Ashley stood in her room, twirling around in the mirror. Elaine stood by the door, admiring her. "You look beautiful." She said. Ashley thanked her and double-checked herself in the mirror again. "I don't even know why I care so much over the way I look; it's a funeral after all." She said, and got in her heels. Elaine helped Ashley and told her that it's not wrong to want to look good, no matter if it is for a funeral. "I don't have the stomach for it, every time I just think about it, I just want to cry." Ashley grabbed her purse and double-checked if she had everything again. "That's why your father is not going because he does not like funerals for some reason. So you can take my car. I'll stay here and look after him." Elaine said, explaining where she left the keys. "He can make an effort and just go at least. It's not like he would be doing anything great anyways."

Ashley got her phone from her nightstand and placed it in her bag. "Well, in his exact words, he is not going because he did not know the child," Elaine said and picked up on of the dresses Ashley tried on. "Well, I'm going to be late, and I promised one of my friends. I would give them a lift." Ashley kissed Elaine on her cheek and rushed downstairs. She walked over to her father, who was sitting in his chair, where he would always be. "I'm going to now, dad. I will be home later." She said, kissing him on his head. "Okay, my girl, also tell that boy not to come home late." Ashley smile and nodded her head. Her dad was diagnosed with amnesia a month ago and had been getting worst ever since, believing that he had a son. Ashley kissed him one last time and got the keys on the table. She got into the car and couldn't move. Every day the same paralyzing experience. That she can't move, and a sudden sadness moves her body—a painful sadness. Ashley switched on the car and put on the radio, making her feel less alone. She drove out of the driveway and down the road.

Zia knocked on Xavier's bedroom door. "Xavier, we need to leave, and this is not the time for you to have a bitch fit. I know this is an emotional day for you, but it is for all of us, and if you don't get out of this room, we will miss the funerals. Looking like fools and bad friends, and I have a reputation." Zia said, kicking against the door. Xavier opened the door and let her in. "Why the hell you are not evens dressed yet. What is wrong with you today?" Zia saw his suit hanging from against his door and took it off, unzipped it, and took it out.

"You want to act like a child. So I will treat you like a child Xavier." Zia threw the suit on his bed. She walked over to him, took off his shirt, removed his pants by force, leaving almost naked. "Geez, Zia, I can dress myself." He said, keeping his hands over his genitals. "Then do it." She said, throwing the suit for him. Xavier got dressed while Zia waited on him. She saw that he never got rid of that glass he keeps in his room, "What is it with you and that glass? Why don't you just put it in the dishwasher or something?" Xavier pulled his pants, buttoning it, "I told you I'm not going to get rid of the glass, and also I don't want to. Just leave it alone. Let it just be there." Zia rolled her eyes and hurried him on. "Do you think he'll be there?" Xavier asked, putting on his blazer. "Well, I don't know, and also he said he would make it. So I believe he would be there. There is no reason he would miss it. There is no reason anyone of us should be missing it." Zia threw over his shoes for him. "How do I look?" Xavier twirled around for Zia. "You look like someone who is about to bury a very dear friend of his. Can we go now? We can't be late." Zia walked out of the room when Xavier asked her if his butt was showing. "It's a normal question," Xavier yelled, rushing after her. "I do not have time for your jokes, Xavier. We need to leave." Xavier got his keys and told her to get into the car. He locked the house door, making sure it's locked. "Don't be paranoid. You live her alone. No one would steal your shit in this neighborhood." Zia said while buckling herself up. Xavier started the car and drove off. They eventually got to the graveyard, which was fully parked outside.

"Why is he so much, people?" Zia tried to find a parking spot by searching around. "Everyone is here for different people. It's a graveyard so obviously." Xavier remarked. They got a spot close to the entrance and parked there. Xavier wanted to leave, but Zia had to stop him multiple times. She phoned Ashley, who was not far behind them. "Hey, guys." Ashley greeted them when she walked over with Walter. Zia welcomed Ashley, but Xavier didn't. "What's his problem?" Walter asked. "He's having a major bad day. Now he is taking it out on every possible human he is in contact with."

Zia commented, putting her phone back in her purse. "Is Evan coming, or is he too busy at art school?" Xavier sarcastically remarked. "Well, Xavier, I am here." Everyone turned around, finding Evan standing with hands in his pocket. "Art school was nice, by the way, if you wanted to know so badly." He said and greeted all of them. He has not seen Walter in forever, and it was hard to just say hello to him. "Okay, so we are all here. I know this is going to be hard on all of us, but we need to get through it. We need to do it if we want to be here or not. We need each other, and we made a promise to be there for each other no matter what. So let's bury a friend." Zia took Xavier and Evan's hands. They grabbed onto Walter and Ashley's. "Let's bury a friend." They all choired together and made their way into the graveyard.

