"Is the baby gonna be okay?"

                  Tiffany says following her dad into the hospital, he was carrying Karen in his arms, who was moaning and yelling in pain.

                   "It'll be fine, Tiffany, trust me," Steve says. Once they enter the hospital, Slender bangs his hands on the desk.

"WE'RE TOO LATE!"  He yells.

"Don't you think four murders are better than three?"

He turns around to see Strife leaning against the door frame.

"What are you talking about?"

"They still have two weeks until they move into their new house Angel helped make sure that the police will capture them before then, she said it should be tomorrow afternoon."

Slender growls. "I said I wanted them gone before that second child was born."

Strife rolls her eyes. "Something is better than nothing. Besides, Slenderdick, if you wanted it done faster you should've picked a better team."

"What about the team?" Strife steps out of the way so BEN could come in.

"She said your team was horrible. BEN, you've killed hundreds but I ask you to kill a simple family you can't do it, the five, six, however many you are, couldn't do it."

"We tried sir-"

"I don't-"

They're interrupted but a loud screaming coming from the monitor.

They all look and see Karen pushing out the baby.

"I can't watch." Slender stomps out of the room.

"So, mistake number two is coming out?" BEN jokes.

"Yes, but don't worry, she'll be gone soon."

"This is gonna be a while right?"

Strife nods. "We should go."

She exits out of the room. BEN stays, he sits on the desk and watches the monitor, for over 8 hours.

8 hours later, Tillian finally comes out. BEN watches in awe, the moment he got a look at the baby's face, his cold, nearly dead, heart started to flutter.

Tiffany runs up and down the hallway with her doll in the air. "Supergirl away!"

"Tiffany, calm down." Steve calls "sit down."

She climbs up in the chair next to her father "I can't calm down. I'm a big sister!"

He chuckles. "Yes, you are."

BELLA strolls in. "Whatcha doing?"

BEN doesn't he watches the now clean newborn drink from a bottle.

BELLA taps his shoulder, "who's that?"

"A baby who wasn't supposed to be born.''

"Oh, the Fansworth's child?"

He nods.

She goes to lay her head on his shoulder, but he shoves her off. She gets offended, but before she could do anything, Slender walks back in. "You.'' He points straight at BELLA and with one finger, motions for her to follow him. She gulps and complies.

Slender leads her down in the basement. "BELLA, you've been very secretive lately, haven't you?"

"N-no. I'm sorry I didn't mean to be behind-"

He shoves her into a cell and takes her sword off her back before locking the door.

"W-what!?" She exclaims.

"You've been working with Zalgo. You're just a spy, trying to get BEN and others on your side. I'll have you dead in a week."

He leaves as BELLA yells after him, trying to defend herself.