Virginia mental health institution

James 1:20 For man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires

Matthew was in Veronica's bathroom while Johnny was in the 'parent's' bathroom, he took off his shoes and socks. They were wet and stained with the yellow paint and cow manure he then turned on the hot water and turned on the cold water on a little bit the tub started to fill up he started to take off his suit, he took off his coat after that he took off his turtle neck sweater, the upper half of his body was covered in the paint he then took off his pants along with his underwear, he looked at the mirror every part of his body was cover in yellow paint even his feet. the tub was getting full so he turned it off and step into the lukewarm water and sat down, he uses the bar of soap and started to wash his body and face as he sobbed softly to himself he uses the same bar to wash his hair after that he got out of the tub and grab a towel to dry his hair, face, and body, he looked around realizes that he didn't have any extra clothes.

"Veronica!" He called from the bathroom "Johnny and I didn't bring any extra clothes can we borrow some clothes."

Veronica went into one of his brother's room and grabbed some clothes and gave one set of clothes to Matthew in her bathroom and gave the other set to Johnny in her parent's bathroom, Matthew puts on the clothes that she gave to him, The shirt was a short sleeve it is white with red on the collar and at the sleeve, the shirt itself said I'm a pepper it was a Dr. Pepper shirt. the bell-bottoms were black. Johnny got out of the parent's bathtub and puts on the clothes that he received from Veronica, The shirt was a brown-orange flower power shirt, the bell-bottoms were light blue. Matthew came out of Veronica's bathroom and turned off the light and went downstairs Johnny came out of the parent's bathroom and turned off the light and follow his little twin brother to the living room and sat down on the couch, Veronica walked up to them and wrapped her hands around the twins' hands and looked at them with a very upset look.

"I am so sorry about what happened to you two, It's my fault I should've left you two thereby yourselves..." She blamed herself

"No, It's not your fault Ronnie don't blame yourself, you didn't do anything wrong," Johnny rubbed her left hand

Matthew nodded his head in agreement as they heard some noise coming from the kitchen, they got up and walked to the other room and saw their British friend drinking a lot of water, he drank so much fast in one gulp that he starts to cough and gasp for air,

"Reggie, if you keep drinking so much water, you'll pee like a racehorse." Johnny worried

"I don't care!" Reggie gasp "I'm going to continue drinking water until my bloody visions stop"

The twins looked at each other as Veronica made Reggie put down the cup and look at him with a confused look on her face and the twins were just as confuse as her.

"Visions?" The twins said at the same time

"What visions?" Veronica asked

Reggie took a deep breath and rubbed the back of his neck,

"Earlier ago, I had a vision that something bad is going to happen to our school," He began "I just closed my eyes for only a few seconds and then our school was on fire, sirens were in the background smoke was in the air, It was midnight, I couldn't bear to look at it so I shut my eyes tight and then opened them back up, and it was back to normal. no sirens, no fire, no nothing, and now twenty minutes, I had another vision that Betty was on the other side of the road with a creepy smile holding an ax."

they all got a chill that crawled up their spines as they thought of Betty hanging by a thread of her sanity, they heard a knock on the front door, they all turn to at the same time

"I wonder who can that be at this hour?" Veronica questioned

Veronica walked over to the door and unlocked it and opened it,

"I'm sorry but it awfully late and I think you should-"

She froze up and her face went white as the color just fade away as she was that stood about 5'10, male, having fair skin, red hair, brown eyes, wearing glasses and cross necklace, he was wearing Bri-Nylon pajamas holding an eight-inch chef knife, looking psychopathic and dead looking,

"A little owl told me you have something that belongs to me. And I want them back...NOW."

Veronica looked back and look at the twins and Reggie she then looked at the man and closed the door and locked it, she then walked to the living room scared, shock, and shaking Johnny and Matthew and Reggie walked in and saw their friend sitting on the couch looking like she saw a ghost.

"Are you okay?" Reggie questioned

She didn't say anything as she pointed to the door, Reggie walked to the door and looked through the peephole and saw the redheaded man looking like a he looks dead

"He doesn't look that bad...maybe he needs-"

The knife went through the door and almost stab Reggie in the eye but it left him a cut on his cheek, they all screamed as the knife went back out and back in again


The twins recognize that voice anywhere, it was their uncle


Uncle Jeremiah took the knife and stab it through the door again he repeatedly stabbed the door so many times that he made the wood on the door lose, Johnny and Matthew ran upstairs, Reggie went into a closet, Veronica ran to the phone and call southwestern Virginia mental health institution

"Southwestern Virginia Mental Health Institution, how can we help" The other line spoken

"My friends' uncle, he's at my front door holding a knife and he's stabbing my door..." Veronica said in fear "I think he's going to-"