"Today, we are gathered as friends and family to bury a dear beloved one. We are here today to show our love and support to the family who has lost such a wonderful soul. We will keep them in our hearts as we lay the beloved one to rest. Any family member or friend who has a kind word to say, please come forth." Zia stood up, walked over to the pastor, and turned herself to the friends and family she was about to pour her heart out too. "I firstly want to say that I am deeply sorry for the loss of each and everyone here. Annalee was a bright soul; she always helped us no matter how deep we were in a situation. I remember the first time I saw Annalee, she was in Xavier's arms, smile big as ever. They walked around school like they were getting married the next day. Annalee was fierce, bold, and deserve much more then what this world had to offer her." Zia looked up, seeing a familiar face in the distance. "The thing with losing someone is that they slowly fade away. You stop remembering the sound of their voice, their scent, their way in life until all you have is just blurred out memories. Memories you try to remember on days when you miss the person so much it's unbearable. Memories that you forget was there. We all hold on to a person we lost every single day, whether they were someone we barely knew to a lifelong friend or relative." Zia saw the person walking closer to the service. "We all hold on to someone close in our hearts, someone we thank for everything that we have. A person we will be entirely grateful for. A person who saved us when we couldn't save ourselves. I know that Annalee is happy and at peace. I know that her soul was lost for a very long time, but it is found now." Zia could see the guy now. There was something about him that she just couldn't figure out. "We will miss you, Annalee." Zia laid her hand on the coffin and made her way back to her seat. The pastor continued the service. Xavier cried as the coffin descended into the ground. Everyone scattered when it was over, Xavier asked them to wait for him as he properly says goodbye, "Rest well Anny. I'll always love you."

Evan pulled Walter aside for a quick talk. "I know you do not want to talk to me now, but I'm sorry that I left. I'm sorry I never called or texted. I'm sorry." Evan apologized. Walter saw the same guy Zia did walking to another grave. "It's okay. I got over it, and this is not about us. This day is about Annalee and everyone that wanted you to be here." Walter said, still keeping his eye on the guy. "Well, I just had to apologize to you since I'm here now." Evan saw how distracted Walter was. "Can you excuse me for a minute?" He said and blew off Evan. "Ashley, there is some guy over there at your mother's grave," Walter informed her. Ashley could see the person clearly as he is bowed down in front of the tombstone. "I'll be right back."

"You do know that you're not supposed to be at other people's graves. Might just wake them up." Ashley said as she stood behind him. He hesitated at first to turn around. "I'm sorry. I saw there were no flowers, so I placed some there." Ashley saw they daisies on her mother's grave. She used to love daisies. "Well, that's kind of you. Thanks." Ashley could see he was trying to avoid looking at her. "Do you know her? My mother?" Ashely moved closer to him, seeing his face. "No, not really. I saw her name, and it reminded me of my mother. I also lost her." The guy said, smiling at the grave. "I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure she was a wonderful mother." Ashley heard Zia calling for her. "I think you are needed." The guy grinned. "What is your name?" Ashley asked, but Zia interrupted her after running over to them. "You." She pointed. "Why do you look so familiar?" The guy didn't know what to say. He felt ambushed and trapped. "Zia, please do not attack him," Ashley begged. "Excuse me?" He confusingly asked. "You walked up to the service and almost made me choke on my speech. I don't know who you are, and I know most of the people here." Zia felt the nervousness off of him. "You better start talking, I'm a very impatient person." She warned him. He saw Xavier, Evan, and Walter also walking up to them. He didn't want this; he wasn't supposed to let them all see him. "What is going on here?" Xavier asked, getting in between Ashely and Zia. "He was at the service, and I don't know who he is. I was asking him, but he still has no given me an answer." Ashley told him just to say to her because she was not about to back down at all, and they all had somewhere to be. The sooner, the better. "Okay." He gave in. He glanced at Evan, who didn't take his eyes off his. "I knew Annalee. I attended the same school she did. I heard that they found her body after months of searching for it. I had to pay my respect. I couldn't miss the funeral. Sorry that I had to walk up while you were giving your eulogy." Zia lowered her guard and apologized for her actions. He told her it's all good. Xavier said they had to leave before they don't get the group table. "Sorry for everything, and thank you that made it for the funeral. It means a lot." Xavier gratefully said. Zia apologized one last time, and they head off. Evan kept looking around at him as he watches them walk off. "Wait." Evan stopped them and rushed back to the guy. "We are going to a diner nearby. If you want to join, you can. A friend of Annalee is a friend of ours. So would you like to come?" Evan could see he was about to say no or just make up an excuse for why he can't come. "You'll make great friends, and you can leave whenever you feel comfortable. It would suck just leaving you here. So please don't make me ask again." He laughed and agreed he would go with them even if it were just for a short while.

