On the carriage ride to town, Carina attempted to analyse all the information she had on Aecus.
Unfortunately, having never left the Rayburn mansion ever and not having had a proper education, Carina was severely lacking on information and facts. All she seemed to know was that Aecus was one of the oldest kingdoms in this area, by far the biggest, and that the royal family consisted of the king, Gerald Sinclair, the queen, Lily Sinclair, the first prince, Spencer Sinclair and the second Prince, Gabriel Sinclair.
From things Carina has overheard from the staff over the years, people generally thought of the king as a wise and thoughtful man, and it seemed that he has never once met any opposition to his position on the throne. The queen on the other hand, people were a lot more divisive about. Some thought she was a perfect fit for the king, someone softhearted and kind, and who could match him quite nicely. Others thought that a queen had to be someone more hardened, someone who was a little smarter, a little more shrewd. Carina had always agreed with the thought that the queen should perhaps be someone tougher, someone stronger.
Carina's opinions now though, were quite different. She rather thought it was nice to have a king and a queen who were known for their warmth and their compassion. Though it would be nice to have a leader with a strength to back up their position, she figured a just and fair leader would do just as well. She'd experienced her fair share of corrupt politicians in her past life, it calmed her knowing that she wouldn't have to worry about corrupt leadership in this life. To begin with though, she thought it rather silly that everyone expected the queen to be smarter as well as stronger, but didn't place those same expectations on the king.
The things Carina heard about the princes on the other hand, were not nearly as good. The first prince, Spencer, was mostly regarded as the handsomest man in all of Aecus, however he was full heartedly devoted to gaining strength and power, and was rarely seen outside of the training grounds. Whenever he was seen, people would always note the sword strapped to his side, and the scowl on his face. Apparently even being the most handsome man in the land didn't help when people thought he was a power hungry soldier and trembled when they saw him.
The second prince, Gabriel, was far more approachable than his older brother, but people generally thought that he had an entirely too carefree personality. Though his grades in school were always exceptional, and he seemed to have a bright mind, he rarely seemed to properly apply it, instead always seen going into town and fooling around with girls or getting drunk in pubs until he couldn't walk anymore.
The general consensus on the two princes was that one was too laid back, and the other was too serious.
In the end it seemed the people were split between who they thought would end up making a better king once the current king passes. Though most were united in the thought that neither of them would do, and that Aecus would be doomed the moment Gerald relinquishes his seat on the throne.
Carina herself couldn't care less. Whoever the new king would be wouldn't affect her much, as the Rayburn family had their own standing in Aecus regardless of the royal family.