Chapter 5| *cough* Tyler *cough*

Chapter 5| *cough* Tyler *cough*

"Hey Izzy"

"Hey Bella"

"Hi Ethan, Dylan" It was the first period and I was sitting in class. "Omg, you will not believe this!" Alison exclaimed as she entered the class. "What?" Dylan, Ethan and I asked in unison "Bianca's back from Spain" Tessa said, "She's back?" "And the drama begins!" Ethan and Dylan said.

"Who's Bianca?" I asked "oh yea! You're new" Ethan said and I rolled my eyes. "Bianca's Tyler's...girlfriend? She's basically the Regina George of this school, just, worse." I nodded my head in understanding. Great as if the school doesn't have enough egotistical people in this school.

*cough* Tyler *cough*

"I take it you don't like her?" I asked Ethan and he shuddered as well as Dylan. Well that answers my question "she's hot and all but her attitude is so freaking bad." Ethan said, "If she's so bad then why is Tyler with her?" I asked, not that I cared, they could get married for all I care. I was just curious.

"I shouldn't say they're together. I mean they've smashed each other the most in this school and she wants commitment but he doesn't because Tyler doesn't do commitments." Dylan explained. I nodded again.

A typical bad boy doesn't do commitments

The teacher walked into class and began the lesson

Here we go…


Lunchtime rolled around and I was sitting in the cafeteria minding my own business when everyone went silent. I looked up and saw none other than Tyler McAdams, Dylan McCarthy and Ethan McCannon.

How do they all have last names beginning with Mc?

Walking alongside them were three other girls.

The one in front had long strawberry blonde hair that went up to her waist. She was wearing a tight black leather skirt, black heels and a red top. She held a red bag and her red lipstick could be seen from a mile away.

On her left, there was another girl. She had brown hair that slightly passed her shoulders. She wore a pink skirt and a white shirt with white heels and a pink handbag.

The girl on the right had long blonde hair that went up to her waist. She wore a white skirt, red top (or what was supposed to be a top) and red shoes. She had a white handbag in her hand and her phone in the other.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't the slightest bit jealous. I later learned that the girl in the middle was Bianca, the girl on the left was Rachel and the girl on the right was Ashley.

The cafeteria watched them as if they were angels sent from heaven. Ethan and I made eye contact and he smirked and changed directions. Dylan noticed and followed him. Before I could process what was happening, they sat down at my lunch table "ladies" Ethan said and put his hand on my shoulder. I was so tempted to say Farkle but I was in too much shock to speak.

Sitting at the table were the top two

oh nevermind

top three

make that top six

Popular kids.

Usually, I wouldn't care but this was too much, even for me. I had to remind myself to calm down to prevent an attack from coming.

"So…" Ethan said, "how's it going?" He asked sheepishly and I glared at him like no one's ever done before.

Let's see how this turns out.