They all walked inside of Ally's diner and got the group table by the window. Walter went off and greeted his father, placed an order for all of them, and sat down next to Xavier. He felt a little jealous that Evan brought a stranger with them, but he shook it off. The diner was busy; more customers came in and filled the room. "Did you make our order diner, boy?" Zia joked, taking off her heels underneath the table. "Yes, I did, and please stop calling me that because it is not funny," Walter said as they laughed beside the guy. Xavier could see he was a bit confused. "We call him diner boy because we met him here. His father owns the place, and the name just suited him perfectly." The guy finally got it and agreed with Xavier. "Do guys remember when we came here a few months back. We were all wasted, so Walter decided that he was going to make our breakfast in the kitchen. So he ended up frying his shoes instead of our fries." Ashley could barely keep her laughter in. "Yeah, and gave it to me and said that I should eat it if I want a place to sleep tonight." Evan laughed. The laugher and stories went around the table for minutes on end. Evan kept an eye on the guy just to see that he's okay. He seemed more at home than anyone of them. The waiter brought the food, two bunches of French fries, six hamburgers, two milkshakes, three drinks, and one glass of juice. "Do you guys always eat this much?" He asked, watching Zia digging into her hamburger. "It's a regular we get every time we come here. It's easy, and also, it saves the waiter time to come to the table." Walter explains eating the fries. "So, who are you?" Xavier brought up. He knew he could not escape them this time. There was no way for him to lie, "I am just another ordinary guy who does not live on this side of the town or live in this town at all. I come here sometimes to check up on old friends and so but then I would leave again. They don't need me anymore." Zia laid down her hamburger, feeling sorry for him. "I mean, if you are ever in town again and need some people to hang out with, we are more than willing too. Sucks when friends are dicks." She said, and all of them agreed. They finished their food, and he said that he had to go. "Can't you stay like a little bit longer? I like you more than them." Walter joked, picking up the plates. It's a habit of him. "I wish I could, but I need to head back." He stood up from the table and took out some money. "That's not necessary. It was on me." Evan held his hand back with the money in. "You sure because I don't mind." He offered again, but Evan wouldn't take it. "What are friends for?" He thanked them once again for everything. "Wait." Ashley stopped him before he could walk off. "You never told me your name." She said. He gently smiled at her, wanting just to lie again. It was easier that way, to protect him and them. "It's Autumn. My name is Autumn." He said and left as shuttled as he could. Annalee sat back down, feeling discomfort all over her. "That name." She whispered. "It sounds so familiar," Xavier added. Evan's eyes were locked on the door were Autumn left. "He looked familiar," Zia said, turning around to see if she could see him through the window. "Autumn." Walter kept repeating. "Autumn!" Evan yelled, storming up from the table and out of the door. "What the hell was that about?" Zia asked, but none of them could give her an answer.

Evan ran down the street, hoping he would find Autumn. "Autumn!" He yelled when he saw him crossing the road. Autumn stopped in tracks as Evan hurried up to him. "I remember. I remember you. I remember everything. I remember us." Evan was out of breath, gasping for air as he spoke. "You remember me?" Autumn held Evan as he leaned against Autumn. "Yes, I do, and you can't leave. You can't leave us again, Autumn." Evan begged, clinging onto him. "I can't stay Evan. I had to let Atreus kill me to remove the curse off of all of you and place it on me. I can't stay here." Evan pulled Autumn close to him. "You said that I should remember you. You said that I should find you. For us to live a life without running or anyone or anything is after us. You told me that on top of that stupid uphill forest. Well, I remember you, Autumn, and you found me, and I don't want to let go. I don't ever want to let go of you. We can do this, just you and me. The way all of this was intended to happen. You gave everyone a second chance of life without them, even knowing that it is because of you. I always felt that there was some piece of me that was missing. I went to art school Autumn. I drew our garden with us in it over and over again, the longing of that. Longing for something I didn't know that I already had." Evan laid his head against Autumn's. "I don't care if I have to wake up every day to remember you, but I will, and it will be worth it because I will remember every single thing. I don't care what you have to say, but you are not leaving without me." Autumn held Evan's hands, hearing the beating of his heart. "I can't promise you forever. I made a deal with Atreus to use my body as a vessel if he ever dies. I can't promise that it won't be tomorrow or the next day or the day after that." Evan laid his hand on Autumn's cheek, wiping his tear away. "I don't care. I'll spend whatever time I have left with you. I am not letting go of you again, Autumn. This is how it's going to end. Not with you leaving but with us leaving. You and me. Get it in that thick skull of yours." Autumn laughed and kissed Evan. The cars stopped, the sun aluminate down on them, everything felt perfect. Autumn embraced Evan and saw Ashley, Zia, Xavier, and Walter watching them. Ashley nodded okay and wiped her tears from her face. Zia grabbed her hand, and they all walked back to the diner, no turning back. "So, where are we going?" Evan asked as they walk down the street. "Back to the beginning," Autumn said, feeling the clear sky on his face. "And where is that?" Evan asked with Autumn was still enjoying the sun on his face. "You'll see." He whispered, placing his arm around Evan's neck.

Autumn and Evan kept walking until they disappeared in the daylight. Vanishing from the existence, they left behind. Vanishing away from the ones they remember. The ones they will always remember….