The First Thang

"Kai? Kai! Are you ok!? Wake up!" Niki shook him as he laid on the floor. His face was pale, and his mouth hung open. "Kai wake up!"

Kai opened his eyes as he sat up, "What happened? And why am I on the floor?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing. Look, I'm so sorry if this was because of me! When I woke you up I was ju-"

"Don't worry, it's not your fault. Oh! We can go and get the first Thang!"

"Really? You did it!?"

"Well don't act so surprised." He said sarcastically.

"Oh sorry, that's not what I meant. I meant that we finally got to the first Thang!"

"Yep! And I'm ready to go and get it if you are!"

"Yes! Let's go!" Niki helped Kai up to his feet, and left for the station.

Once they arrived, they immediately picked up their weapons. Both of them stayed side by side as they took a few steps into the hallway. Kai dragged his feet along, reluctantly pausing before each step. At the end of the hallway, a large room laid before them, encapsulating the Thang. They looked at their weapons, and then back at the barrier that formed around it. As they shot at the confined structure, it became bigger and brighter until it popped. Niki and Kai walked towards it and stared.

Niki examined it, "So this... is the first Thang."

"Yep. So now what? Do we take it?"

"Wow, I'm surprised you asked that. You would normally grab it immediately."

"Yeah, you're right... We might as well do that!" Kai rushed up and wheeled it near the train.

Before they shoved it in, the posed for a commemorative selfie.

Niki and Kai took it back to the main station where the telephone was.

"Congratulations! You have found the first Thang! Now you are one step closer to [SLANG_NOT_FOUND] the Promised land!"

"Aw sweet! I can't wait to finally get there and regain my memories!"

"Yeah me too, I can't wait."

"Well let's continue going and looking for the other Thangs!"

"Alright, that sounds like a plan! But first, let's go get some rest. We've both had a long day."

"Yeah, you're right. We both deserve it!"

They walked back into the train, and laid down on their respective sides of the car, drifting off to sleep.