You're Red Fox

I blinked.

"Uhm, Double S?" I cautiously say out into the chilly night air. My breath turns into fog, making me look like a dragon.

I call out to him once more. No reply. I shrug my shoulders and start on the last two minute walk home till I pause. I groan when I realize my dilemma. SS had my stuff, including my keys to unlock my door.

I continue the walk home, watching my every move. When I make it to the house, I run up the steps, ringing the doorbell. One second passes... then two... three... four-

"What the hell do you want!" My brother yells at me. His face contorts to recognition when he looks down to see me.

"Why in the world did you not use your keys Hope!" I let out a weak laugh.

"I uh kinda left my bag at the shop?" I glance at my feet, hoping he buys my lie.

"That was the worst lie I think ever left your mouth," so close.

"Look, I left it sitting on the bench in the backroom. Now will you let me in? I am freezing out here," I push past him, practically running up the stairs to take a warm shower because it was a lot colder than expected.

After a good thirty minute shower with my hair tied into a messily wet bun on top of my head, I go to work on my homework to only come to the conclusion. I still don't have my bag. I fall backwards onto my bed. The soft sheets sink in at my weight, pulling me in farther. I glare at my clock on my nightstand that reads 11:23. I roll over, getting comfy in my bed and not worrying about turning off the lights as I drift off into a dreamless slumber.


"Okay honey, wake up now."

"Five more minutes," I grumble to my mother.

"You have to get ready to go to the arcade with Katelyn and Tyler in an hour," My mothers calm reply shakes me out of my sleep.

"They can go without me," my mom sighs, then she starts counting.


I jump up, rushing to my bathroom to get ready. I cringe at my reflection. My nice bun was now half out of its original shape, I have droll on the side of my face and bags under my eyes. I toss water onto my face, trying to get my blood pumping. When I deemed myself presentable, I left the bathroom into my closet, throwing on a panda t-shirt then a light blue sweatshirt and a pair of black skinny jeans.

I stroll on downstairs in search of food. My stomach grumbles in response. Right when I make it to the kitchen, my doorbell rings. I slam my box of fruit loops onto the counter and make my way to the front door. They ring the doorbell again.

"Yeah Yeah! I'm coming!" I reel the door open to find a smiling Kate.

"Whoa you actually look like you tried to look nice," I glare at my bestie. She smiles.

"Well, I am going to finish my breakfast first." I tun around to go get my food when a tug on my arm halts me.

"Nuh Uh sister from a whole other bloodline. We need to get going now! We still have to pick up Ty!" I look back at my abandoned breakfast and sigh. I let her drag me out of my house and into the passenger seat.

It's a five minute drive to Tyler's house but to kill time, Kate and I jam out to Panic! At The Disco the whole way there. We both didn't want to leave the warmth of the car so Kate honked her horn. A few seconds later, a scowling Tyler comes walking up to the car, sliding into the backseat.

"How come Hope always gets shotgun?" Is Tyler's first words while he buckles himself in.

"Well hello to you too Ty," Kate says.

"Its because she loves me more so suck it up!" I stick my tongue out at him, to which I get one back.

"Okay children, keep your hands to yourself as I drive." I slink back into my seat and hum the rest of the words to the song of Jolene by Dolly Parton.

We all go quiet. A peaceful silence passes over us. The music fills the car with an upbeat song that the three of us don't know. Its starting to get colder, which means sweater weather. Hmm, wonder if she has that song on her playlist.

I reach my hand to her aux but she swats my hand away. I let out a huff while Tyler chuckles. When he makes a grab for it, Kate doesn't swat him away. I look at her in astonishment while I open and close my mouth like a fish. Ty mimics me before he talks.

"Maybe she does love me more," I steal a glance at Kate. Wait, did I just see my friend blush- Kate slams on her breaks, sending all of us forward. I watch the horror scene play out before my eyes.

The taxi that was in front of us blew up in flames. The screams of bystanders fill the streets. Tyler makes a move first, releasing a few words I will not mention. He then unbuckles his seat belt and reaches for Kate's. I then snap out of it too, following Tyler's move of unbuckling myself from the car. I grab Kate's keys, unlocking the door and hoping out the car. Kate has seemed to gained some of her senses back because she was getting out of the car, following Ty.

I slam the car door closed, looking around the streets of New York. People run for shelter into nearby buildings, police sirens fill the noise mixed in with all the holler. The flashing lights and the flames take up most of my view but I can make out a little boy in a car, a car that's not even five feet away.

