Walter awoke in his bed, dehydrated. His bedside lamp is on and he could hear the living room television playing. A sting of pain erupts in his mind. "Damn." He whispers in agony. He releases his father is home because the television is being changed every minute. Walter rolls around searching for his phone in his pockets, under the pillow, and on his bedside table. "Where is this thing?" He asked himself standing up. He balanced himself before he walked inside. "Dad do you know where I put my phone perhaps," Walter asked hazily and covering his eyes for the living room bright light. "Your dad is out." Walter lowered his hand and saw Evan sitting on the couch staring at him. "What are you doing here? I told you to leave me alone." Walter couldn't find the energy inside of him to be angry or upset as he stared at Evan. He looks better than the first time he showed up. "I came here for you," Evan said slowly standing up. "Look I don't have the time for all this. Just leave and don't come back." Walter walked over to the door and swung it open. "Walter I know you do not want to see me but people, very very dangerous people are after me and I think they know about you. Well about us or what we used to be." Evan said closing the door.

Walter could see Evan breathing the way his chest rises and lowers. "Who are these people?" He asked taking his eyes off of Evan's chest. "I can't say. You just need to come with me." Evan lifts his hand to touch Walter's arm but Walter shifts away. "I don't have time for your games." He said standing meters away from Evan. He could feel his body allowing his old feelings to return. His feelings and desire for Evan. "I am not taking no for an answer Walter," Evan commanded. "If they find you they will kill you and I can't let that happen." Walter ignored Evan and walked into his room. "I can't let anything happen to you. Why don't you want to understand that?" Evan rushed after him and slammed his bedroom door close. "Because I don't trust you anymore and I don't know if I should ever again. How do I know this is just some excuse that you want me with you? Some sick method that you using." Walter calmed himself down when he realized he has been working himself up. Evan moved closer to Walter but Walter stepped back again. "I can't explain everything. I can't give you a reason for why I left. I can't win your trust back. I can't make you trust me also, but what I do know Walter is that I care about you and I love you. That has never changed. I need to keep you safe and maybe when everything is done I can give you answers. If you just let me keep you safe." Walter realizes that Evan's hands are on him. Holding him. "Just let me. Please." Evan begged. "All I heard was ultimatums and how you would give me answers that I deserve if I only jump into your arms. You will never change and everything will always just be about you. You fooled me at first when we started dating. You were so mysterious and I just wanted to know more about you, so I fell hard for you and broke my fucking heart in the process. Because not only did you actually treat me right you made believe there could be a future between us. Then I woke up one day and you were gone, no reason why, no letter or anything, just gone. I blamed myself, messed myself up for months trying to figure out why until I knew exactly what it was. You used me to fill a void inside of you that you couldn't fill yourself and you left when you knew who or what you were again. I was just some piece of the process to you. To get over some shit you got yourself into. So no, I don't need you to keep me safe. Protect yourself because they after you and not me." Walter stood face to face with Evan feeling his hands gently being lowered off his arms. "Save yourself, Evan, don't use me," Walter said. Evan nodded his head and swallow hard. He made his way to the door and held his hand on the handle.

