
2 day before Jisung's death

I woke up hugging the pink stuffie Minho had yesterday, noises from other rooms in the house got louder as I start to sit up and stretch. I got up and looked around the house I didn't see Minho but I saw someone else...I didn't know who though. I quietly sneak to the door and lock it and creep up on the person, I slowly grabbed a wooden spoon from the counter and took a tight grip to it. I quickly take my hands and press the spoon against the person's neck starting to squeeze tighter. They elbowed me and fell to the floor and started to cough.


The figure screamed but the voice was fimilar. They looked at me and with their purple face and my soon red I helped them up and they hit my arm. I scratched my neck and awkwardly laughed and smile.

"I'm so sorry Seungmin I didn't know...someone's been watching me and Minho on and off and I thought you were died your hair so i didn't-"

I got cut off due to him pulling me into a warm hug.

"I'm sorry I'll tell the others and we'll protect you, I promise."

He spoke with a sincerely toned voice, but did he really mean it?? God I hope he does...I'm still tried though.

"Stay with us! Everyones going to Woojin's new place today I heard its big and a it's kinda fancy."

I smiled and he smiled back.

"Does Minho know?"


"Is Hyunjin and Chan coming?"

"Yeah we had alot of fun yesterday and we all became friends pretty easily."

"I'm so glad it went well."

I stroke my hair back only to let it fall back to my face as I sigh in relief. He chuckled and I look back at him to see the mark on his neck from the spoon. I step closer and lift his head up so I can rub it to feel the detailed sent from the spoon. He grabbed my hand and pulled it away the put his head back down to look I'm my eyes. I was lost in his gaze, not in a loving way, but his eyes were gorgeous. He smiled and I smiled back.

"I'm so sorry."

"I-its fine..."

His voice cracked as he stuttered. He found a pink light pink shade to lay across his cheeks.

"Seungmin what's wrong are you running a fever?"

I take the back of my hand and press it to his head then I pressed it to my own. I took one of my hands and felt his and I used the my other hand to feel mine.

"Seungmin you kinda hot let's just-"

He kissed me and wrapped his arms around me to keep me in place. I tried to get away but failed, a peck to hold the lips together soon turned deeper when he turned his head. I finally got away and then he fell to the ground biting his knuckles. His tears started to fall and my cheeks started to burn with the tears as well.


I couldn't think straight.

"I-i thought maybe if i-"

He shut up when he noticed me on the floor reaching in for a hug.

"Do you like me??"

I spoke with no stutter tho it felt impossible at the time. But he froze and I just hugged him, I didn't care if he liked me i wanted him to be ok.

"No...I just-"

He stopped completely and didn't finish.


I pulled away and he looked at his lap then curled his knees to his chest.

"I never kissed anyone before so maybe if-maybe if I kissed someone I could get closer to being in a relationship too."

His reasoning was innocent and sweet I knew he didnt like me but who does he want?

"Do you like anyone?"

I said sitting next to him.

"Not yet...but when I do I at least wanna know how to kiss..."

He spoke putting his chin in between his knees and pouting.

"Why did you choose me for kissing practice though?"

I spoke with a light voice and heart and he just looked at me with a quirky smile.

"I knew you had a boyfriend so that was one reason I didn't want to choose you but then I knew that you and I wouldn't catch feelings...well maybe depending on my feelings..."

He spoke and it warmed my heart to know that he just wanted to like someone.

"Come here..."

I got up and grabbed his wrist. Once he got up I dragged him to my room and sat him on the bed. I sat next to him and he looked flustered again.

"What are you-"

He shut up when I attached a gentle kiss to his lips, I grabbed the back of his neck and turned my head to deepen the kiss as my lips begin to move. His lips reacted quickly and then our lips sloppily moved in sync. I pulled away and through heavy breathing from seungmin and a tint of blush I knew then that I was a good kisser. I smile at him and he just stares and blushes harder.

"You said you wanted help."

I spoke in a sweet tone and he just giggled.

"You need to work on the tongue though."

I said and smiled putting my hand on his cheek pulling him closer. Every touch I put on him he froze until he relaxed after a few moments.

"Don't do much and let me do this ok?? Then what I did to you, your trying on me. It'll be faster ok?"

I spoke with a smile and seungmin quickly reflected one back. I press our lips together and the force my tongue in his mouth and poke it down his throat a bit and I hear him let out a small moan which makes me smirk. I must be good huh? I pull away and look at him and hes just staring at me widened eyes and darker blush.

