Chapter 4

Ashley's POV:

Before Meredith continued telling me more about her plan I heard my brothers at the front door. I immediately begin to panic because I know they will enter my room as soon as they say hello to my parents.

"Meredith, call me tomorrow because Amar and Samir arrived at home bye, " I say and turn my phone off.

As soon as I hide my phone under my pillow and pretend to be sleepy, they open my bedroom door. I lift my head with heavy eyes and see my brothers entering my room.

"Oh hi, Amar and Samir. Where were you guys all the time?" 

"We went to a shisha bar. Asli what did mom and dad say? Do you want to go to an English country?" Samir frowns at me.

"Oh God let me just wake up a little before you ask..."

"Shut up you can fool mom but we know when you're pretending." Amar snaps.

"Fine! Yes, I want to go to an English country but mom and dad want to engage me." I smirk.

"WHAT??" Both say loudly with wide eyes. Obviously, they didn't know about it. Actually, I suspected as much, so I told them now. Maybe they would talk to my parents and stan me.

"Yes, and you two are still single so why do I get the whole marriage stuff on my neck. I'm only 20!" I whine. For my parents is 20 the perfect age for women to marry. My brothers have time till 30 and it's so unfair.

"I didn't expect that too actually. I thought maybe they're just angry and won't let you go but arrange an engagement for you is unbelievable even for our parents." Amar agrees with me.

"Amar we have to talk to them. That's really insane." Samir says.

"Yeah, you're right Samir. We will talk to them don't worry Asli." Amar assures me. I'm happy to have such understanding brothers. I love them so much.

"Thank you. I love you guys." I almost cry. They recognize my glassy eyes and both bend over and hug me.

"We love you too little sister that's why we make sure dad is not doing any wrong decisions without asking you," Samir assures me this time.

"Ok. I'm so thankful to have brothers like you."

After they leave my room and go talk to my parents I am getting so nervous. And now I realize that I'm going to disappoint them when I run away. And now I notice I have to call Meredith back. I grab my phone under my pillow and pick out Meredith's number. As soon as I wanted to call her she calls me and I pick up.

"Hi, I just wanted to call you." My voice cracked a little.

"You cried again? What happened?" She worries.

"Nothing, my brothers just are talking to my parents and I got emotional when they stood up for me even though I'm going to leave them. I feel guilty about it." I admit.

"Oh sugar, you don't have to feel guilty for catching your dreams. They will understand you and maybe it's not right now but someday they will, I promise." Meredith assures me. Everyone assures me things and now I get the fear that things are not going well.

"I hope, Mer. Thank you." She was always the most wise best friend I had but also the craziest who had those ideas that brought me in trouble. I still trust her because Meredith takes responsibility for her actions when things go wrong. That's why we still are in contact and act like we never got distanced.

"So Ash, when do you want to fly to England?" She randomly asks and feared me.

"Uhm actually, I want to spend some time with my family first. I want some good memories before I leave." I tell her. It's going to be so hard to leave them I can already feel the pain.

"Oh sure cutie, don't hurry you got time." Mer comforts me.

"What about next week? Can you organize a flight?" I ask her. I hate asking people to do something for me but Meredith knows much more about airport stuff than me.

"Of course, and I already have something. I searched before I called you and found a flight from Zurich to London. It's not even very expensive." She tells me. I knew she is more organized than me. She always was.

"Oh ok perfect! Send it to me per chat."

After I saw the booking, it was only really clear to me how difficult it would be.

... (to be continued)