A friend in need

As Freddy and I walked out of the forrest we started talking about what would happen in the coming weeks, "If Bert got his letter already what does that mean for you Frederick?" Freddy looked over at me with an annoyed look in his eyes and hit me on the head with a less than serious punch, "One more time and I'm gonna enscribe my name into your forehead got it?! And I don't know. I turn 18 in just over a month so that means if I want to have any chance with Evelynn I'll have to do it soon." Evelynn Crowden has been our clossest friend since we were kids, she's the daughter of a lesser noble in town and Freddy has had a gigantic crush on her for years. She's known about it too for quite a long time, but frankly she doesn't see him as anything other than a good friend, he still believes she's just playing hard to get and is secretly in love with him even when she's rebuked his propossals about 20 times right now. I wish I could be that dense sometimes.

"20 times and you still think she is in love with you, but just to shy to actually tell you?" I asked mockingly.

"Ofcourse she's in love with me and I've only been rejected by her 19 times man. It just wouldn't look good for her family and status if she would publically anounce that she loves me, hahah~" Even though he said this, you could clearly see that he was crying like a little girl remembering every single time she had refused his advances, *How is he so dense???* I thought to myself while looking at him in utter disbelief. It took us a little over half an hour to reach the townsquare where we could see a commotion in the crowd. I looked over at freddy and asked him, "What do you think is happening for such a crowd to gather?" Freddy schrugged his schoulders while waving his hands in a confused manner, "I don't know. Maybe there was a fight or something? Or maybe someone got a marriage proposal and made a HUGE hissy fit at being denied?" When he said this I couldn't help but feel as if a boulder just landed on my head, hearing what he just said. "The only person I know of throwing a hissy fit at being rebuked is you, you morron." Hearing this Freddy turned statuesque while instantly becoming pale, "That isn't funny asshole!" He yelled at me. It was around this time that we got closer to the commotion and seeing who it was that was lying there on the ground, with blood pooling from his mouth with a giant fist mark still on his face, that we both screamed out, "Bert?!!!" We couldn't believe what we saw, Bert was lying there his old man standing overtop him screaming and lunging at his face, "You coward!!! How dare you try and run away from your responsibility!! Have you no shame?!" His old man punched him square in the face again, it was at this moment that we heared a voice calling out to us, "Freddy, Arthurion!!! Help him!!! Bert's dad has completely lost it, at this rate he'll end up killing him!!!" The voice came from a young girl around seventeen years of age with gold colored hair, brown eyes and wearing a red dress with frills at the hem, it was Evelynn. She was trying to get Bartholomew to stop hitting Bert, but with no succes as soon as she tried to get closer to him and ask him to calm down he would push her away and hit Bert in his face again.

At this point Bert's face began showing signs of swelling around his left cheek, Right eye socket and his nose looked like someone had used a hammer to smash his face in. As soon as we both heard Evelynn cry out for our help we leaped into action, I jumped in front of Bert's dad, while Freddy lunged onto his back trying to get him to move away from Bert all the while screaming, "What the FUCK old man!!! What has gotten into you?!! If you don't stop now you'll end up killing him!!" While we we're saying this Freddy got his left leg under Bartholomew's right, shifting his weight back and spinning his body in the middle of the motion, he was able to push him to the ground, all the while Bartholomew was screaming, "Let go of me you little shit!! I haven't knocked enough sense into him yet, but trust me once I'm done with him there will be no way he could skip out on getting send to the army- aaaarggg!!!" Freddy had heard enough and slammed Bartholomew's face into the ground all while shifting his weight around to make it impossible for him to squirm his way out of the strangle hold. Freddy was pissed off, There were two things he could never allow to happen, one was seeing a cute girl getting bullied and the other was seeing one of his dear friends being beaten mercilesly, "SHUT THE FUCK UP OLD MAN!!!!" He yelled only inches away from his left ear, "I don't care if he tried to fuck the maid, piss on a customer or tried to outrun his responsibility!!! No one beats my friends like that!!! NO ONE!!!" If I didn't act soon he would stomp Bartholomew's head in so I did the only thing I could think of in that moment, "Frederick Sedivahl Von Haddem!!! I swear to everything holy if you do not release him this instance, I'll squash your balls into such a fine paste that Evelynn will never be able to see you as a man again!!!!" I knew saying something like this was very stupid, but if there was one thing that would snap Freddy out of his rage, it was making sure the person he admired the most would never be able to see him as a normal person again.

It seemed to do the trick as once I finished saying this he stopped, turned around, looked into the direction of Evelynn and seemingly asked if what I was saying was true. Clued in on what I tried to accomplish Evelynn added, "Please stop Freddy, or- or I'll make Arthiii- my boyfriend!!!" This seemed to snap him out of it as Freddy immediately released Bartholomew with a loud 'Thonck' and stared at me with a grievous and pale expression on his face, the only words that he could say in that moment was, "Dude, that's so not fair..." While tears started rolling down his face.

After taking care of that dissaster I immediately turned to Bert who was still lying on the ground face beaten in and unconscious, Evelynn jolted next to and grabbed my hand looking directly at me and pleading, "Will he be alright?" Tears forming in her eyes, I started thinking as hard as I could to find a sollution but everything pointed to Bert either being permanently scarred that is if he even woke up in the first place. Right now I needed to find something to help him, anything that's when a girl with ashen hair and green eyes, wearing a short brown skirt with a beige sweater over the top called out to me, "Brother?? What happened are you okay?!" It was Misha, that was it! "Misha get the doctor or a healer right now if you don't Bert's gonna be in a lot of trouble!!" Seeing the state he was in Misha voulted away to the nearest doctor. It didn't take long as apparently the ol' doc heard the commotion from his office, he immediately pulled out a bottle that was filled with a fluid that was as blue as the sky on a hot, cloudless, sunny day, and poured it over his face. The swelling subsided but Bert was still out cold and barely breathing seeing this the doc said, "Quickly let's get him to the nearest emergency room, there might be swelling in the brain."

We picked up Bert's limp body carefully, at the same time the one person I didn't want to meet right now appeared, "Get out of the way everyone this is army business, get out of the way." It was a 179cm ashen haired, blue eyed, militiary uniformed problem, it was Cedric...