"I know you hate me but I am not letting you get killed." He said and locked the door. "For fuck sakes can you just leave? Just fucking leave!" Walter screamed. "I'm not leaving you!" Walter shouted back. "Stop coming back. I don't want you to come back to me ever. Understand the term I don't want to see you, Evan." Walter said. They continue screaming at each other endlessly for minutes. "I don't care what you think about me. I am not letting you die." Evan said toning down. "I'll rather take the chances of dying than be with you." Walter irritate responded. "You really make it clear you hate me." Evan slightly laughed. "So what my emotions is a joke to you now?" Walter sternly asked. "I think that you are so angry and upset with me because you still have feelings for me." Evan gradually moves to Walter. "You a piece of shit that's why I am feeling the way I am." Walter corrected him. "So." Evan laid his hand on Walter's waist. "You don't feel anything when I do this?" He asked. Walter wanted to resist but he couldn't. "Or this?" Evan put his hand on Walter's cheek gently rubbing his lips. "No," Walter whispered. "Or this?" Evan slowly started kissing his neck. Walter gripped and held onto Evan's hair pushing his head deeper into his neck. "Fuck you," Walter said pulling his head back still gripping onto his hair. "I'm not doing this." He said. "You don't need to do anything." Evan grabbing Walter's hand and pressed him against the wall. Walter resisted as Evan tried to kiss him, breathing heavily. He could feel Evan pressed against him. "Fuck you," Walter whispered again. "Try to if you get a chance." Evan teased and intensely kissed Walter. Walter pushed back as Evan pushed him harder against the wall. He could feel the guilt inside of him but everything just felt so good. Walter took off Evan's shirt and rub his hands on his bare body. He pushed Evan off him and stared at him removing his shirt and unbuttoning his pants. Evan stopped him and slowly pulled off his pants himself, kissing his thighs and legs. Walter walked over to the bed and stretched out his hand to Evan. Evan took off his pants and grabbed Walter's hand. They fell onto the bed rolling around entwined. Walter got on top of Evan and gazed at him. Tracing his face with his hand. Evan sat up and pulled Walter closer to kiss him. Walter reached over to his bedside table and took out a condom. Evan smirked and flipped Walter on the bed with him on top. He took out the condom and opened it. Throwing the packet onto the floor. He put it on and kissed Walter. "Do it," Walter whispered and Evan entered him. He held onto Evan as Evan slowly move deeper into him. Walter and Evan simultaneously started moaning as they continued. They could feel the tension and the longing for each other. Breaking free of their emotions and just getting lost in the lust. Evan wildly kisses Walter as he thrust faster and faster in Walter. Their moaning grew louder and louder as Evan keep going and going. Walter's phone started ringing. He could hear it on his bedside table. "Just ignore it," Evan whispered. Walter couldn't and reached for it. The phoned went to a missed call with a voice message. Walter put down the phone accidentally pressing on the voice message. "Hey, Walter. It's Autumn, just wanted to know if you okay. Give me a call back if you get this." Evan stopped listening to the voice message. "What?" Walter asked. "How the hell do you know Autumn?"

"His phone is off," Autumn told Zia switching off his phone. They stood in Autumn's room awaiting Xavier. "That means his properly still sleeping it off. You used to sleep for hours whenever you came close to remembering Evan." Zia started texting Xavier. "You right. Did Xavier evens reply to any of your messages?" He asked checking his phone again. "Nothing." She said and phoned Xavier again. Elaine came upstairs and knocked on Autumn's door before she stepped inside. "Can I talk to you for a second?" She asked. "Sure," Autumn said stepping outside and standing in the hallway. "I am just letting you know that I and your dad is going to my family for a few days. So we would really appreciate it if you don't throw any parties or so." She awkwardly laughs. "Sure no parties." Autumn quickly responded. "We will be back in two or three days and you have our numbers for emergency and I left you some money to buy you some diner." She said and heard Arthur call her. "Be good and be safe, okay." She kissed Autumn on his forehead and realized what she did. "I'm sorry." She apologized but Autumn said it's okay. "We going to leave now. Take care of yourself." Autumn watched her as she walked downstairs and left with his father. "She is a really uptight woman. I mean have you never heard your dad bang her." Zia glanced at Autumn expressionless. "Shut up." He said and pushed her back into the room. "Xavier is finally on his way over saying that he had some shit to do with his dad. That's why he has been a wall for the past day or something. So what's the plan? You decided yet?" Zia sat down at his study desk chair. "I'm going with yours and Xavier. Makes more sense. We track down Evan undo all the shit I did and hope the cult is satisfied with that." Autumn said sitting down on his bed. "What if they not?" Zia contemplated. "Then we fight like hell to survive," Autumn replied. The front door doorbell rang and Zia suggests that it was Xavier. Autumn rushed down and opened the door.

