint.

They went in and hid behind a pillar "A one eyed wolf" Mo Fan said 'It's double the size of a normal one' he squinted "And it looks like it's having supper" Zhou Min shivered at the sight.

"Go to a safe distance and contact the CHT" Mo Fan looked behind him to see Zhou Min holding a phone "What distance? I already texted for them" He turned back to see the wolf stare at them then he picked up Zhou Min "Didn't you know they can detect electronic signal! And it's like you sent our gps location to him" they tried to lose the monster and when they were at a decent distance he lets her down "Evacuate your grandma and everyone near this place" Zhou Min grabbed him "I'm not leaving you here!" Mo Fan held her hand "I'm going to be fine. Now go!" feeling reassured, she ran to do as what she was told.

When the CHT arrived, they distracted the beast to let Mo Fan escape but only for him to inform Zhou Min the he's safe then went to disguise himself and went back to the area.


The CHT and Yu Ang were desperately trying to restrain the beast from leaving the place by trapping it in ice, Mo Fanvarrives and aided them by using lightning to restrict it even more but the advace level of the one eyed wolf was no match for them and was broken off.

"I've requested for reinforcement!" Dahuang informed them and the two ice mage tried theur best to keep it frozen.

"I-It's evolving to general class!" Everyone stared at it feeling frightened.


"Siyun!" Shengsi yelled for the older girl.

"The Nian appeared out of nowhere and started eating civilians"

"What?!" Shengsi glanced at Mu Bai and Jiang Shui trying to subdue the creature while Siyun was trying to fend off small light creatures "Purple wisps..?" She captured the wisps and made water chains to restrain the Nian even more "Where's Uncle and Siming?"

"They're evacuating citizens and healing the injured"

'Why is Mu Bai here? And why did this spirit beast appear' Shengsi nervously glance at him.

"Auntie, Mu Bai, go and help Uncle and Siming. Siyun and I will handle this"

"Are you insane?! Just because you helped kill officer Bai Yang's summoning doesn't mean you're capable of dealing with this!" Mu Bai yelled in concern.

"Then you underestimated me" Shengsi pulled of her pendant and it turned into a weapon.

"Auntie strengthen the defense of the evacuation area, Siyun report that it's only a fire natured spider and we're already dealing with it meaning no need for reinforcement. Mu Bai help Auntie Shui" the boy shook his head.

"You'll need more help"

"This doesn't concern you. You'll only get in the way"

The three female looked at each other and nods in agreement "Earth Wave: Quicksand!" The ground under the beast liquified enough for its feet to be stuck and Jiang Shui ran off to do what she was told "Mu Bai run!" Shengsi threw her spear at the eye of the Nian.

"No I can help!" He tried trapping the beast but it broke free from the ground and attacked them "Earth Wave: Shifting!/Water Defense: Guard!" Mu Bai was shifted away from the attack while Siyun was shielded but Shengsi barely avoided the fire from its mouth slightly scorching her side.

"Shengsi!" The two called out.

"Silence!" She glared at Mu Bai before immediately attacking the beast luring it away from the two "I have a plan so just wait!" She jumps beside Mu Bai and drags him away from the incoming attack "Here, this is a beast binding net. Set it up over there" she discreetly pointed at a park nearby before running to Siyun and dragging her as well "Open it and face it towards the creature when I say so" she hands her a spirit-trapping bag "Now go after Mu Bai"

Shengsi distracted the Nian and waited for their signal then she felt her earing 'Mo Fan? He rarely calls' she asnwered it "Yue! I need your help!" Shengsi had a thoughtful look "Sorry Mo Fan, but my hands are a little full" she asnwerd and avoiding being bitten by her current opponent "You're the only person I know that can restrain it" He urged "Mo Fan, I really am busy -Woah!" She slid away from the incoming fire and jumped over the claw "Sorry, I can't help you this time"

"All set!" When she heard those words, a barrage of attack forced the creature to back up just a few more steps before being captured in the net but she noticed where Mu Bai was standing 'This clearly isn't my day' before the net activated she pushed him away from the trap grazing her arm "Now! Siyun!" The said girl did what she was told 'Spirit Soul: Dissociation' Shengsi's palm met the Nian and it's soul seperated being captured in the small pouch Siyun was holding while  the body went limp.

"Im sorry. I di-" she held up her hand silencing the boy as she pulled out another small pouch -Qiankun Bag- and pulled out the body of a fire natured spider "Why do you have a corpse of a fire natured spider?!" The two asked "I was planning to sell it when I have time" her answer was more towards Siyun.

Shengsi stuck the Nian's body in the pouch and Siyun handed the spirit-trapping bag 'What are those equipment? Where'd she get it?..what really happened?' Mu Bai stared ay her in confusion "If you get interrogated, say that it's a fire natured spider. Nothing more, nothing less" she sighed "I- Yes. But what was that?"

"First why are you here?"

"You left your wallet but when I tried to look for you, I couldn't find you so I looked at your address" He handed her the wallet 'I'm also jealous of how your family looked so genuinely happy in the picture'

"Thank you"

"So... what was that?" Shengsi gave Siyun a look "I'll go to mama and papa to see if everything there is alright" she ran off "Your injuries" Mu Bai was silenced "It's nothing out of the ordinary. Now come on" they sat on a bench a little far from the incident.

"That was a Nian, a Spirit Summoning. It must've lost the owner and the culprit sealed off the spirit realm. Without an owner to tame it and a realm to go back, it reverted back to being something untamed and raged." She calmly explains as she dressed her wound "The wisps were probably their guardian and turned corrupted but it's weird" Mu Bai who was obediently listening finally had room to speak "How so?" Shengsi looks at the two pouch before putting it away "It's nothing. You must be tired, go home"


"Yue?" Mo Fan had the one-eyed wolf binded in lightning and his call to her had already ended.

"Fan Mo! Who are you talking to?"

"Focus on the task on hand"

"Zhao Yue, she can help me kill this but it seems like she's busy" he stated in disappointment. Not much time had pass but the monster broke free. It's freedom was short-lived since Zuo Ke killed the beast "Of course that woman would be busy, we've recieve a report that her and Wei Si were dealing with a fire natured spider" Mo Fan's eyes widened "H-How are those two holding up?"

"They've brought the body for disposal and claimed the bounty" Mo Fan sighed in relief.