Jeremiah kicked through the door and peaked his face through the hole with a sinister smile and psychopathic eyes

"HERE'S UNCLE JERRY!!!" He yelled

Reggie took a croquet mallet as uncle Jeremiah opened the door from inside due to the hole he made, he raises his knife getting ready to stab Reggie, the British boy use the mallet to whack the knife out of Jerry's hand, spraining his wrist, Jeremiah than use his other hand to grabbed Reggie's neck he squeezes it tight until he passed out. the uncle saw Veronica hang up the phone and ran to the kitchen to find something to defend herself, but Jerry soon grabbed her and pinned her down to the floor and put his face close to hers

"Where are they..." Jerry talked through his teeth

"Who..." she tried not to cry

"The twins! Where are they?"

Reggie use the croquet mallet to grab Jeremiah by his neck, Veronica got up and ran upstairs to find Johnny and Matthew hiding in her brother's room, they both hiding in a closet, she opened it

"Veronica!" they both said at the same time

She hugged them as they shake in terror that their uncle has gone over the edge of his sanity

"Has this ever happened before?" Veronica question

"No. Uncle Jerry is usually-" Johnny tries to speak

"he's usually quiet too," Matthew added

they heard footsteps from up the stairs, Veronica quickly shut the door but before she can lock it Jeremiah kicked down the door as the girl fell backward and hit her head against a picture frame knocking her out, Johnny and Matthew screamed in horror as they saw their crush out cold on the carpet floor Matthew felt something warm and wet forming inside the pants he looked down and saw yellow liquid spreading around him, uncle Jeremiah slowly walked towards his nephews and looked at them

"John...Matthew..." He began "Your mother...was just like the Virgin Mary to me and your father, he only knew her for a year before they got married in 1959. It didn't take long when she showed her true self to Peter,"

"Uncle Jerry we don't think we should hear this-" Matthew covered his ears

"She takes off her clothes and Peter toke of his, and the way she touches him...He loved it...he loved it, loved it, loved IT! the way she puts her hands all over him. and nine months later, she gave birth to you I already knew that Peter got her pregnant right away, he got her pregnant like the Virgin Mary was pregnant with Jesus, he got her pregnant like how Eve was pregnant with Cain, Abel, and Seth Azura. It's always the girls...THE GIRLS, THE GIRLS, THE GIRLS..." Jeremiah interrupted

Johnny hold his brother tight as Jeremiah got down and looked at them with a crazy look and sinister smile, he has defiantly lost his mind

"After The Curse Of Blood...comes the girls they're like the sneaky fox who lie, cheat, and steal and have sex! And they always get what they want! AND THEY SNIFF ALL OVER US TO FIND THAT SPOT!"

Veronica got up slowly and saw Jeremiah in front of the twins, she saw a baseball trophy and use it to hit the psychopath uncle on the head, he fell as Johnny and Matthew ran off and goes downstairs Reggie make sure that the uncle is held back as the twins ran outside, Jeremiah came downstairs and he gets tackled down by Reggie, the twins kept running as fast as they could until they ran out of breath, they ran to the local park and sat at a bench, they heard sirens they looked up and they saw a big white van on the side it said Virginia Mental Health Institution.

"STOP!" Johnny started to run to the van

Matthew followed him as the van stopped, men in white coats got out and saw them and they ran to them

"Are you the two boys who have an uncle who has a knife that is stabbing your friends' door?" One man said

"Y...Y...Yes..." Matthew nodded as he sobbed and looked down at the pants that he's wearing and then he looked up to the man "And I peed myself"

The white coat men toke pity on the twins, one man let them into the van. They drove down the street and Johnny and Matthew saw their father fighting back their uncle the van stopped as the man got out and bring a wheelchair with straps, the twins got out too, the men grabbed Jeremiah and tied him to the chair, Peter saw his son in front of the van.

"JOHNNY MATTHEW!" He screamed

"DADDY!" the twins cry out

they ran to each other and hugged, the twins cried their heart they were happy to see their father in one piece he only had a bruise on her forehead but he's fine. Veronica and Reggie were happy to see that Johnny's and Matthew's father is okay, they all turn to Uncle Jeremiah as he was rolled away to the van.


One man in the white coat walked up to Peter and patted him on his shoulder

"Don't worry Mr. Koals, we'll take good care of him" he quoted

Peter than adjusted his glasses and then hugged him

"Thank you..." said Peter in tears "Thank you so much!"

The men then walked to the van and they close the back door and drove away Peter, the twins, Reggie, and Veronica went inside the house, but they didn't know that down the street there was a girl wearing a purple Orlon Acrylic Suits holding an ax.