Hairy Situation

The construct was luckily quite far away from us which allowed us to prepare for a few seconds, we slowly spread out, Yurt and I keeping the construct to our front, we could feel from its general aura that It was a peak core formation level of power, luckily if it was the same as the other construct we were still faster, and the door out of the tower was on the other side of the tower, so we just had to reach there to escape and survive.

"Get to the door, it can't follow us outside."

Bin ji was smarter than I had thought, she had realized what was powering the construct pretty quickly, so that was impressive, getting to the other side would now be the problem. Its slow lumbering steps towards us slowly building up momentum, before it began running towards us far faster than was comfortable, we quickly scattered, the construct didn't even bother to slow down, hitting into the wall of the tower, sending the building shaking around us. That was not good.

"Okay, Byren, Yurt and I will keep it busy while you guys escape"

The others wasted no time listening to bin jis order, while Yurt and I began to act to help. I wasn't too invested in the fight, even at the creatures fastest it was still a lot slower than I was. Yurt brought up a wall of earth between us and the construct as the others made a break for freedom.

The wall was like paper as the mass of Hair broke through it as if it was never there.

As the rocks hit the ground of the tower it began to twist under Ben ji's control and begin to slowly worm its way up the limbs of the construct. Again it completely ignored their collective efforts. I rushed towards the abomination, sliding between its legs as it moved to smash the ground, I lay a trap with my power that combined with Bin Ji's worms, allowing them to penetrate the soft outer hair of the construct.

It didn't seem to effect it overall, but I knew they would be burrowing its way through the layers of the construct, that would take some time however, so we would just need to be able to stay alive until they could action some actual change.

Yurt began moving towards the door slowly will raising more walls, the construct was still focused on me as I danced away, more worms empowered by my aura continued to burrow into the hairy beast.

Ben ji and Yurt were making good progress towards the gate.

The rest had managed to get out the door, luckily enough the entrance wasn't trapped.

"It's safe out here" The sister was really helpful to us at the moment, still the stress of worrying about the others lifting off Bin Ji allowed her to be a bit more free and creative with her worms of rock.

Still it wasn't enough, I was quickly running out of space, moving back towards the earthen walls Yurt had created, moving through them as if they never existed, still it was greater fuel for the Bin ji's worm extravaganza that was going on, still it was having no major effect on the construct, each movement brought a wave of debris rocketing around the room. Still we could get out fine now.

It was clear they were still not very far in their research of constructs, as with the resources they had available they could have created a far more powerful golem. This stupid ogre wouldn't be able to kill a powerful enough Foundation Establishment cultivator, never mind a full on core formation cultivator, which It should be fully capable of.

There ignorance was lucky for us however, as if that creature had reached its full potential we would not be alive.

We escaped through the large doors.

The Hair Construct let out a silent roar of impotent rage.

Still we were safe for the moment.

We were out in the open, no place of safety, in a mostly dangerous territory surrounded by enemies.

So we had two options either try to make our way back up into the relative safety up in the tower, or find and establish a place of safety somewhere out in the wilderness, where we could begin to slowly whittle away the energy of the construct and the inner core of the tower. Even now I could feel my energy whittling it away.

Still at my current level of power it would be quite a while before it would be truly safe.

"what the hell was that, that tower was supposed to be safe"

It seemed Bin Ji was not taking it as well as some others.

"what the hell was the sect thinking sending us, a rookie team into such a war-zone, We could have died"

Her face as it so often was, was twisted. This time it was different, the pain and confusion she was feeling was fully on display.

From her reactions in the fight and her general competence I figured she was used to these kind of situations, it was obvious I was wrong. I suppose she has never been out on a mission where she considers herself the leader, always with a few more powerful senior brothers and sisters.

This was her first mission where she truly felt responsible and it had gone extremely wrong so far.

"get yourself together women, we are all still alive, stuck in what is now enemy territory. Unless you want me and Byren to take over, you need to step up."

Yurt eloquent as ever, it seemed to have a small effect on the girl. Her sisters comforting presence behind her also seemed to help. Still having an emotional vulnerable leader was never a good thing.

With a breath she steeled her expression. Turning to Yurt and I she made her decision.

"we need to find shelter, there is every chance another troop from the Demon Hair sect are on their way here, so we should prepare some gifts for them"