"Your turn, like I said try it."

He hesitantly pulled my face closer and once our lips locked he waited a second before forcing his tongue in and down my throat. I let out a small moan to give him confidence and he pulls away with a smile.

"Did I do good?"

"Yeah! Ok one more time ok?"


He looked at his lap and blushes some more, it's so cute. I plant a soft gentle kiss on his lips before forcing my tongue in his throat causing him to moan. He wraps his arms around my neck and deepens the kiss so he could do a little more. I set him on my lap and keep my hands at his waist as he continues to move his lips with mine. He pushes his tongue down my throat and then once again I let out a soft moan. This one was real though due to the fact that he didn't go all the way in my throat which brought me pleasure through the teasing he did. I pulled away and seungmin fell on the bed catching his breath and I just smile.

"You think that will help?"

He looked at me and his face didn't change. He was blushing and his eyes were a bit wide. I smile a little and he stays the same.

"Seungmin are you ok?"

I giggled a little through my words and he still didn't respond.


He looked at me for a second then he crashed our lips together I don't react until he moves his lips then we move in sync. I pull away and he just breathes heavy once again.

"T-thank you..."

He smiled while he was as red as his new hair color.

"No problem...but did you catch feelings?"

I raised one eyebrow in suspicion and it looked like he was gonna break a cold sweat.

"I-I don't know really..."

He smiled awkwardly and just looked away and then his face began to come back to a normal shade. He looked back at me and he smiled tor real this time.

"Really thank you...I think I have a bit more confidence for a relationship."

He laughed and so did I, I'm glad I could help him.

"Ok! We are gonna have to get going. I gotta find Minho and also we don't talk about this or you and me die...ok?"

He smiled and got up from the bed.

"Ok...but Minho is already at Woojin's I came here to get you...that was my excuse for this too..."

He laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Its fine I promise."

He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Ok let's go."

He said trying to drag me out the door.

"Hold on give me 30. Call them and tell them that, ok?"

"Ok I'll wait here then."

I smiled at him and he went in the living room. I grab my towel hanging on my closet door and head to the bathroom and take a shower. The hot shower made me relax. When I come out I come out with a towel around my waist and I walk in my room I go to close the door and i turn around to see seungmin a blushing mess, he looked away and stuttered as he mumbled.


I blushed a little then smirked.

"Oh it's fine, you like it?"

I spoke in a seductive tone and he looked at me.

"I-i just didn't know you had abs."

I smirked and walked closer his back fell to the bed and I put both hands over his shoulders and hovered over him. He blushed more then crashed our lips together, I pull away immediately and he looks at me in shock but I still smile though it pissed me off a bit.

"Seungmin what was that?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him.

"Sorry...hurry up I wanna get back."

He left the room and closed the door behind him. Cute, he caught feelings. I get dressed in a white sweatshirt with a pair of jeans overalls and black shoes. I walk out and seungmin looked up and smiled.

"Ok let's go."

He said getting up slowly of the couch.


I run to the door and he walks out with me. I get in the car and we head to Woojin's house listening to weight in gold, 2u, and purpose before we arrived. Once I had gotten out of the car I got attacked by Minho and I grabbed his waist and swung him around. When I put him down I peck him on the lips and he smiled.

"Lets go in ok babe."

I said as u start to intertwine our fingers.


He spoke with a smile that could brighten up the day. I look behind me and Seungmin just stared at us with an emotionless expression. We get in and I get greeted by everyone sweetly.


Jeongin attacked me and I fell to the ground.

"Y'all never welcome me like this what the hell is going on?"

I spoke with very little breath as me and Jeongin got off the ground.

"Well...since you and Minho are dating-"

Woojin was talking but Hyunjin and and Seungmin scoffed. Chan hit Hyunjin in the arm and Seungmin got a bunch of glares.

"AnYwAy...we were thinking of going to mini with you for your birthday. Chan brought it up since Hyunjin and you were only going so we're trying to butter you up a bit."

Woojin smiled and Jeongin clinged to my arm. I look at everyone else and just smile though I felt like I wanted to puke at the moment.

"Woojin where's the bathroom?"

I asked just staring at him in the eye. Minho shook me and looked concerned.

"Babe are you ok?"

