I stood there. Listening to her. She sobed. Yet she continued to drown the little kid in the tub. I wanted to yell. I wanted to hit her with something. Hard. Really hard. Yes she was a horrible mother to me. But she loved Adrian. With everything she was, she loved my brother.
Wanting to understand her was just that. A deep yearning to want. But I couldn't place it there. My mother. The women I knew bared this secret. I wanted to ask questions. Many of them. There was no time. I needed to get to safety. She walked up to me. Her hands on my shoulders, her tears starting to fade. "I already had your brother. I could barely take care of him. But he was my world." Her confession to never loving me nor wanting me was nothing new. I knew that I had to get out of here. If I didn't... Well I am just gonna leave it here.
Feeling the need to comfort her, I look at the person who stands here. A piece of me wants to help her. "Who is she?" I question, looking at the girl in the tub. It takes her a few seconds. She looks down then at me. Something snaps in her, like a twig in the forest.
Pure evil is in her eyes. "You stupid whore! I loved your father. I loved your brother! But no, you had to come along and ruin everything. Your father wanted you more than anything. He didn't even want me around!!!" She ends up screaming with butcher knife in her right hand. Slowly coming up to me.
She grabs my throat and slams me agains the hot black rock wall. Holding the knife up she keeps screaming. I hit her in the stomach and as she falls down to the floor I make a run for it. "Renee! You are more than what they say you are. Find out what your past hides. In that you shall find your true calling. Your father wanted a daughter so bad. You took my husband away from me. You were adopted. Your real family isn't even from this world. There is a file with you Uncle Jack. Find him and he will tell you, everything it is that you need to know about who you are." I take in what she says. I leave her chilling death chamber, only to keep running.
I am able to hear them. All of them. Their heavy footsteps as they run down each and every corridor, in search of their missing piece to destroy the only person I have ever loved.
I pass each and every part of this place to end up on the edge of a clif. Literally. For as long as the eye can see, there is nothing but hot molten lava. All at once, memories that aren't even mine rush to hit me.
Turning slowly there all of these things are. Standing, wings spread out to the side of them. They truly are stunning. The world now dizzy. I begin to stumble backwards. Nearly falling off the edge, one of the winged creatures catch me; injecting me with something that makes my world go dark and cold.
I wake slowly. Bright illuminating lights blind me at once. Scared, I start to panic. People walk in, still blurry in my vision. They start talking to me. Being unable to comprehend what I am hear I start asking my own questions.
"Who are you?" I whisper barely able to be heard.
"I am Talon, dear Lady." The man says.
I go through all the questions in the book, he answers them. But I have only one more question. One that I am scared to hear.
"Who long was I out?" I stutter...
"Three years." Talon says. And my heart drops... What have they done to me?...