She Has Successfully Walked Her Way Into My Heart ...

The next day I went to the office, I knew if I stayed and worked from home. I will end up not getting anything done and Andrew has being on my case. I had two meetings I couldn't keep postponing, although I was getting feedbacks from the house on what was going on.

Andrew was even the one calling, he knew to keep my attention on the work he had to ensure I was not distracted. So he made the calls to check up on Katie and Sunshine. And my mother is just wonderful, the way she has taken over caring for Sunshine amazed me, my best friend Bills seems to think it's a good distraction for her that she is too busy taking care of Sunshine to remember setting me up for another match making date ...I laughed when he said that.

I looked at the time, it was pass 5pm in the evening and I'm in the last batch of contracts to sign off on. Honestly I cannot wait to get home, I miss Sunshine.

She has successfully worked her way into my heart, big time. It's just two months and some, and I cannot imagine life without her.

The way she sucks her fingers noisily when she is hungry, and God help you, you don't answer her on time she will bring the whole house down. I sat there smiling, all by myself like a proud dad.

Sir ..are you through Andrew asked

Not yet I answered wondering when he walked into my office. I'm sure Andrew will be wondering what's going on with me with all the new developments lately. What will Andrew be thinking watching me smiling and staring off ...ah Eric concentrate I said to myself.

Is this how being a dad feels like ...I asked myself.

I finally finished in about an hour later and we headed home, thank God it's Friday and Billy is coming tomorrow.


After I had dinner, checked in on Sunshine I finally went to see Katie.

She was sleeping and from the reports I got today I heard she was up for sometime earlier in the day. Dr. Robert had some more test carried out on her today and he seems impressed by her progress.

As I got to her room, the nurse was administering her drugs to her through her drips, the doctor was checking on her injuries. From where I was standing I noticed a tube running into some where around her stomach.

She still needs this? I asked pointing at the feeding tube and how does it work?

Yes, it's too early to remove it. It actually keeps her nourished. She is given a formula through the tube that usually provides the right amount of calories, carbohydrates, and fats that she needs the nurse replied.

Okay. But I'm still wondering, giving of formula though a tube?

The doctor looked at me, guessing I still didn't get it, he explained further.

We try to use the digestive system for nutrition if there is no contraindication like gastrointestinal bleeding, dead intestines, etc. in coma patients since we don't know how long they will be out. Like in her case there wasn't, hence the feeding tube.

It will cause another medical problem if her digestive system is not used, it can lead to severe infections because the intestinal lining will die off, allowing bacteria in the gut to translocate into the bloodstream.

Okay I said, trying to understand all the medical terms and explanations.

We already have evidence that her gut is working, and she does not have trouble swallowing. She can eat relatively soon; we're just been cautious.

Wouldn't she get hungry, now she is out of coma? Wouldn't she need more nutrients I asked

Mr. Crown don't worry, the formula is a thick liquid and is about the same consistency as dietary supplements or protein drinks, like Ensure.

The time it takes for coma patients to adjust to solid food depends on many things the doctor continued to explain. On medication, for example she is on opioid pain medications which notoriously cause nausea and constipation. That can make it difficult to tolerate solid food. So we have started her on drinking "clears" water, jello, then by tomorrow probably advance to thicker foods like broth and soup, then to solid food.

I was concerned because she was very skinny, I wondered if she will be able to walk. Although I don't know how she looked before, if she was slim or fat because when we brought her to the hospital she was pregnant but she didn't look that big then.

How long was she awake today I asked the doctor .

Hmm.....for about 4 hours in total but it was on and off, since her body is still adjusting. That's a lot of energy spent for her but as the days go by she will start to stay up longer he replied

When they were through, I wished them a good night and left for the nursery where my baby Sunshine was already sleeping.

I bent down to kiss her cheeks, touching her little fingers. I sat down in her room looking around at the toys and baby stuff everywhere.

Who would have thought two months ago, a nursery will be in my home. she has changed the atmosphere of my home, changed our routine especially mine. And she has changed the way I see life, yes she has. I now know there is more to life than making money.

Before 90% of my world revolves around my work and company but now things are different.