First Step (Part 1)

Mark was currently running down the street at full speed. As turn corner, he decides to rest for a little, using a wall to hold himself up while taking deep breaths "Fuck they are gaining on me" as he heard some footstep approach him. Without hesitation, he started running again but this time slower, looking back he discovered a few men that had turned the corner running toward him at full speed.

Shit looking around he discovers an old and seemingly abandoned house, not wasting any time he sprint into the alley beside it. Finding a weak entrance he broke in. He proceeds to search for a place to hide. Going in a dark corner he squats down to hid behind some barrels

As he stayed there trying to control his brethren he heard the sound of windows breaking followed by people's voices.

"Fuck, I have to do something." Taking his phone out he made a call.



"So, I might need your help."


"Yeah, I need help, It is a matter of life or death."

"Sigh, where are you?"

He immediately gave out his location.

"Hmm lucky for you I am not that far."


As he ended the call Alex put his phone back in his pocket. As he was outside in an alleyway he switched between his toll, choosing the fire boob. He then throws it inside the building. This place was where he had made business after some research he had located this place to make the change converging is cold into money. At first, things were going great but in the end, they got greedy and curious. They started to ask questions about where he got the coins and stuff, confident in their weapon and number superiority.

And then things didn't go great for them. It ended in their death and with Alex keeping his gold while getting a bung of cash. Walking to his car that wasn't parked far away. Opening the trunk he placed the bags inside. As he finishes and closes it a voice suddenly came from behind him

"Why did you call for me?"

Looking back he saw Kassandra who in the game was always wearing her armor now wearing normal clothes.

"I need you to do something for me."

"And what is that?"

"I need you to kill someone. I would have done it myself but I have to go save someone." Digging through his pocket Alex took out a car key and threw it at her which she easily caught." I know when summoning you like this you leave your Bike behind so you can use this one. Also for your target, I will send you the information."

Getting in his car Alex immediately took off. You see, since he had gained consciousness in this world he was very curious about his ability and how far he could go so of course he had made use of one of his favorite abilities. this ability could in part let him summon a lieutenant. WHen meet them he felt that something was lacking ranging from the language manners and understanding of this world.

So, of course, he decided to explore if they could adapt to this new environment and discovered that they could be used in all types of new ways so he proceeded to take some time to teach them about some stuff before two of them in the wild each with their mission. One of them was Kassandra and her mission was to somehow integrate into the underworld.

Anyway, after a few minutes of driving Alex reached the location. Not wanting to waste any time he proceeded to stop in front of the house stepping out he took a second to look around him where he could see all-type of people moving around ranching from people driving by thugs and homeless persons.

Of Course is appearance had gathered a lot of looks, first the car and second the helmet he was wearing. Alex was currently wearing the helmet of the arena fighter set, more precisely the grey version.

Walking to the front door of the building he activated his skill Spartan kick which was a fully upgraded move, meaning his kick resulted in the door exploding in pieces while cracking the wall. Stepping in, he activates another skill: Revelation (Summon Athena's sight to reveal all secrets, including chests and hidden passages in a radius of 30 meters. All nearby enemies are tagged.) Upon locating them he starts walking toward them while evading the random debris.

As he reached the back room he suddenly heard somebody's voice.

"Show yourself so I can shoot your bitch ass."

Sadly for the person who said those words they didn't scare Alex. Reaching the door he leisurely opened it. Being greeted with the view of five-person in the room all looking at him. One of them had a gun pointed directly at him while the other two had knives out and the last two consisted of one of the thugs holding Mark by his hair.

"Who are you?" The one with the gun asked, seeming to be the leader of the group.

"I really don't feel like wasting my time on you guys"

"Hahaha you think because you got this dumb helmet we are scared of you." The leader proceeded to step closer to Alex, almost touching his chest with his gun "Nah you're about to…"

He did have the opportunity to finish his sentence before he could even react. Alex had slapped him across the face. Immediately, knocking him out while sending him flying to the other side of the room.

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