You Can Not Judge Without The True Picture.

Jonathan Way laughed at this wealthy and powerful man, who thought he could keep him from his childhood friend Katie Goris. Jonathan has been looking for Katie Goris for over a year now, and now that he has found her, he was not letting her out of his sight. Although they were not in the same country, and he was grateful Eric Crown was there for her now but Jonathan has his contacts that he has commissioned to watch over Katie Goris.

Jonathan Way didn't trust Eric Crown to keep Katie Goris safe, so he decided to add his own protection plan to double the effort.

Eric Crown and Gen.Billy Homes both looked at each other when they heard Jonathan Way laughing....

"What do you want?" Eric Crown asked Jonathan Way in a very weary tone.

" My business with you is Katie Goris. As long as you have her, except to hear from me, " Jonathan Way stated arrogantly.

"State what you want with her, I have things to do," Eric Crown said, irritated with this hacker who wants to waste his time.