"Hope!" Tyler calls from behind me, "We need to go!" I glance back, looking to see Tyler's arm over Kate's shoulders, keeping her upright. Kate is shaking. Her tears are heard from where I stand. She looks like shes about to collapse at any moment. I look back over to the boy who is bawling in the car. I made my choice.

"Hope No!" Kate cries out. I know Ty can protect her, she's in safe hands.

I duck as debris flies off of a nearby building, covering the air with a thin layer of smoke. I make it to the car to see the boy wasn't alone. His mother was unconscious in the front seat. I try the door. Won't budge. The boy is looking at me now, tears streaking his face. I make a move for the door again, trying to indicate for him to unlock it.

Thankfully he gets the hint. The young boy, no older than five, scrambles over the passenger seat and I hear a small Click. I pull the door open and make a grab for the boy. He instantly jumps into my arms. I shift in my hoodie and take it off, covering the little boy in it.

"What's your name kiddo?" I ask in a sweet voice. He's shaking violently now. He mumbles something but I couldn't hear.

"It's okay, I got him," I turn to see the super Red Fox as she holds her arms out for the boy. Her light red hair glows an orange color. Her suit is a mix of reds and you guessed it. Orange. I comply and pass her the kid. She rest him on her hip then she flies up. I immediately turn back around and open the drivers door.

The woman's breaths were very shallow. Good, she's still alive. I unbuckle her and grab her by the shoulders, attempting to pull her out of the car. During this struggle, I get a glimpse of her name tag on her shirt.

Name: Martha Williams

I try to pull her out once again. I let out a yelp when I fall backwards. Martha falls out of the vehicle with a quiet thump. I reach over and grab her keys to turn the car off to make sure it doesn't explode. Then a water bottle on the passenger seat catches my eye. Bingo.

I grab the bottle and open it. I stand by the 25 year old woman and slowly pour the water onto her face. She lets out a strangled scream as she awakes. Her brown eyes filled with worry as she attempts to stand.

"My son," she says looking into the car, "Where's Kyle!"

"Kyle is safe ma'am but we won't be if we stay here for another minute." Her face pales, seeming to understand the predicament she is in. She nods and I make a grab for her arm, except I never get to.

"Let me get her." A boy about my age appears and lifts the lady to her feet with little effort. We lead the woman off of the street and into a small gift shop.

"Colten dear, do you know where Kyle is?" Martha ask the boy.

"Uhm, saw him with that Super Fox Red or was is Red Fox. Oh whatever," The guy before me who I assume is Colten replies.

"Where is your parents girl?" my attention goes to the woman. She looks at me in wonder. This also gets the attention of Colten.

"Actually, I was on the way to the arcade with my friends..." My voice dies off. Where did Tyler and Katelyn go off to? I scramble my brain to remember which way they went. Oh! The direction of that old tavern! I turn to leave until the boy speaks.

"What's your name?" His gaze is piercing. His hazel eyes roam my face while is black hair falls into his eyes.


"Wait your name is Hope?" I nod.

"Colten, don't interrogate the girl so much! See, you made her uncomfortable." Martha speaks up from the chair she resides in. We all flinch at the loud sound from outside, almost like something blew up. A girl in the back started sobbing uncontrollably. I need to find my friends. I stand up and make my way to the door until Colten grabs me.

"Are you crazy? You are not going anywhere!"

"Yes I am. My friends are out there somewhere and I need to find them." Colten sighs and releases his grip.

"Well, I can't stop you but at least I warned you. Good luck and keep safe." I turn back around just as Red Fox lands in front of the door.

"Okay I need everyone to stay put. Golden Wing and I have this under control." She puts her hand up, stopping me.

"Was this a terrorist attack Fox?" An elderly man calls from the back. She shakes her head.

"No. It was a stunt that Double S has pulled. We are making sure that everyone is safe and in a place we can protect them."

"I need to leave, I have to find my friends." I say weakly. Her gaze softens.

"I'm sorry hun, but I can't let you do that. I promise your friends are safe though. We are doing everything we can."

"What about Kyle?" I question. Referring to the young boy.

"He's safe with a fellow girl." I slowly nod. I seem to have been doing that more often. When she flies off to fight crime, I reach for the door exiting the building.

I ignore the shouts from behind me in protest as I enter the dangerous roads of New York. The air has become clouded with smoke. You can see the lights of the police but not their vehicles. The heat from the flames make it feel like its burning you alive. I rush out to the middle of the road and look for the tavern. When I spot it, I take one step forward until the car besides me explodes.

