Baby Sunshine

You need to see the expression on Andrew and Dr. Robert's face , it was priceless!

" Sunshine? "Andrew repeated after me again.

They were shocked. Well, Eric couldn't believe it too, him taking baby Sunshine home is a huge responsibility.

As for the name, Eric couldn't continue calling her baby especially since he was taking her home. Looking at her, yes Sunshine will do for now until her mother wakes up.

Eric you're not thinking, he said to himself. Yes I'm not but I'm not leaving her here not with everything that has happened.

Eric you don't know the first thing about taking care of babies I reminded myself. That kept ringing in my head but I was determined not to leave her in the hospital.

Boss, are you sure about this Andrew asked skeptically.

Very sure Eric relied still looking down at baby Sunshine .

First thing tomorrow morning recruit a nanny for me Eric instructed, in short start this evening He instructed Andrew.

Mr. Crown, we will have 24 hours security on her. You don't have to take the baby home. How are you going to cope Dr. Robert asked concerned.

Eric looked at Dr. Robert shaking his head, no I cannot afford to leave her here. She is safer with me. You still have her mother to think about, keep an eye on her and I must warn you nothing must happen to her mother. Eric said, the tone of his voice and color of his eyes changed to portray how serious he was.

Anyway, Eric also had his security team keeping watch over the mystery woman.

Dr. Robert understands the situation, and it will be a huge burden off his back. This past few days he has not slept well because it has been hectic here at the hospital and he had to personally oversee the patient since Mr. Crown is involved.

Eric carried baby Sunshine and moved toward the door, she was sleeping soundly. Eric noticed one of the female doctors giving her a syrupy earlier, when he asked she explained that it was because she had cried for too long and it will help her sleep better.

We stopped by her mother's room, Eric just wanted to see her before he left the hospital to make sure she was alright, with all the shooting drama earlier he had not seen her yet.

Eric stayed for about 10 minutes then left with baby Sunshine.

All though the ride home, Sunshine didn't make a sound. Eric had to carry her because he didn't have a baby car seat.

Andrew, you need to get some things for the baby; a baby cot, carrier, bathing things etc. Just figure it out Eric instructed.

Sir, I don't know anything about babies Andrew answered worried he will buy the wrong things.

Go research it if you don't know, Eric answered

Sir one more thing, Andrew was worried about something. His boss looked at him, waiting...

Your mother? Andrew asked. Very sure his boss has not thought that far.

Oh yes, how was he going to tell his mother? Bringing a baby suddenly to the house, is a lot to take in Eric thought.

Well, we're already home so this has to happen and hopefully without any mummy drama.

Sunshine, are you ready to meet a grandma Eric said to her as I looked down at her.

Eric entered the house, noticed his mother was no where around. So it seems he might be able to get away with this today. if he can get Sunshine to his room, try to keep her low key, feed her and keep her dry like the nurse advised maybe introductions can wait till tomorrow. Eric has not figured out that you cannot hid babies.

Sunshine suddenly started crying, and there goes his low key plan. She obviously doesn't want to go in unannounced Eric thought.

Ah Sunshine do you have to announce yourself this loudly, Eric told her.

In a house where it's so quiet, a baby's cry is a major attraction. Everybody came out, if it's an audience Sunshine wanted, oh she got it.

The housekeeper came out first, followed by two maids, then Eric's mother Madam Crown. They all had disbelief on their faces especially when they saw who was carrying the baby.

Eric just pretended as if he didn't see their expressions, trying to comfort Sunshine.

Andrew give Mrs. Barry the baby bag, let her help make her food, I think she is hungry Eric remarked

Eric's mother was still standing there, looking at him holding Sunshine. I'm sure wondering what's going on.

Mrs. Barry took the baby bag and left for the kitchen. My mother moved toward me, she looked down at Sunshine who started sucking her fingers noisily.

What a sight to behold Madam Crown said . Eric knew she was referring to him holding Sunshine.

She is so beautiful she remarked. She is hungry alright, come let me carry her.

Eric handed Sunshine over to his mother, she started dancing with her and soothing her.

That went well Eric thought. she is probably waiting till the baby is settled before going into the questions and answer session.

Beauty, she called out to one of the maids who had just being staring at Sunshine since we came in, tell Mrs. Barry to hurry up before the baby brings the house down. she is very hungry.

You could hear Sunshine noisily sucking her figures from a mile away no apologizes whatsoever. Eric just smiled lovely at her.

Why is her face swollen? she being crying? Madam Crown asked

Trust her to notice everything. Something happened to her today Eric anwered and she cried a lot. He didn't want to say more because of the house staff around and I think my mother understood.

The maid brought the bottle of milk, and my mother sat down to feed her. As she was feeding Sunshine she called the housekeeper, instructed her to prepare a room and organize some baby things for Sunshine.

Trust my mother to take over and I'm sure questions are waiting for me. Eric started thinking of a strategy to avoid the interrogation that may come this night.

Eric saw Andrew breathing in relief, it means he didn't have to do it. If he had known his mother was going to take over, Eric wouldn't have bothered to send him.

Is that all her things Madam Crown asked pointing at the baby bag and another small suitcase.

Yes mother.

Eric , I don't think you know what you got yourself into and don't think you're going to leave taking care of her to the house staff Madam Crown warned.

Eric didn't say anything. he wasn't ready to talk, He just needed a bath and a good night sleep which he is sure is almost impossible with Sunshine around.

She finished her bottle, then she started fussing and Eric noticed his mother placing her over her shoulder and gently rubbing her back. When she noticed his questioning look she smiled.

You have a lot to learn Eric, what I'm doing now is called burping. Madam Crown explained, still rubbing Sunshine's tiny back gently.

Many times, babies ingest some air along with their breast milk or baby formula. This swallowed air can cause pain and fussiness, so burping the baby relieves the discomfort. Burping is done by placing the baby over your shoulder and gently rubbing or patting her back like this she demonstrated or sit her on your lap, lean her forward, while being sure to support her head, and pat her back until she burps.

Eric nodded his head to indicate that he understood, as his mother was still rubbing Sunshine's tiny back we heard her burp and then she slept off.

Wow...the mechanism of a baby, what a wonder Eric thought

About an hour later, Mrs. Barry came in and announced that Sunshine's bed was ready. Ah, that fast Eric thought.

Eric noticed his mother cleared Sunshine up with wet warm towel and changed her into a night wear. The mother's touch, Sunshine didn't even stir from her sleep.

Eric wondered how he would have coped. He really wasn't thinking when he made the decision to bring Sunshine home but It was too dangerous leaving her at the hospital.

What's her name Madam Crown asked.

I caled Sunshine for now until her mum gives her a name.

Oh Madam Crown exclaimed surprised. Okay baby Sunshine it's time for bed.

Oh Eric, some more ground rules, you've to alway check her diapers. A wet or dirty diaper soon feels cold and uncomfortable, and may cause diaper rash if not removed she stated. Even if you just changed her diaper before feeding, check her after she eats, especially if she is fussing or crying.

Where did you set up Sunshine's Eric asked Mrs. Berry

Your room Sir.

What ? Eric exclaimed.

Where else will she sleep? You don't have a nursery yet, so daddy get ready for a sleepless night Madam Crown said laughing!