Where Is She Hiding ....

Eric Crown was beside himself, he couldn't believe that after 2 days his men were still looking for Katie Goris. They have looked for her everywhere in the city and it's outskirts, they even checked the cemeteries to be sure she was not dead.

Where is she being kept? Eric knew this has to be Marcus Lanzo handiwork, and he was furious with his brother for taking Katie out of the house. What was he thinking? Two bodyguards have lost their lives in the kidnapping attack and three others very injured...he had to go visit their families himself to convey his condolences and of course their families will be well compensated but what is money compared to your loved one.

Eric Crown was heartbroken and terrified something had happened to Katie Goris. He has not slept nor eaten since his assistant informed him of the incident, he hoped Marcus Lanzo and his man have not killed her and buried her somewhere.