The Marcus Lanzo Vendette: Bloodshed at the Mall*

Marcus Lanzo's gaze swept across his loyal men, their faces set with determination. "This is a fight for control, authority, and life. We will no longer be oppressed. Are you with me?"

The response was thunderous. "Yes, boss!" Over 600 men shouted, charged up for war and bloodshed.

Their mission was clear: eliminate Katie Goris and her family. Marcus's plan was set in motion.

Meanwhile, Katie Goris prepared for a shopping trip with Baby Sunshine to find a birthday gift for Madam Crown. Unbeknownst to them, a deadly trap was being set.

This evening there was an expected guest at the Crown family home, and Eric Crown out of respect for his mother stayed to attend to the guest with his mother.

The Gardner family has not visited for a long time, and there is much to discuss.