It was her...

-Andrew Garcia POV-

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing on this island!?!"

As soon as he heard the voice he swung his head back and looked at what made the noise. His gaze drifted to a young girl, probably 7 or 8 dressed in some extremely tattered clothing. Andrew had never seen her before but she looked so much like...

His eyes started changing as he saw a girl no less than 9 years old being ripped apart, blood splattering on the ground, Andrew screamed her name but nothing happened. She landed on the ground in several different pieces as the 2 crimson eyes stared at him.

He drifted back into reality and saw Ava placing her coat around the girl. But as he was about to turn around he caught a glimpse of her eyes. And he immediately recognised them, Those were eyes that had seen great sadness, regret. Andrew knew this since he saw those eyes, every time he saw the mirror.

But there was something else flickering in her pupils, flaming willpower that could light a candle from miles away.

"I don't have any memories, I woke up on this island."

Andrew stopped looking and turned back. He didn't know why but he knew she was definitely lying.

-Katarina POV-

A poke in her eye woke Katarina up as she opened her eyes. A face belonging to the body of a certain Adam staring at her with mischievous grin on his face. "That was the 14th poke y'know."

Pulling the quilt off her body she yawned and looked at boy. "I just sleep well I guess. Are we leaving?"

Adam shook his head, "Not yet, in a few more hours. They putting stuff into the ship. Anyway, here." He held out a small circular piece of metal with what looked like pipes feeding out of it. Katarina took it and held it up. "What's this?"

"It's a thingy that cleans your mouth in a few seconds, its really cool, much better than those toothbrushes, we picked it up on some random island."

Scanning the device all over Katarina asked "How does it work?"

"No idea, dad was gonna ask someone when we go back home. Just pull one of those tubey thingies and hold it next to your mouth." Following his instruction Katarina held it in front of her mouth and pulled the largest tube.


She felt as if there was a vacuum in front of her mouth sucking all of the impurities away. The noise stopped and the lonely tube at the back started leaking a black substance. Deciding to analyse the device later Katarina got up and stretched while using her tongue to lick the insides of her mouth. It all felt silky smooth and her teeth were plain white instead of the light yellow it had been earlier.

"That was...strange." Katarina said handing the device back to Adam. Being careful not to touch the black stuff, Adam took it. "I know, I thought it was going to suck my teeth out. Wake Alicia up as well." After saying that he left.

Katarina looked to the left and saw the girl sleeping soundly. Choosing her index finger as her modus operandi she proceeded to shamelessly tickle the girl until the laughs could be heard.

"Ha hah, stop, hahaha, stop, I'm awake, stop!" After a 30 seconds of relentless tickling Alicia soon woke up.

Katarina, seeing that Alicia had woken up, decided to go into the forest to investigate something that had been bothering her since earlier.

The matter in question was how her personality had made a drastic change. She remembered that in her previous life she had been somewhat fearful of the world and a bit wimpy but now she had charged at 10 metre-tall monsters, slaughtered 3 metre-tall werewolves without feeling even a single bit of fear.

After a bit of thought Katarina had come up with 2 options. Either the system had altered her personality or her soul had fused with the soul of this world's Katarina. Feeling confused, she decided to ask Tet.

[*Your second option was correct, your soul was indeed fused with the original host.*]

"Okay, now that problem is solved I must train." While Katarina could increase her strength with her system it was an altogether different matter for controlling it.

She walked up to a sturdy tree around half a metre thick and got into proper form. In her previous life she had dabbled a bit in martial arts for self-defence but with her weak body it had been hard for her to actually practice them. However due to her eidetic memory she still knew how to perform the techniques.

Katarina pivoted her foot and inwardly turned her knee. She twisted her hip and chest towards the tree and let loose a devastating punch.


As the smoke cleared away Katarina looked at the result. The ground had broken up quite a bit due to the force of the punch and her fist had broken through the tree going in about half way. She nodded in satisfaction. 'Pretty good'.

Over the course of the next 20 minutes, she went over stances and got proper control over her strength. Since she still had around an hour left she tried to perfect her movement technique. Soru required excellent muscle control which Katarina had, however it would take her a lot of practice to kick off the ground 10 times in the blink of an eye. At most she could do around 3 or even 4 if she got lucky.

The reason soru required 10 kicks was because with any less from constant the user would suffer from a loss of balance.

-30 minutes later-

She lay down on the ground sweating like crazy, her stamina really wasn't enough to keep up with this technique. The clothes that she was wearing, a black shirt and some shorts were drenched in sweat, so much that her clothes were sticking to her body.

'Ah, ah, ah, I really need more control, I only made it up to 6 kicks. I'm only 8 years-old though, guess its good enough for now.'

[Strength +1 Agility +1]

'What! I can get points from exercise! You never told me!'

[*Well, its no fun if we tell you everything at the beginning. Know your place and don't complain.*]

Katarina was about to get up but her leg muscles needed time to recover. Grabbing a branch she used it for support and carried herself to the stream that was shown on the map.

-20 minutes later-

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, so much better." She sunk herself into the stream as the water cleansed the sweat from her body. She had already washed her clothes and left them on a dry rock in the sun for it to dry.

When she got out she shook herself trying to dislodge the water

[*You don't really need to do this. You can just ask me to do it for you.*]

"What do you mean?" As she said those words her body heated up and the water started evaporating.

"How did you do that?"

[*You could figure it out yourself.*]

Analyzing the phenomena she finally came up with the solution. "You heated up the blood inside my body, didn't you, the reason my body didn't burn is because its much stronger now."

[*What a smart Host I have.*]

Putting her clothes back on Katarina ran back outside the forest and she soon met up with Alicia.

The ship was going to leave in 10 minutes so she arrived at the correct time. Tet wouldn't tell her much about the world so she had to discover it herself. However what she really wanted to figure out was this world's status in development. On Earth she had mostly been interested in mechanics and technology and Katarina had read every single book about it.

She literally knew every single thing about technology from her world. However when she saw the ship she nearly tripped.



Name: Katarina Hylphine

Level: 1 (200/1250)

Class: Blacksmith (Novice)

Title: None

HP: 100/100 (+5 per minute)

MP: 100/100 (+5 per minute)


Strength: 31

Vitality: 15

Agility: 31

Intelligence: 20

Perception: 19

Luck: 10 (Cannot be changed)

(Stat points: 1)


Active skills:

Basic Sword-Mastery: Lvl 1 (0/1250)

Description: User's skill with a sword.

Basic Blacksmithing: Lvl 1 (0/1250)

Description: User's skill at blacksmithing

Unnamed Movement Technique: Lvl 1 (0/1250)

Description: Increases movement speed by 230%

Passive skills: None


Black shirt (Grade: F)

No effects

Black shorts (Grade: F)

No effects
