Temporary Trio

"So who are we playing up against this time?" Star asked.

"I booked us a match against Team Ahoy," Niki said.

Kai's eyes widened, "What? Really?! They were the team that Sol and I fought with the last round! They said we would be able to turf together, but I didn't think it would be so soon!"

"Shut up! I don't care if you were a team, 'cause right now they're our enemies! And if we lose, I'm going to blame you!" Niki looked away and walked off to the spawn.

"Ouch! Don't be so harsh on him, Niki! I mean we are a temporary trio!" Star shouted to Niki as she stood on the spawn.

"Fine! But don't you dare think that if we lose I'm going to be nice!" Niki yelled back.

"She isn't always like this..." Star stated, "She is actually super nice and supportive. She's just..."

"She's just what?" Kai asked

"She's lost a lot."

"Oh... okay. I mean, I guess I understand. Well... let's go and join her."

"Yeah, okay!"

So Star and Kai went to meet Niki at the Turf Stage. She was readying her weapon for the Turf War.

"What took you two so long?!" Niki snapped.

"Just telling him the in's and out's to our team!" Star smiled.

"Fine, but get ready we're about to start."

"Hello! What's your name?" Kai asked the other squid on their team.

"... Why do you need to know my name?" The squid's eyelids drooped.

"Well, we are a temporary team right?"

"Eh. I don't really wanna be here," The Squid moaned.

"Oh okay... Well why don't you wanna be here?" Kai asked

"I just want to sleep."

"Yo me too! My buddy Sol woke me up at like 11:50 and I really wanna go back to sleep."

"That's a good idea, thank you for the idea." Suddenly the Squid walked off the stage and went to his house to sleep.

Niki turned around to one less member on their team, "What did you do this time!?" She looked at Kai and grimaced.

"I just wanted to meet them! Then we were talking about how we were both tired and-"

"I don't need an explanation, just get ready the match is about to start!"

"O-Okay!" Kai replies nervously as he got ready.

Then Just like that the battle began.

"You go left I'll go right!" Niki yelled.

"Got it!" Star replied.

"What about me?"

"Just- Just go and do something useful," Niki ran off to get to higher ground to that she could aim her charger properly.

"You got it!" Kai started to ink the floor, then moving to the ground. He was inking the floor until suddenly...

"Hey there! Short time no see!" It was Hope!

"Sup 'bud!" Koi added.

"Just saying, even though we lost last round doesn't mean we're gonna lose this time!" Hope said confidently.

"Oh yeah? Well we're gonna win so, ha!" Kai puffed out his chest to try and look confident.

"PFFT! Yeah right!" Hope said as she raised her weapon to splat him.

"Aww..." Kai moaned disappointedly.

"What did I say!?" Niki screamed.

"You said he would get splatted in the first 15 seconds of the game," Star stifled a laugh.

"We need to keep inking Turf!" He yelled. "S-Since we're at a disadvantage," Kai told Niki.

"Does it look like I can ink a lot of turf like this? I have a charger!"

"Well then you focus on kills and we'll focus on turfing!" Star said.


So Star and Kai inked the floor and leading the other teams' teammates towards Niki so that she could snipe them. Then suddenly, Star started to branch off from Kai and to go and ink some more turf on the other side of the map.

"Where are you going?" Kai asked Star.

"I'm covering more ground!" Star exclaimed.

"Okay!" Kai said, not looking where he was going.


"Huh?!" Kai turned around to see all four members of Team Ahoy surrounding him.

"You don't have anywhere to run!" Hope said.

"Oh great, they have a strategy." Niki said smacking the palm of her hand to her forehead."I can't reach them! You're going to have to lead them over here!"

"Don't worry, I got this!" Kai shouted.

"Oh my cod." Niki looked over at him, now regretting giving him responsibility.

"Why hello there! I see you're trying to pick us off one by one! And you decide to get by the smartest and the strongest person on the team." Kai boasted.

"Well if we wanted to do that we would have gotten Niki first," Hope shrugged.


"I'm not lying, aren't I!" Hope said.

"That's not true! I'll show you strong!"

As Hope and her team started to shoot at Kai, he dodge rolled away avoiding their ink. Then he recklessly started to shoot ink at the team and splatted them.

"That'll show YOU weak!" Kai yelled, a smug grin plastered on his face.

Star gasped, "Wow, that was amazing!"

"Yes, but it was VERY reckless! And that could make us lose." Niki contradicted.

"Oh yeah? Well, you not helping could make us lose."

"I am helping!"

"You two need to stop bickering and help me ink the floor!"

"Okay, I'm on it!" Kai glaring at Niki one more time, sticking his tongue out at her.

So Kai and Star started to ink over the enemy's ink to regain Turf. Niki sniped team Ahoy's members that were in her range.

"We only have a few more seconds keep it up!" Star yelled.

"Got i-" Kai was interrupted.

Hope came out of nowhere and splatted Kai before he could finish.

"Wait what hap-" Koi then splatted Star.

"Ha! That's what you get!" Hope yelled.

Kai turned to look at Niki, "It's up to you Niki!"

"Isn't it always? Well we won," Niki said confidently.

"Wait for what?" Kai asked.

Star smirked, "Oh, you'll see."

Suddenly Niki pulled out her special and aimed it at Team Ahoy.

"Yeah, done!" Niki said as she activated her special. "It's called a Stingray!" She yelled as she wiped out the whole team.

"That's a team wipe!" Kai yelled amazed.

"And that's the game!" Star cheered as the last few seconds of the match passed.

"And now it's time to see who won!" Kai said.

Niki walked over, "I bet it was us! I mean we are the best... I mean... almost everyone."

"Hey, I got us a team wipe too!"

"But I used my special."

"So!? What does that have to do with it?!"

"You two need to stop arguing! We all did amazing! By that I mean all of us." Star said.

"They're announcing the winners!"

"And the winner of the match is," the announcer said, "Team Temporary Trio!"

"Yes! I knew we could do it!" Kai said, jumping into the air.

"Yeah me too! We make a good team!" Star danced.

"Wait really?!"

"Of course!"

"NO!" Niki said.

"Aww come on! You know you couldn't have done it without me!" Kai batted his eyelashes.

"Well, I guess you're right, but don't you dare think you are going to join our team."

Kai's eyes started to water, "Aww I don't care!"

"Why are you crying?" Niki asked.

A bright smile lit up his face, "Because you said I was useful."

"Well, I think I'll call it a day it's getting late. See you both tomorrow!" Star said while she waved goodbye and walked away.

"See you tomorrow!" Kai said.

"Whatever, I'll see you two later."

Niki then walked off as leaving Kai alone in the square. He didn't realize how late it got.

Kai started to make his way towards his apartment. He breathed in slowly, enjoying the nature around him as he silently walked home.