So Finally The Meet

Boss, the information I have is that it's the baby that is hospitalized but Katie is there with her. Rick informed me after two days of scouting for information.

It took you all two days to get this one information I asked him sarcastically.

Boss that place is heavily guarded, every where near the PICU floor and nobody knows anything. They don't even know her doctors, so we cannot impersonate any of them.

We can work on that, finding out who her doctors are and get our people to swap out the real doctor, kill the baby and her mother.

Yes that workable if they are not using farcical recognition device in front of the baby's room Rick added.

Are you sure, Marcus asked. That's a whole lot of trouble to go through for a little baby.

Why? They know we are after them so they are been very carful Rick reminded him

Why is Crown doing this? Why is he protecting them? They mean nothing to him, doesn't he have anything better to do? Marcus was agitated.