Do you really wish to die??

Prince Min Dan Yul POV:

Last night I couldn't fall sleep. All I can do is think about was her. Lastly, after too many efforts I managed to fall asleep somehow and woke up before sunrise. As I have already told army that I will personally visit their training session. Lee Joon will be training them.

'Lee Joon, that traitor!' I thought.

I was getting ready and noticed that my favourite cloak was missing, then I remembered that I gave it to Jeon Min Tae. Just thinking about her was making my heart beat faster..

When I entered the ground, they were already practicing. I saw Joon training them and keep looking at my direction. Finally, that traitor came towards me and said,

"I want to tell you something, let's get over with it then we can talk, Yoonji said she will meet us after practice."

"I am not talking to you, you involved her into this. If anything happens you are dead. Did you hear me DEAD!!!" I said giving him death glare. If looks could kill someone he would've been dead by now.

"Alright if you don't want to know about your precious Jeon Min Tae, then I won't tell you." Whispered Joon and walked into opposite direction.

'This bitch' I thought.

"What about her? tell me." I asked immediately.

"I'm not telling you that I met her last night and.." he stopped and started smirking.

"And what?" I literally screamed that time.

Everyone started looking at our direction.

"Continue with your practice" I ordered and everyone did.

"We'll talk about it after this session. I want every detail" I commanded with authority in voice. But inside I was dying to know.

After the session, we directly went to my personal chamber and Jong also followed us. As soon as I entered, I asked,

"What happened? Tell me from the very beginning."

"Look at this desperate soul." Said Joon with a smug face. But I really don't care know. I really need to know what happened.

"Do you really wish to die?" I said taking my sword off of my waist belt.

"Wait Brother! Let Yoonji come" said Joon with his hand in the air for surrender.

"I can't" I said desperately.

"OK then.." he started speaking but Yoonji cut him off saying,

"I followed them yesterday" while entering the room and continued,

"I followed them for the whole day"

"How did you get hurt?" I asked while looking at her plastered feet.

"This part will also come. ,So where was I?" She replied pointing at her feet.

"You followed them" I said and she nodded and started with her explaination,

"Yes, I followed them the whole day from their house to market and return"

"And they didn't get suspicious about it?" I asked in a flabbergasted tone.

"Ofcourse not. They just caught me red handed." She said with a poker face.

I got shocked, I immediately turned to Joon and he nodded.

"How?" I asked.

"Well their mother was suspicious from the very beginning. She stopped several time to check if I'm still following them. I should've stopped at that time but I continued anyway. Their house is near the west side of the forest, if you are curious." She said looking at me and then continued,

"So, when they were inside their house I climbed the tree to get more information about them. And I did. But when I was coming down the branch broke, I fell on the ground, twisted my ankle and hurt the places which cannot be mentioned in this room. They came out immediately and helped me. Their mother is physician by the way. I had a small conversation with them and got to know that she is the youngest sister. Then Jeon Min Tae and Jeon Sashi dropped me" she explained everything in detail.

"And when they came to drop her. I met them and she was polite. But they're leaving soon" said Joon.

I asked immediately without wasting a moment,

"Soon? How soon?"