Chapter V


Loneliness is a feeling which takes over every inch of my brain and my every thought. I can't help but feel as if I must have done something wrong along the way, to have caused the result of my lifestyle.

I often think to myself okay Frank, you packed your belongings, you bid your goodbyes and left the wind to take you wherever it blows. Yet, do you know where you are heading? Do you have a plan? No! I don't. Frankly, I am as puzzled as an unsolved puzzle.

I don't have a blue map which tells me how to build my house, all I truly have is an ambition which I want to fulfill! I want to meet my father's gaze behind the glass window and say "Hello father". I want to talk to him in real life and have a dialogue. Not a dialogue that takes place in my head at night, when I am crying myself to sleep due to my stomach pains, from my overwhelming and stressful day.

I decided that since it is quite late, perhaps I can run off to Bella's. Perhaps I get to experience her beauty twice today when she opens her bedroom window. Hopefully, she can help me through this horrid and lonesome feeling which is eating up my brain capacity. What if she lets her hair down to meet me and we share a kiss? Oh a kiss with Bella would be a dream come true! I have always wondered how it would taste to softly embrace her strawberry-gloss tinted lips, under the moonlight.

I looked at my watch, it's 02.19 pm. She is probably sound asleep by now, however, it wouldn't hurt to run off on a midnight adventure once again? But Mrs. Robinson will kill me? She is fast asleep, Frank, don't worry! She could wake up ... Maybe she is awake to watch you run off to Bella, maybe it is a trap? You only live once, at least you get to kiss Bella before dying! That's not much help though...


I slipped on my muddy tennis-shoes and softly walked down the fire-escape, in hope of not being loud and causing any suspicion.

I ran as fast as I could with the small flashlight I use whenever I read and geared toward the Monroe's. The air was brisk and quite cold I could see my heavy and hot breathing in the night ait. It was a full moon tonight, thank Luna for guiding me toward the Monroe's because when I arrived, I saw Bella's room lighting up! She is awake!

I stood under her window and threw some rocks at it, hoping she would hear it and that Mr. Monroe wouldn't kill me! He still does not know I work at his farm. I wonder how me and Bella have managed to hide this bulging secret from him?!


I threw some pebbles at her window hoping to catch her attention from whatever she was doing, and I succeded!

She opened her square window all the way and pocked her head trough while the curtains were blowing out the window. She had her beautiful hair in some fishtail braids while wearing a yellow nightgown. She furrowed her eyebrows when I pointed my little night-light at her yet she never wiped that grin off her beautiful and plump lips.

"What are you doing here? You are lucky my dad isn't here tonight!" She whispered loudly

"I couldn't help myself, darling. I had to see your gracious face under the moonlight"

"Stop talking to me as if I am one of your poems Frank, now get inside would ya?!"

"My darling you are my muse! Of course, I will speak to you as if you are my poem"

"Hold on Frank, let me put my robe on and I can come down to you. The house is messy anyway."

I couldn't help a grin to form on my lips when she said so, this is my chance. Maybe I can steal a kiss? I won't, she is probably coming down to kick me in the nuts and send me home if I know Bella well enough.

As I see their small and creaky front door open, a smiling Bella walks out with two cups. She sat down on the staircase which leads up to their front door with two cups of our favorite warm liquid, cinnamon tea with milk! I could have recognized the smell of it anywhere at any time!


"What brings you to my doorstep, Franklin?"

"I missed you Bells"

"You saw me this morning, Frank. What are you talking about?"

"I wanted to see my beautiful best friend-that pained me to say-, but its the truth- cant I miss her now?"

"Can't sleep huh?"

I nodded in response, she knows me too well.

"What's on your mind Franky", I love it when she calls me Franky.

"Come here", she let her cup down and hugged me from my side letting my head rest on her left shoulder letting my nostrils inhale her flowery scent.

"You're scared of leaving all this behind, huh Franky?"

"You have no idea Bells, I feel like throwing up every second! The idea from the idea of leaving terrifies me. I want to leave, yet It perplexes me awfully Bella.

"You don't have to explain yourself, Franky. I get it, I don't have a well-thought-out future either ... My father is dying and all I have is this farm. I have no degree and no husband to have by my side if I was to need anything "in this cold and daunting city", as you say-she winked at me-, but everything has a solution, Franky."

"I hope you're right, I hugged her tighter."