Chapter 10

Ashley's POV:

"Samir listen I can explain..." I sob even though I don't know how to explain them.

"No Asli, you listen! Mom and dad don't know you left. I told them you are at the grocery store." He explains. I can't believe he is still defending me.

"But did you not read my letter? I'm in England and want to do my language stay..." I say.

"Yes, I know but dad is going to kill you if he finds out!" Samir says. He's so adorable but I don't want to go back already.

"Did you think I don't know this? Samir I'm making my dream come true. I want to stay here even though dad is going to be mad and mom is getting sick. Or didn't you even tell mom about this?" I ask. Samir is very close to mom. Even closer than I am with her.

"No, I didn't tell mom. I didn't even tell Amar! And that's why you should come back! I can't stand to lie to them. Ashley, you know that dad wants to marry you. We even talked to him but he still doesn't change his mind. So, please don't make it any worst as it already is." He begs.

"Exactly that's the point who made me run away! Dad always cares what others think of me and our family but if he really cared about me he would have let me go. He just wanted to engage me with some guy I don't want before I embarrass him but I don't care anymore!" I almost shout but then I remember Meredith's family is still at the balcony and maybe they hear me.

"I know he is doing a mistake but he probably would have let go to engage you after he sees that it's not right. You just had to be patient but if he finds out you are in England he will freak out and marry you immediately." He explains. I know he's going to marry me with Kerem but he wouldn't have let go on this just because I was patient.

"I know Samir, you are defending me and thank you but dad is not going to change his mind anyway so I'm going to stay. And if he finds out then tell him I'll marry Kerem right after I'm done with my language stay." I say and mean it. I have to. My dad is going to freak out but it's the only way I can follow my dreams.

"Alright, but if you change your mind you know you can call me if you need help. I love you and please look for yourself. Don't forget to call me every day ok?" He says. I think he's going to cry.

"Ok, thank you Samir. I love you too." I hang up before I start crying again. And when I turn around I see Meredith holding her arms out to hug me.

"Oh honey, come on." I hug her tightly and cry.

"Why do you promise your dad to marry Kerem? That's not right if you don't love him." She says.

After some minutes she brings me upstairs to her room and we talk about this disaster. She hugs me again after I cry for the 3rd time today and it's not even noon.

Hudson's POV:

We just had a good conversation but some guy called her. He yelled at her like she did something bad. Maybe it's her boyfriend and she told him about yesterday and he got mad. Wait no, I don't think she would ever tell somebody about this. She just promised me. Well, not really promised but I don't think she would tell anybody. And maybe it wasn't even her boyfriend. Maybe it's her brother. Mom asked her how her brothers are so it must be one of her brothers, I guess.

"Hudson? Do you or do you not want more toast?" My mom interrupts my thoughts. It sounds like she asked me more than once but I didn't hear her.

"No mother, I am filled." I stand up and head in. When I almost arrive the living room I see Meredith hugging Ashley. Is she crying?

"Why do you promise your dad to marry Kerem? That's not right if you don't love him." Meredith says. What? She's going to marry someone? I would freak out if my parents would force me to marry someone I don't love.

Meredith can see me while I see just Ashley's back. She immediately brings Ashley upstairs and shows me a sign to not come in. She probably thinks that I would disturb them. But actually, I didn't even want her to see me either. I don't know how to react when women cry. I am a bad liar so I can't say anything positive when somebody is crying. Even when Meredith cries I call my mom to comfort her.

I want to go to my bedroom before somebody asks me what happened. When I almost arrive at my bedroom door, Ashley walks out of Meredith's room with cried out eyes. We have eye contact and the last thing I can remember is my thumb on her cheek, catching the tear up who's falling out of her red eyes.

... (to be continued)