"What-What the fuck just happen!"
"I-i don't know" Micheal answered, looking down at his dead boss. As he was still wondering what happened he suddenly remembered something. Taking his personal phone out he made a phone call.
"Is he dead already?"
"How did you know?"
"How many people die?'
"...Only the leader."
"I thought he would have killed all of you."
"Who the fuck was he?"
"I don't know," He said in a serious voice.
"You are the only one outside of the gang that knew we were targeting the orphanage and you were also the one talking about him."
"If you are wondering if ratted you out. yes, I did."
"I will kill you!"
"Listen, it was also life or death for me. If I didn't do so, it would have been the death of me, and everyone I know, and if I didn't tell him about your little plan you and all your gangmate would be killed. Sigh, I told you to leave them alone but you didn't listen, being greedy and trying to take over the territory."
In front, the orphanage an Egyptian style carriage came to a stop. Getting off, Alex took the grocery bag and moved them to the front door. As he did so the door was opened by Mary.
"Are you going to help or not?"
"You got a carriage!"
As they finish putting the stuff in the fridge. Having finished, Alex was currently sitting in Mary's office.
"So I am going to get my explanation."
"I guess sooner than later. Sigh, this world is a more dangerous world than you think and life is not limited from this earth. Currently, we are at the start of a new era of superheroes and villains. During that time everything will be more dangerous.
"Wait I get that but shouldn't you start in the beginning. Who are you?"
"My name is still Alex. Anyway I am a god i came down to this earth, I spent years observing different version of your world. I am a huge fan by the way. Sadly as a god I never truly realize the danger of this world."
"What do you mean?"
"Let put it like this. Every month there will be someone trying to take over or destroy the world."
"I guess you don't believe me yet. sadly as we are about to enter year one. What will initiate year one will be the attack of the earth by a god, to be more precise an Avatar of said God. his name is Darkseid."
"A god!"
"Oh by the way god and demons are real too."
"So you need proof."
"You have some?"
"Due to future events, I need you to trust me so that I can protect this place to the best of my abilities." Going through his inventory he equipped the Staff of Hermes. Upon its sudden appearance, Mary was a little shocked.
"What do you plan to do with this?"
Alex smiled, he then got up "Observe." He then closed his eyes while holding the spear in front of him and then there was sudden light. After taking a few seconds to adjust herself Marry was greeted with a fully grown Alexios. Using the power of the spear Alex had used an allusion to make him look like Alexios. (Alexios one of the two playable characters of Assassin's Creed Odyssey.}
"So do you now believe that the supernatural exists?"
"Great, I would like you to meet a few people." With a snap of his finger, the door was open as three people walked in. The first person was a man dressed in a stranger's clothes with a white hoodie, the second one was a girl dressed almost the same way as him and the last person was a girl dressed in full black.
"Who are they?"
"Those are my subordinates and I have assigned them to protect this place."
Please leave a comment or a review to support the story. Also check out my new story. Also sorry for the chapter being short but I have to take care of my college stuff.