That's Why I Am Here

Why are we not surprised Billy said. We are aware they are involved in drugs and sex trafficking but not to this magnitude.

From our intelligence gathering based on data gathered from 188 countries, a global assessment of the scope of human trafficking and what is being done to fight it, we concluded that many governments are still in denial. They are not ready to report on, or prosecute cases of human trafficking. So nobody is going to be your friend with this very sensitive matter.

When you found out it was getting too dangerous for you and your small army, you should have come to us Eric told his brother unhappily. The Crown family have their own security company where they train all their security personnel, who are top notch in military tactics and strategies. Enzo always has a small army of bodyguards and security people travelling with him, as a high profile celebrity journalist and the son of the prominent Crown family he had to be protected.