
Chapter Thirty Eight: The Karaoke bar.

Kimia's POV 🖤.

Pain in My ers: Sure let's do it.

'So what's the plan?' I texted.

Pain in My ers: I'm still thinking. We need to come up with an excuse so we can leave.

' Like?'

Pain in My ers: Anything that won't raise suspicions.

' Again!, Like?'

Pain in My ers: Maybe you'll pass out or something.

' Me?!, Why can't it be you?'

Pain in My ers: Because you're the one that almost drowned yesterday.

Yeah!, Because of your crazy ex girlfriend!

Pain in My ers: So it will be easier for them to believe.

I mentally rolled my eyes and gave in.

' Fine but you have to think of a good explanation. Don't blame it on period cramps because that's what most men do.'

He chuckled and stared at me but I decided the table was more interesting to look at than him.

Pain in My ers: I'm sorry.

I read the text and sighed.

I wasn't mad at him, I was mad at myself.

I trusted him so much and I've only known him for just 3 months.

He stood up and went to the lady that was singing and took the mic from her.

" Uhm can I have everyone's attention please?"

What is he doing?!

" Thank you. This is a public apology to my Fiancee, Amelia. You see I said some pretty stupid things to her, and it hurt her a lot. It's something we men do." He said and the whole bar chuckled.

" But I just want to say I'm sorry Lia. I didn't mean it. Can you please forgive me?"

He looked at me hopefully and the entire bar turned to stare at me.

Talk about pressure.

I smiled and nodded and he grinned. The crowd cheered as Damien made his way to hug me. I kissed him softly and he smiled.

" So who's singing first?" I asked snuggling into Damien who in turn wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

" I'll go!" Fransisco said. He went up the stage and took the acoustic guitar from the guitarist. The bar had a live band playing the instrumentals.

" Hello everyone my name is Fransisco and I'll be singing Say you won't let go by James Arthur. The song is dedicated to that beautiful couple over there."

The audience turned to look at Damien and I and I buried my face in his chest.

" I hope you like it."

Fransisco strummed the intro of the song then began singing.

" ' I met you in the dark, you lit me up.

You made me feel as though I was enough.'"

I was shocked by how good his voice sounded. He was absolutely amazing.

" ' Then you smiled over your shoulder

For a minute I was stone cold sober,

I pulled you closer to my chest.

Then you asked me to stay over

I said I already told ya, I think that you should get some rest.' "

He sang and we swayed along in our seats. The song ended and we all clapped. He took a bow and was about leaving the stage when the audience yelled for more. He turned to the band and said a few things. He dropped the guitar and held the mic stand.

" ' I found the one, for me

Darling just dive right in and follow my lead' "

" May I have this dance?"

I looked at Damien skeptically and shook my head.

" I don't think this is the kind of place where people dance. Besides, people will talk."

" Since when do you care what people say?"

I smiled and took his hand.

' We were still kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

Darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

And in your eyes, you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, we're listenin' to our favorite song

When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight.'

" I'm sorry about what I said. I should have never-"

" It's okay Damien. You were right."

" Kimia-"

" I wasn't mad at you. I was mad at myself."

" Why?"

" Ever since the incident, I never trusted easily but here I am trusting a guy that I just met a couple months ago. I trust Damien, I really do. I trust you with every fibre of my being and that scares me."

" Kimia I trust you too. And if you think something's off about Sasha then I'll stay away from her."

" You don't have to do that. I might be wrong about her. Maybe it's just my green-eyed monster speaking."

He chuckled and I smiled.

" You look beautiful." He whispered against my lips.

" You always say that. You're biased."

" Maybe. But you always look beautiful to me. You always look perfect."

" That was super cheesy." I giggled and he grinned and kissed me.

It's official.

I am falling in love with Damien Myers.

And honestly, I don't mind.


Pain in My ers: You ready?

' Yeah.'

I let out a loud sneeze and coughed a couple times. Damien pat my back with a concerned look on his face.

" Are you okay babe?"

" Yeah yeah I'm fine. Is it me or is it kind of cold in here?"

I started shivering and I caused goosebumps to rise on my skin.

" Amelia are you sure you're okay?" Fransisco smiled. I was about to reply when I let out a loud sneeze.

" Just peachy!" I said as my teeth chattered.

" Babe you're don't look to well." Damien said and I glared.

" What I mean is that you're skin looks a little blue."

He touched my forehead and winced.

" Lia you're burning up!"

" You're exaggerating. I feel fine-"

I started taking shallow breaths and Fransisco gasped.

" She might have a fever. She was in the water for so long yesterday."

" You're right. We should go." Damien said.

" What?!, No! If Amelia thinks she's fine then she's fine." Sasha said and I smirked.

" You know what, I'm think I'm coming down with something. We should go home." I said smiling sweetly at Damien.

" We're so sorry for ruining your night." Damien said.

" It's okay. Get well soon Lia." Fransisco said

" I will." I replied.

We left the bar and got into the car.

Damien drove till we were far away from the bar and then he stopped.

" Where too?"

" Downtown Havana."



Late update 😅.

Hope y'all enjoyed it.

Stay safe 😷.
