Chapter 13: The Phage: Part Two.
Ensign Harry Kim's POV
Tuvok lead the away team, carefully down the corridor. There was a large metal door at the end of it. I slowly pushed it open. Holding my phaser close to my chest as it revealed another room. We all slowly stepped into the room that had an operating bed in the middle and large jars holding tissues samples.
"This room is the source of the dilithium signature we detected earlier. The power systems here are running on an unusual dilithium matrix." Tuvok said as I sighed in defeat as the reality of the situation hit me that this entire incident was useless.
"So there are no dilithium deposits on this planet." I stated.
"It would appear not."
I walked over to the containers and looked inside.
"Are these...organs?" I asked. A sick feeling developed in my stomach at the thought.
"This looks like some sort of storage facility." Captain Janeway commented as she looked at some of the jars also.
"I would say you are correct, Captain. This appears to be a biological repository." Tuvok added.
"Any sign of Neelix's lungs?" She asked as we started to wonder the room again, scanning every jar around.
"Negative. There is however a Kazon liver, and although I cannot identify the other organs on display here I would say they bear a striking similarity to pulmonary organs, epidermal tissue, ocular nerve fibre-"
"Save the cataloguing for later, Tuvok, according to my tricorder there was a lifeform in this room less than ten minutes ago." The Captain snapped out.
"Captain!" I called out and pointed towards another door.
"Open it. One life sign twenty metres ahead. Let's go." She ordered and gestured Tuvok to follow. I swung open the door and immediately fired.
I watched as an Alien with a rotten face, parts of other pieces of flesh was wrapped on its face, mutilated yelped and dropped his weapon as my phaser blast hit his hand. The Captain quickly rushed forward and grabbed a two-pronged design. The Alien quickly scrambled back and pressed some controls on a small device he pulled out. The corridor in front of us, including the alien, disappeared and was replaced by a cavern wall again. The Captain swore under her breathe as she carefully held the weapon.
"Voyager to Captain Janeway." Chakotay said on the comm channel. She tapped her combadge.
"Janeway here. Go ahead, Commander."
"We've just picked up an alien ship leaving the planet."
"Tractor them, Commander!" She barked.
"Sorry, Captain. They went into warp too quickly."
"Beam us back. As soon as we're aboard lay in a course for pursuit. Maximum warp."
"Aye Captain."
(Five Minutes later)
Lieutenant Bini Filters POV
"Doc? Why am I here? I am not good support." I demanded as I followed him around sickbay. He gave out an irritated sigh as Kes watched us from Neelix's bedside. He grabbed and loaded a hypospray as Tom placed a big metal tube over Neelix's body and tightened it. Kes couldn't help but glare at Tom as he tried to avoid looking at her.
"Mr. Neelix is going to when he wakes up. It explains its self."
"Like I said before. I AM NOT GOOD SUPPORT. I barely know him..." I argued, suddenly it hit me. "Wait...Is this about my medical examination? OH no, no, nope. I am not dealing with this today!"
I made a mad dash to the exit, the Doctor snapped to attention.
"Computer, seal sickbay door. Authorization Beta-Alpha-EMH-Medical-Five."
I heard the soft click of the doors locking. But I was too close to stop now. I slammed right into the door, full speed. Causing my nose to get injured as blood started to pour out of it. I groaned in pain as I laid on my back, looking up at the rather disgusting ceiling. Then the Doctor leaned over me with a medical tricorder.
"Sorry, Lieutenant. Maybe you should watch where you are going next time."
"Screw you."
Tom started to laugh in the background as the Doctor pulled me up and used a dermal regenerator on my nose, then doing his stupid medical check-up. I was avoiding my medical checkups for a reason. Now that he will know soon. Then my secret is out.
I scowled at him as he finished up and entered the data in the computer for review later. Mental note. Delete records later.
He, then, unlocked the doors and grabbed the hypospray once again and went over to Neelix.
Tom made the finishing touches as we approached. I am already here. May as well ride this out.
"Okay. The isotropic restraint is activated. He won't be able to move more than two microns in any direction." Tom confirmed as Kes turned a little pale at the thought of Neelix being so confined.
"One micron would be preferable, but I suppose it'll have to do. Initiating the holographic emitter array." The Doctor complained as he tapped the controls.
"His cellular toxicity is rising. Eight two percent. Eighty-six percent."
"Computer, activate programme Neelix One. Deactivate the infuser."
"It's offline."
"Here we go..." I muttered. Neelix let out a shuttering breathe.
"Toxicity returning to normal." Tom reported with relief as Kes grinned.
(Time: 1200. Lunch)
Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV
"Captain's log, supplemental. We are pursuing the alien ship from the moon. They are not responding to hails and it appears that our two ships are evenly matched for speed. Computer. End Log."
I placed two plates of food on the table as I heard small voices from my children's bedroom. They were probably discussing the Flotter program they discovered the other day.
"Lunch!" I called out.
I heard a quiet "Coming!" Then arguing, and finally Micheal and Sarah pushing each other out of the way as they attempted to get through the doorway. Micheal got out first and ran into his chair as Sarah complained and stormed to her chair.
I sat down with my cup of coffee as they started to devour their food and I went over Neelix's medical report.
"How has your day been so far, you two?"
"It was OK so far." Micheal shrugged. His way of showing that it wasn't the best morning.
"What happened in your Flotter program?" I asked. Sarah picked up. She pointed at Micheal in an accusing way.
