Chapter 3 |!

Chapter 3 |!

I woke up on the cold hard floor gasping for air. I looked at the time, 3 am.

I got out and nearly screamed in pain.

Great...just great. As if I don't have enough to deal with already.

I stood up after a few minutes and walked over to my washroom to take care of my wounds and to wash my blood-stained shirt. My eyes were swollen and my stomach was purple,

I'm gonna need more concealers…

After taking care of my wounds, I hopped in the shower to get ready for my day, no point going back to sleep now. I got out and picked out an outfit, preferably one that would not show my wounds.

I settled for black sweatpants and an oversized white sweatshirt with my white air force. By the time I was done it was only 4 am so I decided to work on some school assignments while waiting for the time to pass. I couldn't help but think of the attack, usually, I can do a semi-decent job of controlling it but it's getting harder and harder.


I walked into my first-period class which was algebra and sat down. I winced slightly but not enough for someone to hear it. I had sunglasses on and told the teacher I had just gotten new contacts so I was sensitive to light. He believed it, he actually believed it, I don't even think that's a thing!

"Izzy!! That was hilarious what you did to Tyler yesterday!" Ethan screamed as he sat down. All eyes were immediately on me.

Thanks, Ethan

"Yea it was killer I couldn't stop laughing although, he might just hate you more." Dylan said, "oh sorry about yesterday it's just, no one ever takes my seat and it's the perfect one too so it just made me upset." "It's okay Dylan but I don't care if he hates me more, the feeling is mutual." Ethan grinned but changed to a frown when the teacher walked in.

Unfortunately, I was still the talk of the school. The mysterious new girl talks back to some arrogant boys.


I walked into English class and winced softly as I sat down then turned my focus to Tyler who was eyeing me.

"Who wears sunglasses in the classroom?"

" got a problem with that?" He just rolled his eyes.

"What's your problem?" He asked

"my problem-" I hissed "is your ego"

"my ego? I'm not the one that stole someone else's seat, parking spot and insulted someone on their first day of school," he exclaimed, turning to me.

The class had become silent but we didn't care, even the teacher stopped teaching to look at us.

"Firstly, his name wasn't written on the seat, secondly, your name wasn't written on the fucking parking spot and thirdly, you insulted me first," I said through gritted teeth.

"You poured fucking coffee all over me and I did not insult you first, you called me an asshole!"

"I was merely stating a fact and besides, you called me a bitch! Your point is?" I asked

"My point is you can't just come here and act like you run this school." He said

"Oh well, that's rich coming from you," I replied.

I think the teacher had enough because she barked out our names "Tyler and Bella,! I do not tolerate any foul language in this class." I rolled my eyes, picked up my things and walked away.

We walked to the office and waited until we were called into the principal's office. Her too high, high heels click-clacked on the floor and she sat down. "What seems to be the issue?" She asked, "And don't bother lying, I've already been told."

"Then why do you want us to tell you?" Tyler asked and her eyes turned to slits. "Detention Saturday. Both of you will clean up the entire cafeteria and will not stop until I can see my reflection on the floor." "Why would you want to see your reflection?" He mumbled and she glared at him causing me to snicker "out, now!"

We did as instructed and walked out. "Thanks for that, now my record is tainted" "aw is little miss goody two shoes scared of detention?" I rolled my eyes "I do not want to spend my Saturday at school let alone with you." I said through gritted teeth "The feeling is mutual." He said and glared. The lunch bell rang and we went our separate ways, I heard him mutter bitch while I muttered asshole.

Now I have to spend an entire day with him as if life couldn't get worse.

The final bell rang, finally. I walked to my car and saw Tyler leaning against it


"What?" I asked as I opened the driver's side. "What's your number?" I scoffed "so after all of that you want my number are you even-" "for the project!" He exclaimed "oh" "yea I need it to text you where to meet up."

Again, oh…

"We can just meet up after detention on Saturday," I suggested. "Uh, yeah sure." He replied and walked away.

Now that school's done, it's time to look for a job. I walked to the diner I went to yesterday and applied for a job there. But not before ordering myself a vanilla 'shake. Next, the store to get more make-up.


I pulled up on the driveway and got out, I felt better now but it still hurt like no man's business.

"In here, now!!" was all I heard and I scurried off to meet my father, "did you get a job?" "I applied. They said they'd let me know soon," I said and kept my head down "you better get that job or I'll punish you myself."

I shuddered at the thought. "What took you so long to get home?" "I had to go to the store to get concealer" I replied, "oh so makeup is more important than coming home!?" He yelled in my face and I scrunched my nose.

Well if you didn't beat me up all the time I wouldn't need concealer

He reeked of alcohol. "I got a call, something about detention?"

Oh God

"I don't tolerate that shit understand?!" He stood up, punched me, slapped me then ordered me to go. I ran upstairs and closed the door.

I slid against my door and cried silently until I eventually fell asleep.