
September 14, 2019 Death day of Han Jisung...

I woke up to a call from Chan, I answer and he just giggled until I speak.


"Uh yeah, hold on I'mma just-"

Every noise and every voice became louder in the moment, I guess he put me on speaker. Then a few seconds later I get a groups yelling in my ear through the phone screaming,


I set my phone down on the bed as my ears started to ring. Minho sat up, yawned, then stretched and looked at my phone and picked it up and handed it to me.

"Anyway we just wanted to say happy birthday"

He said is a cute laugh i look at Minho and I shrug. I show him the contact and he glares at it.

"Yeah thanks, anyway it's kinda early I'mma go back to sleep we can meet up when I wake up k?"

"It's 1pm Jisung."

I look at the time and sure enough it's 1 pm.

"Ok shut up we'll meet you at the amusement park k?"

"K! See ya soon!!"

I smile and cuddle Minho.

"Shouldn't we get ready?"

He said with a giggle.

"Nah let's wait a few minutes."

I started to kiss his neck then I bit down on his shoulder and give him a few hickeys, that I honestly want the others to see.

I go to his sweet spot and I lick it a bit before biting. I hear a small moan come out and I nibble on his ear before getting up. I stretch and stand up.

"Shower time get up!"

I get his hand and help him out of bed only to get jumped on, I grab his thighs to keep him up and I peck his lips a few times.

"Take me there hoe."

"Ugh fine."

I smile and I walk to the bathroom with him clung to my waist. Once we got in there we take a shower and get out, we get ready but I let Minho pick my clothes for my birthday because supposably the dumb butt bought me clothes when I told him to get his own clothes. So I ended up going outside in a white T-shirt with a pink jacket over it in skinny jeans and Minho wore a white sweater with a black logo on the front with a jean jacket and some black skinny jeans.

While we walked to the car I noticed Minho posted one of our selfies.

His smiles so cute. I look up and see his smile and I just chuckle.

"Ok time to go."

He spoke in a firm tone and I toss him the keys with an evil smile.

"Your driving."

He pouts and gets in the driver's seat. I climb in and we drive there jamming out to to AC/DC.

We got to the amusement park and I had to call Hyunjin cause NO ONE ELSE would pick up their damn phone.

"Where y'all at?"

"We are at the food court,

Jeongin wanted to stop for funnel cake."

"Ok wait there, we'll be there soon ok?"

"Ok bye."

I hung up and grabbed Minho's hand.

"Where are we going?"

He asked stopping in his tracks.

"Funnel cake."

I smiled as his eyes lit up, we started to walk hand in hand and when we got there we saw pairs of everyone sit together and eat funnel cakes. We order one and sit with the others everyone ignored us until we started to get up to go find something to do. Everyone smiled and followed us to all the areas to play games, we ate literally the whole time and we did everything till around 6:30 that's when the ferris wheel came to end our day there.

We were riding with different people each time. We took 4 rounds and I rode with Minho first, we had a make out session and really didn't care that went we got off we kissed in front of others again. Next ride was Seungmin, he wanted to learn something new for kissing on Jeongin so I showed him a few things before we got off. Next was Felix, we got caught up and Felix said that him and Changbin were finally dating and he said if you looked closely you could see a hickey that he made on changbin that they tried to cover up. Lastly was Hyunjin, we were just closing our eyes and grabbing people after the first round and I got Hyunjin. When I grabbed every single one of their hands his is the softest, Minho's is the warmest, Felix's was the smallest, and Seungmin's was the most leather feeling one. I liked cuddling and holding hands wasn't my problem. My problem is i think I like Hyunjin too. Hyunjin didn't get pushed off, he didn't get forced, but he did start it.

"So you like Minho for real?"


"Do you love Minho?"

"I wouldn't say love...but I know that I care more for him that I have for alot of people ever."

"Do you think Minho loves you?"

"Yeah I hope so."

I smiled awkwardly and he just stared.

"Come here."

He spoke with a dominant tone.


"Just do it."

"Fine geez."

When I got towards him more he grabbed my hips and pulled me in his lap. I get in his lap without forced and I sit there with my hands on his neck.

"What do you-"

He crashed our lips together and I reacted immediately and when we pull apart I blush and got to the other side once again and he just smiles.

"Why didnt you push away? I would've let you go."

"I should've Minho's my boyfriend but..."

"But what Jisung? You think you like me?"


"Well then we will shut our mouths about this and I'll forget about it after tonight's dinner. And the next day I'll leave town."

I look at him in shock, there's only one more time we go around before we get off at the moment.

"Why would you leave?"

"Well why not? I kinda like you and controlling myself is hard. I know it's rude to be in a person's relationship but I liked you when I saw you."

"What you did yesterday made me realize that..."

