
Night have come... silence followed her reply. Again quietly again quietly too quickly too slowly too quickly again, slowly again. Her moan ended abruptly, shortening her. Too late now, too early, still not ready yet ready again, again, now now now soon soon soon now now yes now now please please now now please yes now no no stop now.

Her eyes who were also still instantly focused on mine , meeting mine directly, them immediately widening open, wide open, wider open.

Stars on the skies overhead, flashed, overhead again. Briefly overhead too briefly then again softly overhead. Too quickly! Enough! Again silence, again then quiet now quiet silence now silence still stillness still nothing, now silence, silent silence still.

When she woke up alone - no dreams again. Either time, either way, either day came later anyway either one night or other days. After another day passed slowly through time slowly stopped twice daily now night falls silent now silent now.

Sir Henry Hart is now buried nearby at old road north, near mora brad field park chapel at church street.