"You late." He said and head back upstairs with Xavier. "Look what the dead cat dragged in. We have been in deep shit and you take a family vacation trip." Zia scolded. Xavier put down the three take away coffees in hand. "My dad told me he is divorcing my mom and I need to choose whom I need to stay with, so what's the deep shit you were in?" He said. Zia and Autumn both apologized for his parents' divorce. "The cult is hunting us. Autumn was in an accident with diner boy and saw someone in the shadows or something. He tried to heal him but he had a protection spell on already. So he came to me with diner boy and I got my door blown off. So we decided that we gonna track down Evan finally and Autumn is gonna undo the shit that started all this, no offense. If the cult still wants blood, it's fighting for survival all the way." Zia explained. Xavier had a confused look on his face. "Do you want me to dumb it down for you?" Zia asked irritated by Xavier's look. "No, it's just diner boy. He was there when they got into a car crash and he was there when your door got blown off. Also, he had a protection spell on him which is really weird for just any random guy." Xavier stated. Autumn stood up realizing he missed all the facts Xavier pointed out. "So what? He's with the cult?" Zia asks taking one coffee. "I don't think that he is. He has been around me all the time. I would have noticed something." Autumn said trying to convince himself he's right. "Autumn your mojo has been off for I don't know how many years. Do you even know how the people of the cult look like or how their energy differs from ours?" Zia took sips from her coffee as she spoke. "He's not from the cult. I'm sure." Autumn convinced them. "Well, whoever he is the cult is going through very extreme measures to kill diner boy," Xavier said. Autumn felt a source of alarm burning up in him. He could feel there was something he is missing out. Something he could not place. "Where is he now?" Xavier asked. Zia sat back down finishing her coffee. "Autumn wiped his memory after the crash and he slept it off at his house. Why?" Autumn knew why Xavier asked where Walter are. The cult will be looking for him again if he's alone. "If he is alone. They won't doubt coming to him." Xavier's words pressed hard against Autumn's chest. "So what are saying? We should help diner boy?" Zia asked repulsed. "We can't let the cult just kill him, Zia." Autumn interfered. He knew they weren't going to agree. "We don't even know him, Autumn, why should we make his problems ours. We already have our own bullshit going on. Don't do this. Don't involve yourself." Zia knew there was no way Autumn would not involve himself. She was ready for his backlash and the emotional reason why he has too. "You right," Autumn said. Zia and Xavier stared at him shockingly. "Wait you actually agreeing?" She asked. "No, he's not. He is most probably taking of a million reasons to save diner boy." Xavier stated. Autumn remained calmed and stuck to his choice. "I'm not thinking of that. What I am thinking about is finding Evan. Do you guys still want to do that?" Zia and Xavier exchanged surprised looks and agreed with Autumn. "So let's get this over with." He said. The three of them sat down crossed legged in a triangle form and started chanting. They floated two meters away from the ground, around in a circle. Autumn chanted harder and harder. Xavier and Zia tried to keep up but they couldn't. Autumn's chanting became louder and louder over voicing them. He shouted his last chant and the three of them ending up in Walter's living room.

"What the fuck Autumn!" Zia scolded him. "Why would you do that!" Xavier asked rubbing his leg which he hurt. "That's why," Autumn said as he stood there watching Evan and Walter standing in the bedroom door. "Well, I'll be damned. Evan Stone. In the flesh." Zia said sounding cocky. "I was right," Autumn said not taking his eyes off of Evan. "He's the reason the cult has been hunting Walter." Evan tried to calm down Walter as he was demanding answers. "Get the fuck away from me." Walter pushed Evan away from him, warning Evan not to come close to him. "Why is it always fucking drama?" Zia rolled her eyes in disgust. "How did you know he was here?" Xavier asked Autumn who has not moved since they appeared there. "When you said the cult was after Walter and not us I knew there was something wrong. The protecting spell gave it away. It's the same one I used on Evan to protect him from all of you." Autumn confessed. The room went quiet. Autumn has not taken his eyes off Evan. "How do you know him? What is going on? How did you get here? Can someone please answer me?" Walter screamed. Autumn turned his head to Walter. "We-" Autumn tried explaining but Evan interrupted him. "Don't. Don't involve him." He said. "You already involved him. You already almost got him killed twice. So you don't get a fucking choice!" Autumn felt himself losing his temper. "Mad Autumn is back." Zia joked with Xavier. "It's dark Autumn." Xavier corrected her. "Really?" Zia asked in disbelief. "We clearly need to talk," Evan said as he saw the furry in Autumn's eyes. "I guess we do," Autumn said. "Wait. You two know each other?" Walter outrageously asked. "Yes, I know him too," Walter said and walked over to Evan. "Here we go," Zia said knowing Autumn is about to do something stupid. "You got shit to explain," Autumn said pushing Evan and they disappeared. Walter stood disorderly looking at Zia and Xavier. "So, you into both of them?" Zia asked breaking the tension.