"Micheal set the forest on fire!" She squealed out. Micheal glared at her.
"I wasn't the one who flooded it!" Micheal protested.
"Well, I didn't make Flotter disappear!" She fought back. Micheal rolled his eyes.
"Flotter died! The Orge of Fire did that!" He snapped. But, of course, Sarah wouldn't accept it as she held her head high.
"No! He went to the clouds!"
"You summoned him! You killed him!
"He. Went. To. The. Clouds."
"I didn't even set the forest on fire. It wouldn't have been destroyed if you didn't summon him!"
"Stop blaming me! Mommy! Tell Micheal it was not my felt. It was his." She demanded. I shook my head in disappointment. These two were acting like Pheobe and I when we were young and went to play in the holodeck, whenever we had time that Melissa went to school.
(AN: Yep. Janeway has a third sister. You will learn more about her later. You probably won't like it though.)
"How about we change the subject. Have you been around Bini since I last saw you two?"
Micheal and Sarah shook their heads "No."
"Hmmm. OK. Well, eat up you two. I have to get to the bridge soon."
(20 minutes later.)
Bini Filters's POV
"Holographic lungs?" He squeaked at Kes. She nodded slowly with a sad expression. He looked over to my scowling face.
"Holographic lungs??" He repeated. I rolled my eyes and nodded. He finally looked at the Doctor, standing behind Kes with a raised eyebrow.
"Holographic LUNGS??!" He exclaimed. Something tells me he is having an internal freak out.
"Yes, and they're working perfectly if I do say so myself. Try to breathe normally." The Doctor insisted.
"How long can I live like this?"
"I don't know. This is an unprecedented medical procedure. We will be closely monitoring your condition."
"When do I get out of this restraint?" Neelix asked.
"Never." I happily chirped and crossed my arms over my chest. Neelix stared at me with frightening red eyes. The Doctor ignored me.
"Unless Captain Janeway is successful in retrieving your original lungs, you'll have to stay in the isotropic restraint indefinitely." The Doctor explained. Even though the way I said it was way easier to understand.
"Indefinitely? You mean I could be in here the rest of my life." Neelix panicked.
"Yes." He said bluntly.
"But we're trying to find the aliens that did this to you. The Captain is doing everything she can." Kes reassured him. Neelix got a hold of himself as he stared at the ceiling.
"Well, if I'm going to be in here a while, now's as good a time as any to tell you. Your ceiling is hideous." He commented. I nodded in agreement as I looked up at it.
"I didn't design the room, I just work here." The Doctor grumbled.
"Something with a bit of colour would help. Maybe a nice tapestry or painting. Could you dim the lights a little?"
"I'm a doctor, Mister Neelix, not a decorator." He snapped and looked between Kes and I. "Perhaps you two would be willing to accommodate his aesthetic needs."
I shook my head in disagreement immediately as Kes didn't seem to care.
"And some music would be nice. Or better yet, are you programmed to sing?" Neelix asked. He looked at the Doctor for an answer. The Doctor cringed on sight, then he looked at me. "What about you Lieutenant Filters?"
"I am already your stupid decorator. Don't push it." I snapped back.
Tom chuckled again behind me. He seemed to be enjoying himself as he cleaned up. Maybe I should trip him and knock over all his hard work for fun. That will teach him.
"Janeway to Paris. Please report to the bridge." Janeway called on his combadge.
"I'm on my way, Captain. Paris out." He looked over to Kes with a smile. "You know where I am if you need me."
"Thanks for everything." She chirped back. He nodded with a classic Tom 'playboy' smirk. Then he quickly rushed out to get to the bridge. Kes smiled as he left and looked towards Neelix and his jealous face. His jealous frog face...Ha!! I am never going to be able to let this go now.
"Oh, fine. I have a little accident, I lose a pair of lungs, and the next thing I know Paris is swooping in like a Rectillian vulture." Neelix snapped at everyone and no one.
"What are you talking about?" Kes asked with a raised eyebrow. The Doctor quickly retreated to his office, almost in a jog. Even a hologram knows when it is time to leave. Unforntatley, I am nosey.
"Didn't you hear the way that he said that? I'll be on the bridge if you need me. If you need me."
This is like a horrible soap opera gone wrong. I love seeing this fall apart!
"Why doesn't he just pull the plug on the holographic emitter and get it over with. Get me out of the way so he can have you all to himself!"
"Neelix, you're over-reacting. Tom's been very supportive."
"Neelix, you're over-reacting. Tom's been very supportive." She insisted. He rolled his eyes at her.
"Ah, so it's Tom now, is it?" Oh geez.
"You have nothing to worry about. We're friends, that's all."
I guarantee by the end of this year, Kes will be with Tom.
"It's not you that I am worried about. It's him. He's just one big hormone walking around the ship. Don't you see the way that he looks at you?" Neelix snapped back. Leave it to Neelix to carefully watch people's expressions.
"This is ridiculous. I'm not going to argue with you about something that exists only in your imagination. I know you, Neelix, and I know you're afraid. I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I'll be here with you." Kes was trying to be kind but she is really angry at Neelix right now.
"Kes, I could be in here a very long time. You need to go on with your life. Don't worry about me."
Wasn't he just worried about her moving on...with Tom? This just took a 180. Am I somehow in an Alternate Universe? Back up. How did that conversation
"You should just let me die."