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Yeah I just feel a little Dizzy."

I looked back at Woojin and he pointed to a small hallway.

"First door on the right."


I start to walk that way and Minho followed. I start to feel like I'm gonna puke and I start to run to the door. I got to the toilet and Minho quickly pulled the toilet seat up and I start to gag I didn't puke but I gagged. I look at Minho and he looked genuinely worried I grab Minho's hand and I smile and nod my head and he made a sad smile.

"I'm ok I just taste something gross in my mouth."

I stood up and started to rinse out my mouth in the sink. I looked in the mirror to see Minho smirking.


I spoke turning around and looking at his adorable smirk. He walked towards the door and locked it then walked towards me. I back up against the counter then sit on it. He spreads my legs and stands in between them, he grabs my lower back and scoots me closer. He crashed our lips together immediately moving his mouth and I react. Our lips move in sync and he moves me closer and held my waist, I deepen the kiss while I grab his neck, he takes his hands and slide them up my thighs slowly, but I ignored it at the time. When he got to my main area he rubbed a bit and me moan but our kiss muffled it. I pull away and look at him.



He smiled and pulled me off the counter. He kept me close and kissed me one more time and i kissed back. When we pulled away I smiled and we walked out of the bathroom. When everyone saw us walk of the bathroom they all had smirks.

"I heard a moan~"

Felix said with the biggest smile it pissed me off, but I started to blush and I hit Minho and went to sat down.


I mumble as Minho sat beside me making his giggle sound innocent yet evil.

"I hate you right now..."

I mumbled to Minho.


He said with a smile. I look at everyone and their eyes were glued to us.

"Ok let's go out!! That was our plan right?!"

Jeongin yelled getting up breaking the awkward silence between all nine of us.

"Yeah let's go."

Changbin said with a smile and getting up making sure Felix was with him. I follow quickly and everyone slowly gets out the door.

"Guys y'all aren't coming to my birthday dinner with Hyunjin ok?"

I said while looking at the ground and they all stopped. Minho turned me to face him.


"Well we planned to do it alone right? So why don't I hang with all of y'all for the day till the dinner??"

They all looked at me in shock. I usually don't speak up for myself...I just let them do whatever until I breakdown and know I've had enough.

"Do you like Hyunjin?"

Minho asked me in a sad and serious tone which made me feel bad for saying anything.

"No it's not like that, but I already told him I'd go with him. I never said I was gonna bring friends..."

I look at Minho and smile but then the ground became interesting at that moment.

"Ok fine."

He spoke with a sad tone but such a bright smile...I know he's hurting.

"Come here."

I grab his wrist and start to pull him away and the others stop and stare at us talk in the distance.

"Would I be dating you if I didn't love you?"

"I'm sorry...I just-"

I pull him in a hug and hold him tightly, one year falls from my eyes and then I wipe them away.

"It ok I get it, I'm sorry ok? But I love you, he's a friend...please don't be jealous."

I pull away to see one year. Hes so emotional but it's the cutest thing about him.


"Of course."

I smile and peck him on the lips and he pouts.

"That's not enough ass hole."

He said with a small smile and I sigh. I grab his hips and pull him closer and he wraps his arms around my neck, I turned my head and we moved our lips together. I pull away and smile at him and he smiles back.

"We good now babe?"

I asked with a chuckle and he giggled in response.


We held hands and started to walk back.


Everyone hummed and smirked at us.


I yelled and laughed in response as Minho giggled. I ran away from Minho and before he could catch me I ran to Felix and Jeongin and attacked them in a hug. We laughed as we walked to the arcade not far from Woojin's. Once we got there we all enjoyed the games we had a lot of fun and we ate pizza and for once Woojin treated.

We went out to eat and we had a lot of fun. We ate ramen at a convince store. Not much but it's was still tasty and fun to hang with others. Me and Minho ended up at the amusement park about two hours before it closed after eating dinner with the others. We got on the marry go round and got a couple glares for probably because we're seen as to old for it. Right before we left we went on the ferris wheel. We sat in the car facing each other and once it started Minho moved beside me and we had a full make out session before getting off and leaving the park and going home. We got home and Minho was tired so the promise I made to horny Minho earlier didn't happen.

But around 2:30 he woke up and we got alot more heated so both of us are gonna be sore. But anyway we both fell asleep cuddling each other naked and tired. Im so glad he's here.