Chapter 3: Sour Candy

Aurora's P.O.V.

"I know it's crazy!

"Infact this whole thing is crazy...

"I must be crazy..

I caved in, I decided to help my bully. The guy who always spread fake rumors about me, the one who ridiculed and shamed me is now craving and grabbing for my attention...

A part of me knows he's just goading and baiting me just the way he's done to every girl and in my defense I can't say am any different, I mean seeing Nicolai standing there with sweat glistening down his drool-worthy arms. That looks like steel encased in tan smooth leather, is definitely a game changer...

And his shirt was soaked through so much that I could see it clinging to a six … no, make that eight-pack. It just wasn't a fair fight.

He had this slightly panicked look on his perfect face when he mentioned his father. All of my lady parts were yelling at me, drowning out my common sense. So I agreed to be his nurse him.

Am pretty sure he never would have stopped me or waylaid me on the streets if I were the same fatso Aurora....

He didn't have to realize that I had been scared at the thought of him speaking to me but it seems losing weight and becoming beautiful has it perks because he thinks am just a new kid"I thought grimacing at how lame teenage boys think....

But I definitely won't deny the fact that I had a terribly huge crush on him but am sure everyone in school would have laughed at me for daydreaming that a loser like me could ever dream of liking or even dating the star baseball player and football captain of Preston high....

Well I guess some daydreams do manifest in real life because right now right here, there's Nicolai luscious making it clear from the get-go what he wanted, and just one look in his eyes. I can read the hunger and desire in them...

This is definitely not a drill!

Nor a prank!

This is really happening?

"Maybe this could be my chance to play the bad guy.....

"To be the one to break him the way he broke me completely...

We walked through the front door of my house, I sneak a glance to my right at Nic's face. Who looks so neutral and comfortable like he belonged here.

"Sit, Don't touch anything and don't freaking move"I say with authority sternly staring at him with a bored expression....

I motion for him to sit at the kitchen table making my way to the designated medicine cabinet in my kitchen as I grab hydrogen peroxide, some cotton balls, gauze, and bandages.

"Still questioning the sanity on "Why the hell I allowed this bully" inside my safe zone.

"As I head back I look up, my feet suddenly halted and I nearly choked in my own spit...


Sitting backward on a chair, with his big body slumped over is Nicolai Mitchell Sinfully, and deliciously shirtless In my damn kitchen.

I think my mouth is hanging open but I can't seem to shut it.

Why the hell am I behaving like a complete fool, I move mechanically to the table dropping the supplies before saying...

"I'll be right back"I murmur as I then catwalked back to my room with whatever self respect I still had left in me.....

Shutting the door of the room, I Inhaled and exhaled multiple times trying to calm the raging fire and storm in me....

"Remember Aurora, he's your enemy....

"He's just a big bad bully with a damn pretty boy face!

"Besides you've seen others way better than that, the male models you modelled with back in France are way more muscled and hotter...

"This is crazy"I whisper, walking to the long standing mirror in my closet as I stared at the new me....

With wavy and sliky red hair, although red isn't really the color of my hair....

I was a blonde but during my trip to France after my birthday my hair turned pure white, it's a dazzling color but am sure people here wouldn't understand and will just brand me a freak again....

Since it's just their nature to treat people who look different or seem different as outcasts....

No wonder, he doesn't recognize me. My hair color changed, I dyed it Ginger red and my eye color looks alot like violet or purple?

I don't know, it keeps changing it's color....

If he knows you're that fatso Aurora will he desire you?"I ask as I stare at the beautifully Strange teenage in the mirror....

Taking a deep breath, I walk back to the living room to end this shit...

Scooping up my supplies, I make quick work grabbing at the items until a hand stills my arm, slowly taking them from me.

Cursing the gods for putting this deliciously wicked playboy on my path, I painstakingly take my time looking up.

I first make eye contact with the indented muscles trailing down his stomach and defining his hips. Those crevices can only lead to one place.

Next, my stare roams over the expansive muscles of his pecs. Suddenly that restraint that has been restricting me from crossing the line suddenly snapped....

"Damn it!

I then finally looked at him in the eyes, a little taken aback by how intensely his stare keeps holding mine and capturing mine with so much heat and amusement that I felt I might just melt into the floor.

"Are you by any chance ogling me?"He drawls, looking down at me with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Yeah, in your dreams..."I muster snorting.

"Let's get you treated and out of my Goddamn house"I say motioning for him to turn his back to me. Starting on his back, I cover a cotton ball in the solution and swipe at the nicks marring his sides and back of his arms.

"Fuck!" He flinches as the dampness stings him.

