
"What the fuck happened ," Alex said as he got up. Looking around he discovers that he could only see white all around him

Is there anyone here." Alex asked but the only thing he could hear was his voice echoing when suddenly he heard a weird sound behind him. Turning around he discovered that a desk had appeared out of nowhere. But before he could say anything he felt a hand on his shoulder looking back he discovered nobody only to hear a majestic laugh coming in front of him.

In Front of him was seated a man in his 30 with white beard and hair "Did you really have to do all of this."

"What, can't god have some fun."


"Yeah, The God."

"Wait, wasn't I supposed to be in front of the golden gate, to be judged to go to either from heaven or hell...or something.

"Yeah, I am not going to elaborate on this subject but I can tell you that your situation is different. If you want I can explain your situation to you."

"Alright keep your secrets. So what happens am-I special in some way.

"No, I just pulled you out of the lottery."

"Hmm still better than nothing. So what next, do I get wishes?"

"Oh yeah, Please take a seat,'' God said as he pointed at a chair. "So here's how things go, you will have three wishes. You can wish for almost everything with the other two but you have to use the first one to determine where you will be reincarnated.

"What do you mean by almost everything?"

"If there was no limit to the wish you could have just wished to be a god or something even more op."

"Ok, Then was the point of giving me another life."

"For entertainment. You might not know it, but there is a tone of your type out there. Anyway, what are your wishes?"

"That's actually easy, Not going to lie. I have spent a lot of time thinking about this. Hmm, As my first wish I want to reincarnate in DC."

"Next, I want Assassin's creed system which is a fusion of all of them."(Origin, Odyssey, and Valhalla. As I don't have Valhalla, we will consider them as trump cards, but when I get it I will write about it.)

"Odd but ok"

"Great than my last wish is to have my level, all the stuff in my inventory, and the skill I had unlocked.

"Didn't see that one coming."


Gotham (The East End)

In the dark night of Gotham in front of the worst orphanage of this area a woman bloody and beaten drop in front of there steps. As she falls down she struggles to crawl her way to the door. With the little amount of strength she had left she managed to ring the bell.

After a few minutes, somebody finally opened the door revealing a woman. As she looks down she discovers a motionless woman with a basket. This wasn't the first time this had happened, someone dying on their step. Squatting down she uncovered the basket only to take a baby out of it.

"Sign* a new addition to our already huge family."

[So i am going to give you guys the choice if you want the woman that found him (She is going to be in charge of the orphanage) is going to be evil or not.]