Job starts

After that they left me with two other new guys in this job. The two of them is very silent, The one is bearded and the other is just thin. It is so akward right now, We been starring at each other for minutes.

So I asked questions to them hopping they will reply.

Ahh Im Revian, Can I Know your name? I asked the thin guy.

You can call me Kenny, He answer

Call me Ted, The bearded men said

Oh so how did you end up here? I humbly asked.

But it was interrupted by a tall guy wearing yellow shirt.

Listen all of you, In this facility you will play the new VRRMO game called Grand adventure. And every month you have to give 90 percent of your money to a given location. We will inform you where is it, if the collection is going on.

And all the food here is paid in game money so, Your expenses here is not included in the 90 percent but in the 10 percent from you.

And now you all need to wear this.

hey, Kenny that guys is quite talkative right? I asked kenny (Whisper )

Yeah, hey! dont talk now his watching over here. kenny replied

And so I continued to listen to the guy.

A black shirts was given go us individually.

Here we have rankings. Because you all are new here you will be given a black shirt.

Black shirt wearer is the lowest rank.

they can only exit capsule in the morning. And can only eat breakfast.

What? Are you killing us? , A fat guy from the other side shout!

No, No let me finnish

The second to the last is Red, You can now eat three times a day. To achive this you must give atleast half a million coins in the collector. when collection happened.

Followed by Orange, You can now exit the capsule when ever you want. And can go out side for one hour a month. Two million coins is needed to achieved this.

Next Is yellow, Its up to you if you play or not, And can exit when ever he wants. And have access to VIP capsule and kitchen

Ten million coins is needed is needed to achieve this.

And lastly White, Can be given a choice to exit or to stay and manage a branch. One billion coins is needed to Get this.

This will take long time before I can meet my family again.I hope until I see them again they wont forget me.

And I forgot to inform you, That if your planning to escape. You cant we put a tracking divice on your blood so, Sorry to disappoint the people who are planing to escape. The guy In yellow added.

So it's totally hope less to escape from here., Kenny wisphers

What? Are you planning to escape? I asked

Yes. But now I lose hope." Kenny said

Don't worry brother ill support you. Ted said.

Once again the yellow guy, Shouted

Black guys!!! Time to work! Chose your capsule.

I only choose the one near Ted and Kenny.

Because they are the only person I know for now.

When I Open the capsule, its just like a coffin but the side where the head lies has a helmet. This blue helmet in my capsule has a logo of an unknown product. So I just ignored it and Started my new job.

Suddenly all the surrounding turns blue and a voice narrator said.

What name whould you choose?

Ill go with Naiver.

Registered !

Choose your race



Tell us one hobby

Ill just go with Running

Registered !

Select a starting area,

There were five starting area it showed but I need to have money so I choose

the Only city in the starting area on the selection.

You Choose Only City as starting area.

Transmiting in





And When I open my eyes I was already at the city's round ball.

It was so realistic all person seems to be real the merchants, the peddler's and stall sellers are all real.

And suddenly a man came near me.

Would you like help? he asked

A status bar shows up


Will you ask for help?

yes no


I have been playing rpg in my highschool days so I think I dont need it for now.

Then I click No.

You skipped tutorial. You got a old bread

So this game has its own hunger meter, Its nice to have this I can eat what ever I want.

Oh wait I nearly for got what my real goal is I need money!!

Firs let me see My current status, to see what I can do.


Name: Naiver


Hp :100/100



Dexterity :2

Defense :0


Skills : Active:


hobby skill: Running man

Gains exp. when running (Exp get is according to speed )


What! God really doesn't hate me. What a wonderful skill.

I was really amazed to see the running man skill. I can level up by only just running It souds like cheat.

And because of that I run in the whole Only city for hours to gain exp.


Not enough speed, Exp gained 0.09


I was shocked on the notification. I thought its like a cheat but its not. The skill is too hard to do.

And because I ran for hours( game time 1 h= 15 min) Already My hunger meter went low an I need to eat to make it high again.

And I remember the skip Gift, The old bread. I open up the inventory and a blue screen float field with empty squares.

The only thing in it is the Old bread.

I get it and take a bite on it.

It taste bad, like eating a nearly rotten bread.But At least Im not hungry anymore.

Even when My hunger meter is not fully recovered, I would not take a bite in the old bread again. I said that again in again but the only thing I have is Five pieces of old bread. And its almost gone.