Ahem, ahem, Joon, you might want to take that back

Prince Min Dan Yul's POV:

"Jeon Min Tae"

The words escaped my mouth before I can even notice. She stopped for a moment and turned while looked at me for a moment. Then her companion, which I can tell is Park Sashi by looking at her, grabbed her hand and dragged her.

As much as I wanted to follow her, stop her from leaving and tell her what I feel. I didn't do any of it. I did not stop her I let her go because I felt the gazes on her. I saw people staring at her direction. To grabbed their attention, I moved my horse to the opposite direction and joined the parade again.

Joon and Shin gave me just gave me a small nod while Jong gave me his signature smile and looked away.

'This brat' I thought while giving him a look and he cleared his throat.

I saw my father turning towards Commander Chief and nodded which felt like a signal. Before I can understand anything, my father caught my attention.