The Olden Times

I wish something would happen... that would change my life, my verily slow-motioned and boring and annoying life. Doesn't everybody think that too?

I guess, they do.

You are probably wondering how do I know... how do I know about the secrets other people oh-so-dearly store in the safe of their minds. I'll say, it's not as hard as you may assume. Their eyes give them away.

How cliché... you are probably thinking. Probably. I do not completely know how do you people think. But, I've read some of the poetries written by poets of your age. I remember, they said, the eyes of their dearests shined and brimmed with emotions. And other people's eyes too... not necessarily with love but with other emotions. Like anger and hatred and joy and happiness...

But my people's eyes do not shine with emotions. They are void. They assemble the pit of the deepest abyss. Dark. And empty.

Pete disagrees.

"People can't 'elp showin' their emotions," He said once.

I shook my head, disagreeing back, "Not true. Look in the eyes of the people. Do you see anything?"

He looked, as I told him to. He inspected the passing-by people's eyes a bit too long. No one looked back at him. They couldn't feel the pressure of the gaze of his caramel colored eyes.

A few moments later, he said, "They do," then softly added, "It's sadness, I reckon," still looking at the eyes of whoever passed by.

Then he looked at me and said, "See, I told ya... they ain't void."

Silently we agreed not to discuss anything more about this God-awful topic and wandered off discussing other topics; which, I don't recall today.