"Stop that. We're going to get through this together."
"Visiting hours are over. He needs rest." The EMH barked from his office. I suppose he had enough of the little argument over here.
"When can I come back?" She asked back.
"Seventeen hundred hours. Not a minute before." He barked. Kes nodded and kissed Neelix on the cheek and hurried out.
The Doctor hurried out and leaned close over Neelix cringed.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to kiss you, I'm only adjusting the restraint." He insisted with a snap to his voice and irritation. Neelix growled at him.
"I'll try to contain my disappointment," Neelix muttered. I started to giggle, trying to contain my amusement. They both narrowed their eyes at me.
"Maybe you didn't hear me, Lieutenant. Visiting hours are over." The Doctor barked at me. I rolled my eyes and nodded. Then hurried out. I walked into the corridor and stopped in my tracks and loudly swore. Two crewmembers gave me confused looks at they passed as I started to panic. I never deleted the records! Damn it! I forgot. I was able to every time, except the one time it is detailed. Damn it!
I have to delete them. I could hack into the system. Starfleet computers are complicated. It would take me a couple of hours. I will do it as soon as possible. Besides my shift was over, but I have reports to go over, I can't do it now. There is too much activity on the ship. Someone would notice.
(Time: An hour after 7 pm. Yeah. Big time jump. But I think it would take a couple of several hours to make the ship do what it did in the episode. Plus, it needs to be late in the story...for reasons. Sorry if this is confusing.)
B'Elanna Torres's POV
"Captain! We've completed our diagnostic on the alien device. It appears to be more than a weapon. It's also a very sophisticated medical scanner and surgical instrument." I called out from the engineering station where the weapon sat in front of me as the wall console in front of me gave me the data about the weapon.
"From what we can tell, it uses a neural resonator to stun the victim, while a quantum imaging begins a microcellular analysis of the entire body." Tuvok said as the info appeared on his console and Ops also.
"The amount of information this thing can gather puts a tricorder to shame. You fire this at someone, you learn everything about their anatomy, right down to their DNA sequencing." I continued.
"So it sounds like we're dealing with aliens who've developed a technology specifically designed to locate and extract organs from other beings. Why?" she asked from her command chair.
"Captain! The alien ship has dropped out of warp. It's approaching a large asteroid." Chakotay called out. We all snapped our eyes towards the small alien ship in front of a large asteroid, that was indeed dropping out of warp. We watched in manoiver carefully into the asteroid.
"It's entered the asteroid, Captain." Tom reported.
"Hold position here. Mister Kim?" Janeway looked over to Harry.
"I can't scan the interior. The surface stratum is made up of some sort of neutronium alloy. It doesn't look like a natural formation." Harry explained.
"Are you saying someone built this asteroid?" Chakotay asked.
"It's possible."
"Any sign of weapons or defence systems?" She asked.
"Negative." Tuvok confirmed.
"I think I've located where the alien ship entered. There's an open crater on the limb of the asteroid. The ion trail from the alien ship leads directly inside." Tom said. Harry shifted uncomfortably in his chair as the Asteroid filled the screen.
"How large is that crater?" Janeway asked.
"Two hundred metres in diameter." Tom reported.
"Captain, may I suggest you consider carefully what you are about to do." Tuvok warned. Janeway raised an eyebrow towards him.
"How do you know what I'm about to do?" she demanded.
"I could describe to you in detail the psychological observations I have made about you over the past four years which lead me to conclude you are about to take this ship inside the asteroid. But suffice it to say, I know you quite well."
Vulcan logic for the win.
"One of these days I'm going to surprise you, Tuvok, but not today. I've already considered other options. If Neelix has any chance of surviving, we have to act fast. Red alert. Mister Paris, lay in a course." she ordered with a crooked smile.
"Aye, Captain."
"Mister Tuvok, maximum shields. Phasers at the ready." On the viewscreen, we were slipping into a crack in the rock and followed the ion trail through a narrow corridor of rock.
"Captain, I'm reducing power to the aft thrusters only. This passageway is getting a little too narrow for my taste." Tom commented as the vibrations under my head went down a little.
"Use your discretion, Mister Paris. Any sign of the vessel, Lieutenant?" She looked over her shoulder to Tuvok.
"We are still following the ion trail, but electro-magnetic interference is limiting our sensor range. I am only able to scan five hundred metres ahead of us." Tuvok reported.
"Are there any indications we're being scanned or probed, Mister Kim?" Chakotay looked over to Harry.
"Not yet." Harry replied.
Neelix's POV
I felt a wave of loneliness and sadness as the Doctor flipped his tricorder shut and headed back to his office. I don't like this feeling!
"Doctor, wait, don't leave." I called out.
"I'm not leaving, Mister Neelix, I'm simply going back to work." He called back as he entered his office and I heard him sit down at his computer.
"I can't see you over there. I feel like I'm all alone." I whimpered. I felt ashamed of myself.
"You are all alone. I'm a holographic projection. A projection with a lot of work to do, I might add." he snapped back. I couldn't help but laugh at his comment.
That's very amusing, Doctor. But, I'm starting to feel a little trapped in here. A little claustrophobic, maybe. I'm not sure what to do.
"There's nothing you can do except lie there and be quiet."
"I'm going to lie here for the rest of my life, aren't I? Just staring up at the ceiling. I'm not sure I can take that. I need to get out of this restraint. Doctor, I want you to let me out of this thing right now." I started to panic.