"Yeah? Well I'm sorry about this, I'll leave-"

I cut him off I jumped on his lap and kissed him passionately and then pulled away to see his face in shock.

"We wont get together and having you around doesn't mean I'll always be here to cheat on him and it doesn't mean I'm doing it now, I'm comforting you I'm not cheating."

"Cutest little hoe."


I get up from his lap and sit on the other side as the ride stops, we get off and I find Minho he grab him and spin him around by his hips.

"You have fun with the others babe?"

I asked putting one arm around his shoulder as he cuddled my my chest. I smiled and kissed his head. We walked away and everyone in their couples and one trio we walked out of the park and drove off I gave Minho the car and went with Hyunjin for the dinner at Mijin.

Now me and Hyunjin are talking about friends we missed from the past, things we wanted to change about the world, and things we regretted. The topics were shot so we fit alot in, we walked in ordered and continued to talk.

"So you really regret that??"

A question popped up about my sexuality.

"Well telling my mom I'm gay got me kicked out of the house and hated by the family and family is all you have if you can't make friends so I really regret it sometimes."

I laugh awkwardly a bit and he smiles at my innocent reason.

"Did you ever come out to your family?"

I asked he looked at me in shock then smiled.

"Nah my parents were supper homophobic and being bi sexual would have made it worse cause they see it as 'half gay half straight' and they would've told me a to pick a side. One were I would get beat to death by my dad or two hide my sexuality to be unhappy with a mapped out marriage."

He smiled and I smiled back.

"Sounds trashy."

"Yeah same for your side man."

We laughed it off then got our food. We sat there and talked and talked but then one thing came up.

"Would you be willing to cheat?"


I didn't hesitate. I don't ever wanna cheat and especially on Minho.

"Well what am I supposed to do with my cravings for you huh?"

"Find someone else. If I wasn't with Minho it would be another reason."

Another in hesitant answer.

"Ok I get it."

He said and got up and looked at the time.

"I need to go though Chan's gonna worry."


I smile and before he leaves he pays and we wave each other bye...I guess I have to use a cab tonight, great...ugh.

"Y'all close soon right?"

"In an hour."

"Ok, I'mma hang here if that's fine then."

"Yeah sure man."

I sat there looking at the counter i can't believe I kissed Hyunjin. When I get back home I'm banging the fuck out of Minho as my apology.

"Oh I didn't know people ate here this late."

It's a female voice that sounded familiar. I turn around to see the lady from the clothing store.

"Oh hi! Nice to see you again."

I gave her a hug and she sat next to me and ordered.

"Have things been alright at the store?"

"Well someone tried to steal a two dollar scarf that wasn't even meant to be bought it's so ugly, but other then that nah everything's been great. What about you?"

"Well me and that special person got together and today's my birthday so yay me!"

"Really?! Happy birthday! Oh...thank you"

She bowed in respect receiving her food.

"Thank you."

She smiled and let her food set.

"So who are you dating?"

"His name is Minho."

I spoke with a smile because I couldn't help it. The thought of him just made me want to blush.

"Cute whens his birthday?? Next time I'll treat y'all."

"October 25th and that sounds great I'll make sure to tell him really."

She laughs and I just giggle.

"Oh we never caught each other's names last time."

I said and she signaled me to go first so I did.

"Hi, I'm Han Jisung, I'm a rapper, a song writer, and now a dream boyfriend."

I shake her hand and she just smiles.

"Well nice to meet you Jisung. My name is Lilly, I grew up in New York before I moved here and I am the fashion dream girl."

We both giggled and just enjoyed it. She ate her food and as we ate she asked me to write her things about death. I wrote them on a small price of paper I found and she seemed to really liked them.

1. "창조되고 파괴 된, 불 태우고 회복하다. 다시 삶을 찾다 나는 진실로 죽지 않았다. 나는 아직도 살아있다."

2. "나를 살고 호흡하라.수영과 떠있는, 시체가 춥다. 그러나 피는 여전히 따뜻하다. 내가 다시 한번 달릴 때. 내가 찾을 수없고 보지 못한다는 것을 깨닫는다. 무너지고 강물이 부서지면서 당신의 모든 결함을 보아라."

She took both and folded them in her purse and she said she wanted to show me something pretty out back. So we stepped outside and we went to the back of the store and looked at the stars before I turned to her as she pulled a trigger. I bled and I could barely breath.

"What you get for rubbing your relationship in my face you bastard. "

She whispered to me before a Mijin cook came out and she shot the only two working that slipped outside and she dragged them away to were I couldn't see. I heard a car door though. When I see her in my sights again I whisper with my last breath as she places something besides me.

"I forgive you."

I took my last breath and it all went black.

Good bye world. Though I did nothing wrong she has her reasons, but I hope they show her no mercy when she gets caught.