Thief Vs Beta

The young girl stayed put shivering slightly as fear gripped her heart. She had spent most of her time in these woods hidden from the horrible monsters. She really didn't want to know what it was they wanted, instead she figured as long as she remained within the trees, they'd leave like the other fear inducing creatures that would sometimes pass through.

Sadly, her wish went unanswered as she heard the curses below before the sound of the shuffling branches. Slowly, she moved to peek out again, only to see the one who had called out before trying to climb up the slim branches. Her eyes grew larger as she felt her heart speed up again. The others of the group stood to the side, one of which was looking around with a dazed expression while seeming more interested in the plants, then the partner climbing the tree.

The young girl wasn't sure what to do, so in a panic she just grabbed the odd box and tossed it down, the aim was perfect as it hit the larger male on the head causing him to misplace his foot and fall from the tree, breaking a few branches on the way down.

A loud string of curses came up, only to hear a growl before the other once again began to climb up. Seeming to be moving faster than before.

Frightened of the expression on the males face, she went to grab other things that were tossed to the side, throwing them down at the male. The items were either rocks or nuts. Even a few strange items she'd found when looking around the forest for food. She wasn't really sure what they were.

The male below fell a few more times after being hit repeatedly with the tossed items. His anger grew as he tried again and again to climb up the tree. It wasn't until yet another item fell on his face that he realized she'd run out of 'weapons'

On his face was now a bloody spider! He let out a harsh growl as he shifted to toss the bug off himself before quickly closing the distance between himself and the hole. With a free hand, he reached in and grabbed the frightened small girl before quickly pulling her out and jumping down. He no longer cared what the others thought of him as he moved to keep the girl in a tight hold while leaving her able to hit and bite at his arm.

"You are much too troublesome…. Lets go" he said as he held back his anger. Making sure the girl was held in a way that wouldn't allow her to break free, he began to head back to the palace, taking the shorter path rather than following the way they had come.

The group that had come with him seemed at a loss as they had struggled to keep from laughing at the beta, a few grabbing the interesting plants nearby before following along, keeping silent as to not further annoy Jake who was now obviously restraining his anger. If they provoked that man, it would be them to face his anger.