"You know that's impossible." he replied.
"I'm the patient, I know what my rights are. I want to be released from this restraint immediately. Immediately!" I yelled and struggled against the cage holding me in. I wanted out. I needed out! LET ME OUT. The Doctor rushed out of his office, trying to calm me down.
"Mister Neelix, you are alive. You are breathing and for the moment your condition is stable. That is more than most people can say in your situation. Now it is critical to your recovery that you not subject yourself to any additional stress. Try to calm down." He insisted.
"Don't tell me to calm down! You're not the one trapped in a restraining field with holo, holo-lungs." I yelled and tried to breathe but I couldn't, I couldn't breathe. I tried gasping for breathe. "I don't think they're working. I can't, can't get enough oxygen. There's something wrong." I choked out.
"You're hyperventilating. Try to take slow, natural breaths."
"I can't. I'm dying. Let me out of here. Help me. Help me." I yelled. The Doctor loaded a hypospray and pressed it against my neck. I faded into oblivion.
Tom Paris's POV
"You're doing fine, Mister Paris. Just fine." Captain Janeway assured me as she gave me a quick squeeze on the shoulder and went back towards the middle of the bridge.
"Thanks, Captain." I said I was happier to get praise from her than I ever was from my Father...whuch wasn't a lot of or next to nothing.
"Sensors detect a large chamber ahead." Tuvok called out. The ship entered quickly into the chamber, it was like a hall of mirrors. The sma e ship was...well...everywhere.
"What the hell?" Chakotay muttered.
"We appear to be seeing Voyager and the alien ship reflecting off the walls of the chamber." Harry reported.
"Can you determine which ship is the real one?" The Captain asked.
"No, Captain. The walls are emanating severe electromagnetic interference. I cannot scan them directly."
"It's like trying to move through a hall of mirrors. You never know when you're going to walk into the glass."
"I'm still picking up the alien's ion trail. Maybe we should follow that." I suggested.
"He might have left a fake ion trail to lure us in here. It could lead us right into one of those walls." Chakotay warned.
"That's a chance we're going to have to take. Tuvok, extend the deflectors to maximum range. If we do run into something, it'll give us an extra margin of error. Follow the ion trail, Mister Paris, slowly. Mister Kim, continuous scans." Janeway ordered us.
"Aye, Captain." We replied and started on our next tasks.
Seska's POV
Maybe I was getting cocky, maybe I wasn't being cautious enough. They are all gullible Starfleet officers, hell. Even the Maquis are getting soft.
I was able to access the main computer from engineering. The only place I could do it without making anyone the wiser.
I carefully hid my tracks and made sure no one was watching me. Even though people where rushing around me, since I was at a console near the warp core.
I accessed the medical database from sickbay. I was hoping to use some classic blackmail to scare these worthless people to help me get a mutiny going.
After several minutes of going through worthless medical info. I was growing tired of pretending to work. All this effort was useless.
Then...then I hit gold. Lieutenant Bini Filters's file was certainly interesting. I should have expected this. She was working for the obsidian order. Why wouldn't she have this device?
Suddenly insistent beeping went off. I switche back to my warp core readings, that I had to watch.
"Lieutenant, I'm picking up a minor power fluctuation in the warp core." I called out to B'Elanna.
" Compensate with the KLS stabilizer." She barked back as she ran over to my concole. I quickly deleted the records from the medical database and followed her orders. Which made it worse.
"No effect. The power loss is starting to accelerate."
"Janeway to Torres, what's going on down there?" Janeway demanded over B'Elanna's combadge. B'Elanna growled at the back of her throat as she slammed her fingers against the consoles in a worthless effort to fix the issue.
"Some kind of power drain. I can't localize it but we're losing power at the rate of seven percent per minute." She snapped back.
"The power drain is coming from somewhere in this chamber, Captain. It's some kind of dampening field. It's bleeding energy directly from the warp nacelles." I heard that annoying Harry Kim explain over the channel.
"B'Elanna shut down the warp core! Go to emergency power." Janeway ordered. B'Elanna scrambled to another console on the other side of the area. The warp core began to grow gray as it shut off.
"No effect, Captain!" B'Elanna replied as she whipped sweat from her brow.
"Keep me informed. Bridge out." The connection was quickly severed.
Harry Kim's POV
"Can you pinpoint the source of the dampening field?" The Captain asked as she looked over towards me for an answer.
"It appears to be coming from two one seven mark zero one five. Distance, five hundred and forty-seven metres."
"Tuvok, what would happen if we locked phasers and fired at the source." The Captain asked as she looked over to Tuvok next.
" The walls of this chamber reflect directed energy. The phaser beam would ricochet along an unpredictable path, possibly impacting our ship in the process." He replied in this usual bluntness.
"All right, we won't try that." She muttered.
"Well, maybe we should. Tuvok, what would happen if we reduced the phaser power level to a minimum setting and sent out a continuous beam." Chakotay replied. Janeway perked up.
"The phaser would continue to reflect off the bulkheads until it encountered a non-reflective material." Tuvok explained.
"Until it encountered a non-reflective material, like the real alien ship?" Chakotay asked.
"So we could use the phasers like a searchlight, scan the interior of the station until we find the ship."
"Do it."
The phaser fired and reflected off the wall and finally hit the ship.
"Mister Paris, bring us within transporter range of that ship." Janeway said.
"Aye, Captain."
