The Magical swords

"What's going on"

We turned to see Kari opening the door. Mary and Kari both entered the house.

"You guys are back" Mary said and continued, "that means you read the note"

"Oh yeah that she did, absolutely" said Sashi in agreement.

"Wang Bong is going somewhere" I said pointing at her.

"What? Where?" asked Mary curiously.

"It's better if you don't know." She said while opening the ropes, I helped her. She moved the cloth. There were four swords inside it. Each sword had different colour of scabbard. The colours were red, silver, green and golden. I don't know but for some reason they were looking beautiful.

"I brought these swords so that you can protect yourself when I'm not around. I have to find a way to help you. It might take few days. You have to be extra careful." She said while holding one sword.

She opened the cupboard and take out one vessel filled with some sort of water. She told me to give her bunch of black leather books from the top most drawer of the cupboard. She started searching for something. All of us started looking at each other with confusion.

"Yesss!!! I knew it. It was in there" said Wang bong in excitement.

"What was in there?" Asked Kari.

"The spell" she replied.

"Which spell" asked Mary inquisitively.

"I will explain later, now hold it" she said while pointing at vessel and dipped all the swords into it till its handle, then she started reading,

***"sole potestas tenebrarum bonis malisque lumine umbraque constaret. Dare potestatem gladii aeternum. Fiat enim intendit repellere nociuum magica nigra et malum.

dare potestatem..

dare potestatem..

dare potestatem.."***

The bright light came out of the vessel which nearly blinded us. We all closed our eyes. We opened our eyes when the light was gone.

"What was that?" Asked Mary.

"That was the magic my dear. These swords hold power to hold back any kind of evil. It will repel black magic. It will glow when anything related to black magic or evil near you. It will protect you every possible way." Said Wang Bong explaining the power of the spell.

"How?" Sashi asked curiously.

"For that you have to practice" She said with a motherly smile on her face.

"We don't even know how to hold a sword properly" I said.

"That's I said you have to practice. Remember it is necessary" she said, with her face filled with concern.

"Why is it necessary" asked Kari eagerly.

"I was travelling through forest all I can feel is black magic. Evil has spread throughout the forest. Enemy is growing powerful everyday. You have to protect yourself when I am not here. You have to keep a low profile. These swords will protect you." Said Wang Bong pointing at the swords and continued, "Take your swords, the sword knows to whom it belongs".

I took the golden one. It was like the sword was attracting me, like it was calling me to take it. I know they all were feeling the same. Mary took the silver, Sashi red, and Kari took the green one.

"There are only five swords of these kind exist" Wang Bong added.

"Five!!!!... who is having the fifth sword..."