"Oh hurts right?"I say teasingly as I swipe harder...

"I'll have you know am no stranger to pain. So don't talk to me about pain."He murmurs...

"Besides you caused all this, if you had just stopped and listened instead of punching me in the guts maybe things would have turned out differently"He says accusingly...

"Fine, we can talk about your  stupidity anytime"I say laughing at how childish he sounds trying to defend himself, he jumps under the sting of the cotton ball as I move to his calves.

He really does have the perfect body. He is chiseled but lean all in one, He has just the right amount of lankiness that I like, but muscles that make it look as if he could throw me over his shoulder and take me to his cave. My insides quiver at the thought of what he could do to me.

"Well, as much as this stings like a bitch, thanks for taking care of me. You're actually pretty good at the whole mending my wounds thing."He says....

At the thought of his so called compliment it then made me replay how and why I learned to clean up wounds.....

"And it's definitely not a pleasant memory....

"It's just as broken as I am...

"Hey, I never got your name"He says, his words pulling me out of my thoughts as he flashes those sexy green orbs up at me from under his brown lashes and I could feel tingles from the balls of my feet to the base of my neck.

"Well I guess you have to earn"I said dryly trying to damn hard not to stare at him in the eyes but failed miserably...

I really must be mesmerized by those eyes of his. Because I can't just seem to pull back for some reason And it surprises me even more that I don't feel the least bit uncomfortable when I should be....

Infact I should be running the opposite direction, not drooling over him....

"I finish bandaging the last cut and walk toward the cabinets to replace the supplies on the shelves. Just then I could feel him before I hear him behind me.

"So you really won't tell me your name?"He murmurs behind my ears, Electricity zips up my spine as he makes contact with my skin, his hand brushing my hair over my shoulder, giving him a better view of my back and neck.

"Back up!

"If you don't want me to shove your hand down your ass"I say loudly steeling myself....

"C'mon baby girl, don't be this Cold"He say breathing against my skin, His lips are so close to the curve in my neck that my flesh physically aches.

"It seems all you possess is a sweet tongue"I say tactfully....

"Two can play this dirty game of his..."I thought wickedly suddenly feeling bold.

"And I intend to win"I thought smirking...

"Like they say "Revenge is a dish best served cold".

"I absolutely love your sarcastic mouth. It's refreshing. But I think I'm going to love shutting you up a lot more. Try handling me now?"I say as I turn right infront of him, for a minute a look of shock crosses his expression at my next move.

"I move my hands slowly around his muscled body pulling him even closer before Diving in for a kiss taking his breath away...

"My breaths comes in short puffs, as anticipation, desire and fear rolls through me.

"The whole time I kept my gaze straight on, pulling back from the kiss as I stared at him. My head wages war with my body to put an end to this, I hear the tiniest shift, and then warm, rough lips plant a soft kiss on the skin under my ear.

I go crazy. My skin feels like it's on fire, like am burning up from the inside out. He holds his lips there for a few seconds and I let out a soft moan. As soon as the sound leaves my lips, he whirls me and pins me to the counter, dipping his head and looking me straight in the eye, before he swoops in to capture my lips again trying to be the dominant one....

But I grab the reigns instead, I let him feast on my mouth as he runs his big hands up and down my body. There are so many sensations, emotions that I have never felt before, coursing through me but I tried to keep a tight leash on my emotions trying to remember who the fuck am messing with...

This is Nicolai.....

He kisses me like a starving animal and I let him as I took what I needed. Lust, hot and raw claws through my core and up to my breasts where I could feel my nipples tighten into hard beads.

Fisting my hand in his soft brown locks, I pull his head to allow myself a better angle. I slide my lips over his and match him breath for breath. As I kissed him pulling him up to the front door....

We both hit the front of the door as I let him taste every inch of my soft mouth, lips, and teeth. I want him to never forget this taste, this moment, I want this very moment to haunt him every time.....

And so shall it be as I branded him with my kiss, enslaving him to his very own desires as I let him explore my mouth to be able to replay this moment over and over in his head with an exact precision.

And then I pulled away, breathing deeply as I then stared down at his very hard and painful cock which seems to be straining out of his pants....

He tries to draw me back, but then I pulled open the door and he landed on his back rolling straight out of the house....


"What was that for?"He screams his handsome face red probably from sexual fustration or anger....

"I told you, you can't handle me?"I say cheerily as I shut my door walking back slowly causally....

"I didn't even get your name"He screams out really loudly.....

"Then I screamed back...

"Earn it, you dumbass!!!

Hy, lovers....

Hope you're enjoying this chapter....