"Picking up two life signs." I reported.
"Security, meet me in transporter room three. Lieutenant Filters. Report to the transporter room three." Tuvok snapped on his combadge as he swiftly entered the turbo lift. I couldn't hear the replies. But I assume that it has to do with Bini complaining to him about her break.
(10 minutes later.)
Lieutenant Bini Filters POV
The transport completed. The aliens that appeared looked like they are constructed from bits and pieces, like a walking corpse. I tried to gage at them. As the Captain stepped closer to them as Tuvok and I stood close to either side of her, a tight grip on our phasers.
"You're on the Starship Voyager. I'm Captain Kathryn Janeway of the United Federation of Planets." She introduced.
"I'm Dereth, of the Vidiian Sodality." One of the aliens introduced.
"You attacked one of our crewmembers and you have lured us into this asteroid. Why?" The Captain barked.
"We are gathering replacement organs and suitable bio-matter. It is the only way we have to fight the phage." Dereth explained.
"A virus? Some kind of disease?" The Captain asked.
"Yes, it attacked our people over two millennia ago. It consumes our bodies, destroys our genetic codes and cellular structures." The other alien explained.
"So you harvest the bodies of other beings to replace your tissues as they're consumed by this phage?" she spat out. I felt sick to my stomach at the thought.
"Our immuno-technology cannot keep up. The phage adapts. It resists all attempts to destroy it. Our society has been ravaged. Thousands die each day. There is no other way for us to survive." He continued.
"I have great...sympathy for what your race has endured, but I cannot allow you to keep the organs you removed from one of our crew members. We need them back immediately." She insisted.
"I'm afraid that isn't possible. I have already bio-chemically altered the air-breathing organs and grafted them into Motura's body. They are a part of him now." Dereth said.
"He is my honatta. His task is to find the organs I need for survival. We, we try to extract them from the dead-"
"But sometimes, when the need is immediate, more aggressive actions are required."
"So now I am left with the same choice you made. Whether to murder to save a life, or to allow my crewman to die while you breathe air through his lungs." Janeway's voice started to shake.
"It must be impossible for you to understand how any civilized people could come to this. Before the phage began, we were known as educators and explorers, a people whose greatest achievements were artistic. I am a sculptor of note on my world. All I can say is that when your entire existence is at stake-"
"You don't have to explain yourself, Motura." Dereth hissed at the other one. Now named Motura.
"If the consequence of this act is a death sentence, so be it. At least it will put an end to my suffering." Motura snapped at him.
"I can't begin to understand what your people have gone through. They may have found a way to ignore the moral implications of what you are doing, but I have no such luxury. I don't have the freedom to kill you to save another. My culture finds that to be a reprehensible and entirely unacceptable act. If we were closer to home I would lock you up and turn you over to my authorities for trial, but I don't even have that ability here, and I am not prepared to carry you forever in our brig. So I see no other alternative but to let you go. Take a message to your people. If I ever encounter your kind again, I will do whatever is necessary to protect my people from this harvesting of yours. Any aggressive actions against this ship or its crew will be met by the deadliest force. Is that clear?" she snapped at them. Her glare could kill them on the spot. Her hands were shaking in rage.
"Quite." Dereth hissed at her.
"Wait. I want to see this crewman of yours." Motura demanded.
"That can serve no useful purpose." Dereth insisted.
"Maybe it can. Our medical technologies may be superior to theirs." Motura snapped.
"I can tell you, from what we've observed of them, that they are considerably superior." Janeway interrupted.
"She spared my life. Our lives. We owe it to them to see if there's anything we can do to help him."
"I'll take you to him." Janeway agreed. The security officers looked towards us. Unsure what to do.
We nodded towards them and escorted the aliens out with hostility.
(10 minutes later.)
Neelix's POV
The Alien (Dereth) pointed the phaser at me. I tensed up. What other organs does he possibly need?
"His simulated organs are primitive. Amazingly, he is still alive." The Alien commented. He spun around and pointed the weapon at Tuvok and Bini, who stood slightly behind him. They both tensed up and quickly pulled out their weapons.
"This is set to scan only." The Alien insisted.
"Proceed, carefully." Tuvok said. He nodded and scanned the rest of the group. Kes, Janeway, a few security guards, then towards the Doctor, who had a scowl on his face.
"Strange. According to my readings, you are not here." The Alien looked at him, confused. The Doctor rolled his eyes and straightened up.
"Believe me, I wish I weren't."
The Alien ignored him and looked towards the rest of the group.
"The rest of you are healthy. You are compatible for an organ transplant." The Alien said.
"Wait a minute. We've already considered this. Talaxian physiology is different from that of anyone else on this ship. His immune system would reject their lungs immediately." The Doctor protested.
"Your surgical knowledge is inferior. We will simply adapt his immunogenicity. It won't be a problem. Which of you will donate a lung?" Kes quickly stepped forward.
" No, absolutely not. It's too dangerous. Let someone else do it." I demanded. Kes leaned a hand of my metal casing.
" No, I want to do it, Neelix. I'm willing to take the risk. Besides, you've done so much for me, let me give you something this once. Just for once." She insisted with her kind eyes. I know I can't fight her on this.
"All right." I agreed. The Captain leaned down towards me with a crooked smirk.
"I look forward to sampling your cooking, Mister Neelix." She said.
" You mean I can keep my kitchen?" I brightened up. She shrugged.
