Chapter VI

"Without ... Without ... Without ...!" Without! Papyrus' voice wakes him out of his sleep. Still lying on the floor, Sans stares at the ceiling with his blue eye as his little brother watches him worriedly. The older one calms down slowly then ends up standing up before wiping the drops of sweat on his head with the back of his hand. He observes the surroundings silently: no Chara ... no knife ... no sign of combat ... nothing. Was it all just a dream? Really? ... Sans's white pupils slowly return as he quickly turns to his little brother before grabbing both shoulders.

"Papyrus! You're okay ?! What happened- ?! The little skeleton gently puts his hand on his big brother's mouth before speaking to him calmly.

-You had a nightmare Without… Everything is fine… I'm fine… And you too… He smiles happily at him and hopes that this will be enough to reassure him. However, the older skeleton doesn't really look convinced.

-You… Are you sure…? Yet ... it looked so real ... And ... And ... Chara ... The youngest comes to hug his brother before taking his head in his little arms to whisper to him.

- Calm down my brother… It was just a bad dream… I'm here now… "Without widening his eyes then finally closing them before taking his younger brother in his arms. He has to admit it: everything that happened was just a dream. He was not woken up by Papyrus in the middle of the night there has never been a killer monster armed with a knife there has never been a fight… No… Nothing at all. Without chuckling falsely and finally saying to himself that it seems logical: if there had really been such a racket, in real life, Gaster would have surely intervened or something like that… Yes… Nothing of everything he had just experienced was not real. Sensing that his brother has finally calmed down, Papyrus decides to let go of him before telling him that he is starting to starve. He therefore asks the oldest to join him in the kitchen when he has fully recovered from his emotions before slipping away at full speed. Sans him smiles happily until his little brother has completely disappeared from his field of vision, his pupils disappear to make room for two empty holes devoid of emotion.

"A ... Just a dream ... eh ...? ... Hm ... Yeah ... At the same time it's true that ... He goes back to bed before getting up slowly, as he could have done in his dream, then he stood up. Teleports and reappears almost immediately outside the cell, staggering a little. Yeah… That's what seemed to me… I still can't decide when I'm going to reappear… I can't even land myself perfectly by teleporting myself sitting down to end up standing… He sighs then teleports himself above the ground . It floats maybe a second or two before it lands on its feet. … Hehe… This is lousy… And I pretend I can protect Papyrus with such weak powers…? "

After putting on his jacket, Sans ended up leaving his cell to join his brother in the kitchen, as he had requested. When he arrives, he finds only Gaster, quietly seated at the table, while quietly drinking a coffee. The little skeleton sighs and is about to turn around, but the scientist's voice calls out to him.

"Are you better Without?" The concerned raises an eyebrow.

-Hey? I don't see why I would go wrong ... The adult takes a sip of his coffee.

-I was surprised to find Papyrus alone when I arrived. So I asked him if you were still asleep and he replied that you were not feeling well because of a nightmare.

-… I… I'm fine… He pauses. And suddenly… Where is Pap 'now?

-He left with Chara in his room. Hearing this name, Sans's pupils disappear and drops of sweat appear on his skull.

-A… With… Chara…? Gaster raises an eyebrow.

-Yes. A problem ? The little skeleton finds its white irises and closes one of its eyes.

-No no, no problem. I'm just afraid he's too… Smatic Chara to be with Papyrus. The scientist sighs and Sans slips away after his pun to head for the room of the red-eyed monster.

In the corridors, the skeleton takes all its time to reach the famous room. With his head down and his hands in his pockets, he wonders how he is going to be able to stay natural with Chara in the room. Moreover, the simple fact of thinking back to those blood-red eyes makes him cold to the bones… He doesn't want to end up hypnotizing like the last time yet… What if this little monster took the opportunity to finish him off? No no… Not possible… It was only a dream… Nothing but a dream… A very bad dream…

When he arrives near the bedroom, Sans quickly recognizes his little brother's laugh. Well come on, it can't be that bad. The skeleton therefore knocks on the door then ends up entering timidly, then entirely.

"He Pap ', sorry about earlier, I didn't think it took so long. He scratches the back of his head while his brother shakes his head negatively.

-It doesn't matter Sans, at least I was able to familiarize myself with Chara! I told him we've been there quite a while and that Gaster is doing a lot of weird experiments and that kind of thing! The older of the two skeletons deflects his gaze to the ground, feeling glowing eyes staring at him.

-Wow… It's… It's great Grandpa '… Glad you made a new friend… Papyrus tilts his head to the side, intrigued by his brother's behavior.

-You are fine Without? Still haven't recovered from your nightmare?

-If so, it's ok bro. I am much better now.

-… What a nightmare ? Chara's voice makes Sans's eyes disappear as Papyrus, already used to hearing it for a while, turns to his friend.

-Oh it's true: my brother had a horrible nightmare last night! He was wriggling all over the place and whispering incomprehensible things and ... He thought for a moment before turning to his brother. What was your nightmare besides Sans? The concerned blinks so that his pupils return.

-It was… nothing. Really nothing. Nothing interesting…

-Based on your brother's description, it doesn't seem like… 'nothing'. As you say. Chara continues to stare at Sans who keeps his gaze away from the monster's. Papyrus shrugs his shoulders.

-It's Spit everything without you see? He will never want to say if something is bothering him or not… And again! You are lucky ! He hasn't said one of his puns yet today! The oldest of the three laughs a little.

-You escaped bro, I pulled one out in Gaster earlier. The little skeleton sighs in relief as Chara tilts his head a little.

-What do you have here the actor? The little monster points to Sans's jacket, and Sans looks up to meet Chara's.

-What are you-… " Those little blood-red eyes… But shit… Why did I have to look up… That's what Sans is currently saying to himself. Too late, he's already in a daze as his breathing begins to speed up. There they are… new… Sans, Papyrus, Chara with a blue sweater with pink stripes… Why is Gaster missing…? Despite the fact that he is no longer totally in control of his body, Sans still manages to control his thoughts. He undergoes the vision that the monster shows him, and now, new characters appear: a kind of ... goat? Yes… that must be it… Then… a woman fish in armor… original… A scientist dinosaur… why not… A narcissistic computer… obviously…Huh? Why are they all disappearing one by one? Without watching all these monsters disintegrate one after the other, as if they were losing their lives… Even… Even Papyrus… Only… only Chara… covered in blood… accompanied by a strange flower…