First Step (Part 4)

Alex just laughs as he closes the door behind her. walking to the couch that was opposite to his he shocked Mark awake.

"Get up the food here."

"Alright, I am awake."

Walking back to the dining room Alex could see Kassandra open a beer bottle.

"What took you so long, it's been like an hour."

"Before I came here I went to get my bike."

"That's fair."

As a half-awake Mark walked to the box of pizza he suddenly left out a scream.

"The-There is blood on the box."

"Oh, that! I beat up a few people downstairs that got too cocky."

"Hahaha." Alex laughs as he opens the box.


Mark was already sleeping, leaving Alex and Kassandra talking.

"eh, can you do something for me."

"What now!"

"Can you stay awake to watch the car?"

" I did more stuff than you. I deserve the right to sleep more than you."

"What about the thugs you beat up what if the come up searching for you plus someone might steal your bike too."

"...Alright, I am going to do it. Are you guys going to stay here?'

"We going to stay here."

"Hell no, this place is too dirty for me. Plus, I got my own place."


"No no, I am not going to let live there."

"I am going to pay rent."

"Say no more."


More than an hour ago in the upper Gotham.

"What!!" a man seated in a car exclaim suddenly while staring at his phone. No way. Not wasting any time he got out of the car and walk in an apartment not far from him. Using the stair he climbed to the third floor. After a few seconds of searching, he reaches the room he was searching for. As he got close to the door he discovers that it was already open.

He quickly took cloves out of his pocket and put them on. Pushing the door open he walked in. walking further in he could hear the faint sound of a tv playing walking further in the apartment to the bathroom he discovered a headless body on the floor.

'Damn you told me he was good but not that good. I didn't even see him while he left no trace. Heheheh it seems that I can take out the more dangerous contract. I better leave before anyone discovers me.' Walking out of the room he closed the door and retraced his step.


One year later (I don't feel like writing fillers anymore so I am jumping right in the good stuff.)

Metropolis "Night"

On the street, a kid was standing with an ice cream in his hand looking lazily at the sky.

"What are you looking at a female voice sounded next to him?

"Nothing serious, I was just waiting for you."

"Sigh, we have been here for a week during that time I restrain myself from asking but why are we here?"

"Oh, I never explain."They slowly started walking down the street. "You see I know of some future events in this world. Although I don't know the exact day around this month this earth will be attacked.

"Hmm, I didn't know you where the hero type Boss."

"I am not I just planing for the future. In this world, there will be a group of so-called heroes that will gather together forming an organization and on this Instant, I plan to use this event to get in their good side, plus who doesn't want a great challenge."

"If there are heroes there will be villains two right."

"Of course."

"So will we be fighting them?"

"...let just say he not going to make the first move and with them, our job will become even more…" Alex stops mid-sentence as he looks through a glass at a tv. No wasting a second Alex walk in.

"Ohh what this!?"

"A kid!!"

It turns not it was a bar but he didn't pay attention to that and just stare at the tv

"Turn the channel back."

"Kid our not allowed in here and where are your parents."

"That is none of your business. Now turn the channel back as the kid said" Kassandra said as she walked in after him.

Seeing how Kassandra looked already pissed, he decided not to cause a scene and turn the channel back. As he keeps switching between channel Alex told in stop and as he did so the scene on the tv was of Superman, Green Lantern, and Batman looking up at the helicopter before quickly escaping through the sewers.

"It seems that it's about to begin ."

The next chapter will be next week (Maybe). Also, check out Assassin of the Dungeon.