I go flying backwards into a truck. My head makes contact with the concrete off the road and I hear that annoying ringing noise. My vision is clouded with tears and I try to look around. The ringing noise in my ear doesn't help. I go to stand but collapse again when I hear another explosion to my right.

I close my eyes as I try to focus on my ringing head. I place a hand on top of my knee and instantly come in contact with something warm. I reopen my eyes to find my right knee covered in blood. I check the rest of my body for any bleeding to only discover bruising on my arms. The noise in my ears die down slightly to the point where I can hear the light sound of police sirens and the crackling of the flames. I feel a hand rest on my shoulder and attempt to look at them.

"Come on get up!" I hear a voice say. I'm not sure on who it is but telling by there voice, its a man and it sounds quite familiar.

"Hope, listen to me. Keep your eyes open. Shit! You were not supposed to be here!" I hear a grunt then my body being lifted up. Geez, I'm not that fat. I turn my face to see none other than Double S. I can feel that he's looking at me and I decide to crack the awkwardness.

"So about this becoming a daily thing," His grip on me tightens but I can feel the slight chuckle resonating from his chest.

"Put her down SS," Another persons voice speaks up. I feel him stiffen.

"What? Have you become the Golden Boy now?" He puts emphasis on Golden, making me assume its Golden Wing, the other Super.

"Put. Her. Down! You have already hurt enough innocent people today!" SS shakes his head.

"Nobody died or was severely injured except for that man who ran into a street post and gave himself a concussion." He points out. I see Red Fox stand beside Golden Wing. The ringing in my ears have become a small rhythmic beat.

"The girl has done nothing wrong. Let the hostage go," Red's soothing tone reaches me. Double S's eyes flicker down to me, and that's when Golden Wing attacks.

My eyes widen as the air gets sucked out of me. My vision goes white for a second before I can breathe again. I cough and look at my surroundings. The place is pretty big with all kinds of gadgets and tech stuff. Two computers are connected to the wall, which is a massive T.V. To my left is a hallway that turns so I can't see what's down there. My right has another computer in the corner and a small T.V with the news on.

This is most definitely not my room. I take notice of my position. I am sitting on a small three seater grey couch and notice the small coffee table with a fruit basket on it. I go to stand but there is a sharp pain on my knee which makes me collapse back onto the soft cushions of the couch. I then feel a presence behind me. I whip around and Double S's eyes widen slightly then go back to normal. I glance at his hands to see a first aid kit which he has retrieved.

"Uh, so where the heck am I exactly?" my voice comes out not so confidently.

"My lair. If not you would have been exploded by Golden Wings power."

"So like a hideout? That's cool. Never been in a villains hide out wait a minute did you say Golden Wing could have exploded me?" I screech.

"Pretty much. Dude still doesn't realize your not invincible." He shrugs.

"Why can't you use your nonhuman powers and heal me?" I question as he places the kit in front of me.

"That drains too much of my energy. You are on your own this time." My thoughts slip out before I can process what I even said.

"What can I call you because saying Double S is too long." He pauses.

"Not important."

"Well that's longer than Double S," SS shoots me a glare, I flinch. "Fine I will name you." He smirks.

"You are going to name me? The guy who already, might I add, has a name for himself?" I let out a quick yep and start brainstorming. Well, I tried until my thoughts ran back to what he was doing.

I look down to see his outfit. He's not in his suit. His hood and mask is still on but he's now clad in dark blue jeans and a long black sleeved shirt. All I have to say is DANG. Alright, I knew he was fit but he's definitely 6 pack worthy. Okay not the time for these thoughts. I cast my wandering eyes from his body to his face. Good. Wasn't caught.

"OUCH!" I yelp when I feel pressure on my knee.

"Apply pressure here. Yeah, like that. I'll be right back to," He was cut off by another male voice.

"Yo Shadow! Nice acting skills. What did you do with the girl- Oh," Golden Wing comes around the corner and drops his drink, making it clatter to the ground. "That is what you did with the girl."

"Why in the world did you do that you pig? Ump!" A girl runs into Goldens back and he quickly moves her into the hallway. Its quiet for a second then we hear a loud yell followed by a slap.

Red Fox comes around the same hallway with a smile plastered on her face, Golden on the other hand, rubbing his cheek. Double stands up and makes an exit past the two down the hallway which I'm guessing has a kitchen and an entrance to this place.

"So, this might look bad but I promise we are the good guys," Fox says to me slowly as if I was a foreigner.

"Wait, you all know each other?!" I exclaim in utmost confusion. Fox and Golden look at each other, communicating with there eyes before Double S comes back and speaks for them.

"Yes. We work together."