"At least until the replicators are back online."
"Thank you, Captain. And Captain? I'll see you at breakfast." I said.
("Captain's log, supplemental. The aliens have successfully transplanted one of Kes' lungs into Neelix. The dampening field has been deactivated, and I have allowed them to beam back to their vessel. We are resuming a course home.")
(Two hours after surgeries.)
Kes's POV
I groaned and opened my eyes. It took me a moment to adjust and I looked to the biobed beside me, where Neelix rested in a blue medical gown, like me. The Doctor walked over to my biobed.
"It's all right. The operation was a success. Neelix is asleep and breathing on his own now. With your lung." He insisted.
"I feel a little light-headed." I mumbled.
"That will pass. You'll soon adapt to diminished lung capacity. I spoke to the Captain about you. She's permitted me to begin training you as a medical assistant. You'll be a back-up for Mister Paris, or possibly a replacement. That is, assuming you're interested."
"Of course I'm interested. When do we start?" I chirped.
"We'll begin your lessons as soon as you've fully recovered." He replied with a smile.
"Thank you, Doctor."
"It is my pleasure."
(Time: Midnight.)
Lieutenant Bini Filters POV
This is bad, this is bad. This is bad. I ran into my quarters and threw off my combadge. I yanked my elastic out of my hair. Allowing my messy ponytail to fall to my shoulder-length hair that I had cut again.
I heard the soft thud of my combadge hitting the wall. I looked down at the padd in my hand with panic.
It showed info about my medical data. Someone has accessed it in engineering. Not sickbay. No one would have any reason to do it there unless they needed certain info. And this person got it, damn it!
I heard the soft hiss of my quarters open up. I spun around to see Tom enter.
"Tom? What are you doing here?" I demanded and took some steps backwards, away from him. Tom looked at me confused as the door hissed shut and we were in my now dark quarters again.
"You messaged me here. Gave me your code. You wanted me here. " he insisted and showed me a padd. With a message from me. Only...I didn't write it. I never did.
"I didn't write this Tom. What-"
Suddenly, a hand grasped over my mouth. Tom moved forward to help me as his eyes grew wide and he reached towards me. Suddenly someone else grabbed him. We both started to struggle.
I felt something press against my neck with a hiss. I felt drowsy as someone did the same to Tom. I tried to see who was holding him but I couldn't. It was too dark.
I started to have trouble keeping my eyes open. I slumped and knew I was falling asleep.
(??? later.)
I groaned and looked at the dark area around me. I heard Tom groan and shifted beside me.
"Tom?" I called out.
"Bini? Yeah. Where are we?" He asked.
"I don't know. We are tied up, that is for sure."
"Gee thanks."
I heard at least three steps of footprints in front of us come to a stop. I wish I could see.
"Ha. I bet you two are very confused right now." A female voice with a slightly raspy voice called out. Tom and I tensed up. We knew who that was. Hiding her identity was useless.
"Seska? What game are you trying to pull here?" Tom demanded.
"I guess you two are smarter than I originally thought."
I, then heard a male voice order lights 10%.
The room brightened up to empty quarters, somewhere on the ship. Lon Suder, Micheal Jonas, and Seska. All looking down at us with cocky expressions in the dim light.
"What are you doing here, Seska. You do know I can report you. All of you will be in the brig before you can even run." I snapped. An empty threat but none the less. It works when you are second in command of security.
"I am not going to kill you, Bini. I wouldn't do this unless I had a reason. How stupid do you think I am?" She spat at me.
"Pretty dumb if you think you can get away with this." Tom snapped at her. Seska snapped her fingers. Lon and Micheal snickered as they stepped closer to us. They knelt to us and quickly punched us hard in the face, then again, and again. After three pretty hard hits, Seksa ordered them to stop.
"I suggest you two listen to me and not to tell anyone about this...unless you want us to kill you. We are very good at making things look like an accident...besides I know your secret." Her eyes glared at me with sick evil as she pulled out a small device.
I mentally swore as her thumb stroked the deadly big button on the top of it.
"What do you want?" I muttered. Tom looked at me as if I just betrayed him, he didn't understand that device Seska had in her hand could kill me in a matter of seconds.
"I want you two to get all the info you can about Voyager and her systems." She snarled. Our eyes widened as we looked up at her.
"You want us to-What? Have you lost your mind!?" Tom exclaimed. Seska bent down and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him closer to her with an evil grin.
"If you know what is good for you, you will comply. Remember. Tell anyone about this," She pointed towards me with the device. "Your little friend will suffer a painful, painful death."
Tom looked towards me questionably. I avoided his eyes as I looked down at the carpet.
"Anything else?" I spat out with venom. She snickered.
"Stay away from the higher up enemies. Both of you are getting too comfy near those kids and the rest of the Fleet staff. Except for Harry. Harry is just dumb enough to pass." She snapped back and pushed Tom back against the wall.
"When do you want the information?" I asked. Seska shrugged.
"I will let you know when. If you both disobey my orders than I am afraid...I will send them after you and the device activated. Goodnight." Seska said. She snapped her fingers at Jonas and Suder. They both nodded in understanding and grinned as they looked over to us. We both gulped as Seska reentered the corridor and suddenly a sharp pain hit my head as Jonas punch me and Suder hit Tom.
I felt darkness surround me as consciousness faded away.
