
At the time we are in the forest entrance its still dark,

And our quest have to be done with the sunlight has arrise.

Because it was the rule of the game ,

that doing quest is only doable when sun was up. But monsters are still active at night, so we have to be carefull.

The Only forest is not the literal only forest in the game.

It was only named like that because its located near Only city. And to be honest

its only a beginner's hunting ground.

" We have to find the forest cabin first." Roger said

"But its all dark here." I added

"Don't be scared, Man were here" Dark said

"Joy , Use detection magic to detect near enemies , and the cabin." Roger commanded Joy

"On , It " Joy replied

" Wind of the goddes , Hear the words of

they Humans , As a practitioner of magic ,

I herby command you "

"Search" Joy casted

Suddenly a strong gust of wind approaches Joy.

" All clear , The cabin is that way." Joy said while pointing at the northeast direction.

" Is there enemy in the way" Dark asked

" There are three of them but they are only low level nothing to be afraid of."

Joy said

" What, Are you guys waiting for lets go."

I said

"Ok, lets head to the cabin and rest."

"But first Naiver, Go and kill those monsters and see if you can cook them."

Roger said

"Im on it" I said

When I found the three monsters , They are already heavily injured.

Three Steel back turkey .

They have many wounds and can't even barely stand. There injury looks like

cause by an monster with sharp claw.

Joy , Must have mis read it but Steel back turkey is a high level C rank monster that

only level 20 , can kill even if its injured.

It has a very sharp beak that can penetrate iron and has steel back that makes it un penetratable with weapons.

But the one I worry the most is the moster that cause this injuries to them,

There steel back were penetrated by its claw and looks like atleast level fifty monster can only cause this injuries to a

heavily armored monster.

The Three of them is at the brink of there death so I think I can kill them If I go all out.

With my speed I approach them and coat my blade with dark magic.

I tried to hit it but the steel armor is really hard.

Even If I have many skills most of them are speed type . And my mana is not enough to activate my only attack skill.

Its just like hitting a rock with a knife.

sparking at every strike.

Even the Steel back turkey didn't attack me.

It's like there mocking at me. Attacking at all my might but never do a slight of damage at them so I got pissed.

And use my sprint skill , But with low amount of mana , It can only last for few seconds but thats enough.

I grab the three of them and head to the

cabin at full speed while there head is on the ground. And at last it do some damage and killed the three of them with

wreaked head.

And for killing three level Twenty monster

I have level up five times making me level


I also got five skills, Two active and three passive.



Penetration Stab lvl1: stab that can penetrate armour , Adds 50 percent of damage .

Mp: 5. cd: 2min

Dark aura: If activate adds dark damage to every attack. Adds 10 percent damage. expires at one minute after activation.

Mp : 50 cd: 30 min

Passive :

Speed of the cook

Movement speed and attack speed doubled.

Happy man:

Doubles attack speed when smiling.


The next time I do some Quest I better do it alone.

When I arrived, they already set up the fire.

"Whats , youre catch ?" Roger said

" hey, Joy you lied at me you said its low level , look at it is this low level to you?."

I said it in an angry tone

" Hey , man chill out .

Let me take a look what is that" Dark said

" What the This is a Steel back turkey a level Twenty moster!!! How did you kill it man." Dark asked

"Its injured , so I take advantage. But I wont forget that you lied at me Joy."

" I thought we are a party, I thought we help each other not kill each other."

I mocked Joy

" Im sorry , there life force is low so

I said that ," Joy said while in tears

"Ok , stop your drama and cook that

turkey we have a work tomorrow."

Roger said

So I just cook it and we three eat while Joy was still on tears.

When we were done eating , We take a sleep and replenish our health and mana.

The turkey meat gives extra buff at defense and it last for half day. but sadly all meat is gone , so I can't seel you his food for now.

And when we get out of the cabin.

A notification suddenly appeared



now active


Boss monster (0/2)


And now we four are surrounded

by level ten monsters

Its quite diverse from wolfs, birds and other monsters

some are huge while some are small

but we dont have any choice now so

we have to fight it out.