Autumn sat in the city library as Zia was blowing large bubbles from her chewing gum. "You think it would be weird if I date Evan Stone?" Autumn asked, staring at Evan, who sat by the window, reading about the Second World War. "You mean that freak that lives opposite you. Oh no. I heard that his parents adopted him from some cult." Zia said, looking over to Evan. "He's a nice guy. Quite. Smart. Good looking." "Might kill us. Curse us. Eat us. Sacrifice us." Zia added as Autumn laughed at her remarks.

"I'm going to go over to him now.", Autumn stood up and made his way to Evan. "It's your grave you digging.", Zia said as Autumn sat down across from Evan. "Hi.", he said, lowering his book. "Hi," Autumn answered. "I guess you have something to ask about Me.", Evan rolled his eyes when he saw Zia making death gestures. "Ignore her. I'm here for you. I think you are a perfect looking guy and don't even try to deny the fact you into guys because I have caught you watching Xavier and me for a while now." Autumn could see how speechless Evan got.

"And what about Xavier, the two of you not together anymore?" Autumn fell back into his chair, "He has a girl now. Annalee or some sort. We still speak. It's just not the same anymore." "That must hurt like shit," Evan said, placing his book on the table. "So now I'm your rebound guy.", he asked, trying to clear things up before he gets into something he can't get himself out. "Cause I seriously do not have the energy to be one." Autumn liked his honesty and leaned in towards him, "You are about one year too late to be my rebound guy Mr. Stone. Also, I like you, and whatever I like, I get." Autumn bit unto his lower lip, slightly licking it. "You good. I'll give you that." Evan said and went in for a kiss.

Months passed as Evan and Autumn's relationship grew stronger. Autumn made amends with Xavier and finally befriended Annalee. Evan got to know every one besides Xavier. Annalee learned of Xavier's relationship with Autumn but decided to still stay with him. The seasons came and went as the group of friend's bound became harder to break. Evan invited them all over to his house for his 17th birthday. The day it all happened. "I just want to say thank you to the most amazing boyfriend and the most awesome group of friends ever." Evan held up a glass as they all held up their glasses towards him. "I could not ask for anything more or anything less. It is all I need and want. Hears to being 17." he cheered. They all clicked their glasses and cups together as the music filled the room. Evan and Autumn stood in the corner of the room, trying hard not to make out in front of the others. "So who is going to tell him?", Zia asked as Xavier and Annalee stood around her. "That it's time he breaks things off with Evan or the fact that Evan has been doing weird shit ever since they have started that whole American Horror Story relationship of theirs.", Xavier pointed out. "I mean, I've met Autumn before Evan, and that is not him." Annalee said. "You wrong." Zia said, defending Autumn. "He's happy. He hasn't been this happy since-", Zia wanted to call out Xavier but decided not to. "Since his mother was alive." she rather said. "So what do we do about Evan? I mean that weird shit he has been carrying around or doing while Autumn is not looking." Xavier stopped talking when Autumn approached them. "What are you guys talking about, Evan send me over to tell you guys that we are going to go out to the back for skinny dipping in the pool.", they moved around uncomfortably waiting until Evan was out of the room. "There is something wrong with Evan, Autumn." Zia whispered. "What do you mean? There is nothing wrong with him." Autumn replied. "For the past months, Evan has been doing weird voodoo shit when you weren't around. He spent an awful lot of time around each of us. More than even you did." Xavier explained. "What we saying is that there's just something wrong with him." Annalee pointed out. Autumn turned and faced Evan as he stepped inside with a platter of snacks. "Have you been messing with me?" Evan stood shocked. "Babe. What are you talking about?" he asked, his voice shivering. "They told me what you have been doing." "That's not true. They don't have proof of me doing anything. Come on Babe you have to believe me.", Evan begged. "Why would they lie?" He could hear the anger in Autumn's voice. "They are Autumn. They are lying to you." Evan tried to convince Autumn, but he was too far away. They had him. "I think we should go." Xavier said. Autumn felt him being torn apart, trying to choose who to believe. "I'm not going to leave." Autumn said, facing the three of them. "I'm finally happy, and the three of you are just doing everything to end this. I would expect this from Xavier but not from you, Zia." Zia pushed Autumn's hands away the moment he tried to reach for hers. "You blinded. He blinds you from who you are Autumn. For who we are. Remember." Evan took Autumn by his shoulder. "I love you, Autumn. You know that." Autumn pushed himself away from the rest of them. "I don't know who the fuck to believe", he cried. "There is something you need to know, Autumn." Evan said. "What. What are you talking about?" Autumn stuttered. "It's about the day your mother died and what they-", Xavier grabbed Evan's head and smashed it into the wall. Blood dripping down the wall, "Remember who the fuck you are." Autumn was paralyzed. His insides burned as he watched Evan lay in the pool of his blood. "What did you do?" he kept repeating as his chest closed up. "What needed to be done." Zia said, walking through the pool of blood. "We leaving. The party was lame anyway." she said as she held up Autumn. "I think he's shutting down. It doesn't look like he's responsive at all." Annalee snapped her fingers, but Autumn's eyes were fixed on Evan. "Why did you kill him. Why did you do this to me? I want him back. I want him fucking back now!" Autumn commanded. "You know that's impossible." Xavier replied. "Then I'll fucking kill all of you.", Autumn threatened. "I don't think you capable of that Au-", Autumn snapped Zia's neck effortlessly. Annalee screamed as Xavier pushed her to the back. Autumn walked up to Xavier and grabbed his face before he could do anything. "It's what needs to be done.", he said and smashed Xavier's head countless times against the wall. Annalee fainted as the blood squirted all over her. He let go of Xavier and stood over Annalee's fainted body. "I never liked you in the first place", he said and cracked her skull with his foot. Autumn finally whipped his tears and sat down Evan's pool of blood. He held Evan's head and began chanting. Evan awoke in terror. "You'll be okay in a few minutes." Autumn reassured him. "I need you to help me with something." Evan nodded, crippling with terror. "I need you to help me with their bodies." Autumn grabbed Xavier's body and dragged it to the backyard. Evan placed Annalee next to his and Zia's body next to her. Autumn kissed Evan hard and spoke before he could, "I'm about to do something, but I need your help once again. I'm not who you thought I was Evan and I can't explain anything because we don't have much time before they wake up.", Evan started crying. Autumn gently placed his hands on Evan's face. "I need you to lie down with me and keep my hand as tight you can. I'll make them, we forget about all this. They'll be different people, and they won't hurt you anymore, neither would I.", Autumn explained. "Why would you hurt me.", Evan asked, but Autumn told him there was no time for explaining. "I won't remember who you are, and you will be overwhelmed with a lot of feelings, but don't let it take control of you. Find me and make me remember you. Make me remember what we had. Promise me.", Autumn cried. Evan nodded and laid down with Autumn. He could feel Autumn's hand heat up more than what it usually would. Autumn chanted and chanted as Evan felt all their emotion traveling into his body. "Make me remember." Autumn pleased before he passed out underneath the starless sky.