---Time: One hour later---
I groaned as I came back to reality and my eyes adjusted to the surroundings. We were in my quarters again in the dim light that was about 20%. Tom was above me. Concentrating on using a dermal regenerator over me as I was laying down on my sofa.
"How did we get here?" I mumbled as noticed Tom was also injured by the fact that there was dried blood under his nose and mouth, his eye was a little swollen with a bruise and some scratches on his throat in general when Seska grabbed him by the neck.
"I am assuming when they knocked us out, they left us here." He said.
"Sure, OK. I was hoping I imagined the entire thing honestly." I muttered as a splitting headache ran through me. I cried out at the intensity of the pain. Tom pulled out a hypospray from the emergency medkit in my quarters, loaded it and pressed a painkiller against my neck. I almost instantly felt better and relaxed a little.
"Yeah, me too." He started to back the medkit again.
Tom, then, pulled back and went to the washroom with the medkit in hand. I assume he went to fix himself up before he walked through the corridors again.
---20 minutes later---
I had managed to get up without a lot of pain and ordered a hot chocolate, I then sat in my living room table and quietly sipped it as Tom stepped out of the washroom. Looking mostly OK. I honestly thought he was going to say goodbye and leave right there.
Tom, of course, had other plans. He picked up a padd on one of my few side tables against the walls and slammed it on the table in front of me. I jumped a little as he sat down and looked across from me with a stern expression. There was an awkward moment of just silence between us.
"What was she talking about, Shadow? What device?" He demanded out of nowhere.
I haven't explained my personal life with anyone, not even my "friends". All anyone knows is that I worked for the Obsidian Order for a short time before I ended up in the alleyway with my dead mother. And that I have no living family. That is it. I don't want to get into details into my personal life in the Order. I still get nightmares.
"Drop it, Tom. I don't want to discuss it." I snapped at him as I took another sip. He gritted his teeth for a moment then pushed the padd he had earlier towards me. I curiously picked it up.
It was my medical data brain scans. It showed exactly where the device was on my brain. The Cardassian torture device later used to not only torture prisoners but to keep the agents in check. So he knows. What was the point of him asking me then?
"I think I should know Bini." He demanded. I sighed.
"All the information about the device is right there Tom. I was in Order. The rest explains itself." I muttered and drowned the rest of my drink as it began to become cold.
"The Obsidian Order doesn't put these in Agents unless there was a special reason." Tom continued. Damn it. He knows that too.
"This is too personal, Tom." I snapped at him. Beginning to become angry at him. At everything.
"I can't help you unless you help me." He whispered towards me. I know that tone. He thinks he can remove the device from my skull. I suppose I can sacrifice my pride for once.
"You are going to hate me after this, Tom." I assured him.
"I doubt that." He replied with a classic smirk.
"I don't think you understand. My first and last assignment happened a week after I joined the Obsidian Order. It was to murder Admiral Owen Paris. I don't think you want to hear this."
He pulled himself closer to the table and nodded.
"Go on." He insisted.
I got up and ordered some more Hot Chocolate. Then carefully sat down and began to tell the events.
(Week after Bini joined the Obsidian Order.)
I paced back and forth in Gul Camet's office. He looked up occasionally to see his two guards at the front door and the Gul at his large desk gets more and more impatient as time went on. This was impossible, ridiculous. The entire idea of it was...Well...stupid!
They were asking me to assassinate an Admiral, a highly decorated Admiral, who has lots of security around him, sometime in the next three days. They wanted me for what reasons?
"I am sorry, Gul. I would like you to repeat what reasons you want me to take this...mission." I said to him with my head held height and my posture straightened as the Gul stood up from his desk threateningly in the rather dim office and made his way over to me.
"I have already made it quite clear Agent Dash. Your hacking skills will be needed to breach his security field outside his home, three days from now on Earth, San Fransisco. The time will be 2104. Late at night. Intelligence has been watching the house for months now. He will be sitting in a room with a glass roof. Far from the other members of his family who will be in their rooms in the back of the mansion. You will be on the roof with a carefully trained Agent as well. You will both aim for him and fire to make sure the job is done." He explained again as he stood tall in front of me. Like a tall tower in San Fransisco.
"Do I have a choice?"
"Of course not, Agent."
---(Three days later)---
The Agent never showed up. Last I hear Agent Widdle was killed on our first night in a bar fight. Pretty pathetic way to go. In his defence, he has murdered by a Klingon so...Congrats? You were killed for honour? I don't know how the Klingon culture works. Clearly. I had received orders not two hours ago that I had to pull this mission off, on my own.
This was not how usual first mission of newbies went.
I held my gun close as I crawled carefully along the roof. It didn't take too long to shut off the security and back up systems. I could see the glass roof just a few meters. I did my best to hurry this whole thing up. I have never killed anyone before. I certainly wasn't happy about this. But...I had been trained for this...Only a week's worth of training but...something right?
I peered over the edge of the solid roof to look through the glass roof at Admiral Paris sitting down at the far end of the room with a book and coffee, I assume. I was now about to kill my enemy. One of Three Admirals to have sent my Father on a downward's spiral. I wonder if Mother will be proud I killed him when I get back?
I rested on my stomach and carefully pointed my weapon at his head. It couldn't miss. I took deep breathes in the shadows as my finger pressed against the old model of the weapon. This was the type of weapon that couldn't be traced. I wouldn't get caught.
I, suddenly, felt sick to my stomach as reality hit me. He may have sent my life into a downward spiral of hell...but he has a family too. If I killed him, what would happen to them? Would they end up like me?
No. Concentrate on the mission.
I tightened my grip on the trigger.
I can't do this.
I can't kill someone's Father.
Damn emotions. I wish I was a Vulcan and suppress this.
---(Two Days Later)---
I felt like my skull exploded inside itself as Gul Camet hit me right across the face in rage and fury. The guard held me on my knees as he continued to punch me. After a few long moments, he seemed to have tired himself back and leaned against his desk for support as I hacked up blood and a few broken teeth in the process and attempted to breathe and did my best to not cry but sobs escaped my body as I began to shake at the pain going through my entire system.
"I am severely disappointed in you, Agent." He growled. Don't I know it? I looked up at him with bloodshot eyes as he turned around and knelt one knee to me. Lifted my chin and looked me directly in the eyes. Maybe I was insane. But I saw pity in his eyes.
"You understand you will get punished don't you?" He snapped. All pity was gone and replaced by anger and Military.
That wasn't it? I just got beat up. How was that not it!?
He spat in my face and slapped me. Then stood up and barked some orders I couldn't hear. Everyone thing went blurry as I felt myself being dragged out of his office and into the many hallways. I was simply too out of it too pay much attention to anything. My vision finally cleared up as I was dragged into a cell-like room and propped onto a chair. Tired down with metal restraints on my arms and legs attached to the chair, trying to avoid looking up at the bright light beaming down on me. Three Cardassians circled the room. One was named Elim Garak. I could tell because the other two couldn't keep switching between those two names as he barked orders at them. He seemed to be in charge. The second one was the guard that dragged me all the way over here. I don't know his name. Nor do I care to know it.
And finally, the third one was the chief medical Doctor.
I was having trouble staying awake, despite the fact that I think they are about to torture me.
I felt the guard yank my head down lower as the Doctor injected something into my neck and pain slammed into my body. Geez, I thought before was bad. I screamed and struggled as I cringed in pain and fury. My damn morals got me into this!
The Doctor said something to me. I don't know what it was but then Garak was handed the device and he said: "She needs to pay for her disobedience."
At first, it felt like a slight buzz. But shot up to make it feel like I was thrown into a fire.
---End of Flashback---
"Wow." Was all that Tom said as he cradled a warm tea in his hands.
"Wow, is not how I would describe what happened." I snapped with a sniffle. He reached over and grabbed my hand with a reassuring squeeze.
"I may not like my Father, but I am happy he wasn't murdered. Thank you, Bini. I am in your debt. For now. We are going to figure this out. Got it?" He said. I nodded mutely. He smiled and stood from the table.
"Come on. We are going to the holodeck. Maybe we can throw Seska off a cliff in it."
I perked up.
"It better be in the Grand Cayon, Tom." I demanded. It was like 1 am now. The Holodecks should be free.
"Or we could just hit her with a shuttle?" He suggested. I rolled my eyes and glared at him as we entered the bright corridor.
"That is too easy. Too...quick."
----End of Chapter 13. Next: The Cloud: Part One.----
AN: Since I have already written part of the Cloud: Part One at school, I will give you a preview of what to expect. I hope you guys like it!
Lieutenant Bini Filters's POV
I gagged at the purple foodstuff in front of me and pushed it away, then took a swing of my Hot Chocolate and relaxed against my backrest. The foul aftertaste of the meal over-powered the hot chocolate. Tom and Harry had similar expressions of disgust as Harry put a hand to his mouth and looked away as Tom closed his eyes and kept eating it.
"How can you even stomach that?" Harry demanded as Tom shoved another bite and painfully gulped.
"Practice." He mumbled.
"Practice? What practice?" I demanded.
"Practice." He snapped again. Not willing to offer any more info on the matter.
Harry and I shrugged in defeat and quietly sipped our beverages as Tom fiddled with his food.
"When do you think he might kill us?" I asked. Tom and Harry snapped their heads up and looked at me with a confused glance.
"P-Pardon?" Harry stammered out.
"What I mean is, when will Neelix end up making a meal and finally killing us?" I asked.
"Are you feeling alright?" Tom asked with a raised eyebrow.
"What? Fine. Just fine. Why?"
"Maybe you didn't hear yourself- You said-"
Harry suddenly slammed his hand on the table and frantically pointed towards one of the doors to the messhall. A door that the Janeway family had just walked through. Tom swore under his breathe and straightened his posture.
"Shoot." I muttered. I will admit, there have been high tensions around the ship. I have been forced to limit my contact with to make sure I don't get beat up. The Maquis are getting restless. I think that was proven by Seska and her two damn bodyguards. They will pounce at any moment based on who we are with. Tom and I know this first hand. We figured it out three days ago and don't dare report it based on trying to stay alive. Luckily, no one really cares about Harry, so we are cool with him.
Unfortunately, the Captain's kids are on the NO list. I have to stay away or else, goodbye.
They approached our table. We all seized up. Tom gave me a worried glance. The Captain smiled towards us as Micheal just kept his eyes on the ground and Sarah was holding her nose in disgust as the smell of Neelix's latest creation hit her.
"So, has Neelix concocted anything interesting this morning?" The Captain chirped at us.
"There's an ancient Chinese curse, Captain. May you live in interesting times. Mealtime is always interesting now that Neelix is in the kitchen." Harry replied with a nervous chuckle in the end.